Does anyone know when Trump joined the NRA?

I'd venture a guess that this is a question only because we know that The Donald claims to be an NRA lifetime member.

What about Cruz and Rubio? Don't we care about them? Are they even members of the NRA? What are their position papers on the 2A and the RKBA?


New member
Still haven't been able to find out. The best I've been able to do is guesswork based on this video. At about 4 minutes into the clip, he says his sons are NRA members but doesn't say he is a member himself. Seems like he probably would have mentioned it if he was a member at that time. Maybe his sons influenced him to join. He does mention his pistol permit a bit later in the video.

The video is from a rally on 4/1/14.


New member
I'm not concerned about his NRA membership, given the complete inability of the current president to accomplish any real anti-gun actions while trying as hard as can, even if Trump was a complete Manchurian Candidate really won't mean much.

Only SCOTUS nominations have any impact, and who controls Congress.

Bottom line is, gun control has gone about as far as it's going to go without serious political backlash. I've said this election is about all the marbles, and it is, but I'm more concerned about Congress, SCOTUS, and RINOs.


New member
What about Cruz and Rubio? Don't we care about them? Are they even members of the NRA? What are their position papers on the 2A and the RKBA?

I think Rubio doesn't have much of record in that area. Not a bad one. Just not much of one.

Cruz's record on 2A is probably more solid than anybody holding national office today, going back long before his time as a US senator.
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Active member
FWIW, NRA membership and strong 2nd Amendment convictions matter to me. In fact, this election is a single-issue election for me. I will vote (have voted) for the person whom I believe is the most ardent supporter of the 2nd Amendment.


New member
What about Cruz and Rubio? Don't we care about them?
Its not that we don't care. Its that once "The Donald" brings it up its fair game!

In all honesty I'd like to see both of them introduce it into the fires a' burnin'.
Do you know their stance on the topic? I don't.


Active member
What about Cruz and Rubio? Don't we care about them?

Oh, yes, I care about them. That's precisely why I voted for one but not the other. One has a stronger pro-gun record; the other doesn't have a bad record, but not enough of a record.

Like I said, I am now a single issue voter - gun rights will dictate who I vote for.


New member
Since it.looks like Rubio is dropping out after getting slaughtered in FL, and Kasich is moving into the no.3 spot, now seems like a good time to mention that he (Kasich) supported Clinton's Assault Weapons Ban.


New member
Tom Servo,
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith does have an NYC carry permit., but I feel I need to say that he is an avid hunter and 2A guy. He is in a tree stand here in Oklahoma on his FIL's land every deer season he can make it. Rich? Oh, hell yea, but that doesn't stop him from getting his skinny butt up in the cold pre-dawn and crawl up in that cold stand. May not fit the stereotype, but it's a fact!
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith does have an NYC carry permit., but I feel I need to say that he is an avid hunter and 2A guy.
Yep, but he didn't meet the requirements for an NYC carry permit. He accepted it anyway, despite having cause to know it's a privilege granted only to those with wealth and/or status.

In that position, would I feel some pang of conscience in accepting one?