Does anyone know when Trump joined the NRA?


New member
I don't want this thread to turn into a discussion about the pros and cons of Trump. I'd just like to know how long he has been a member.


Active member
My understanding that it was around the time he decided to run for President. He is not a long-time member, to my knowledge.


New member
He's also a CCW permit holder in NYC, and his sons were raised to enjoy hunting game. Can't say how long he's been a member, but I've not seen any of those posed 'hunting' photos candidates like to flog around during election season, either.

If he was a phony on the issue, he would have been 'outed' by now. All I've seen is some 15-year old discussion about assault rifles, he was favoring some regulation at that time. I'll feel that is relevant when all the other GOP candidates give a speech to the American public stating they are against any regulation of assault rifles. They're not going to do that, and we all know it.
He's also a CCW permit holder in NYC
That puts him in a very small group which includes Bill Cosby, Robert DeNiro, and two members of Aerosmith.

What do these people have in common? Are they RKBA advocates? Avid shooters? No. They're rich and connected, which is the only way to get a permit there.

Whether or not a politician has an NYC carry permit speaks nothing to their support of the 2A. If anything, it makes me ask what kind of deal they had to make to get something that's unattainable to the common citizen.

As far as Trump joining the NRA, I have found no information. He claims to be a life member, but that could have happened recently.

Jim March

New member
What do these people have in common? Are they RKBA advocates? Avid shooters? No. They're rich and connected, which is the only way to get a permit there.

True. BUT, it means he knows gunnies will turn on him en mass if he screws up.

Whoever wrote his current gun-related position paper on his website is clearly very knowledgeable about the RKBA and speaks from a "pure NRA" viewpoint.

There's none of the nuance you'd find from somebody big into the SAF or the radicalism of the GOA or state-level orgs like VCDL. My wife suspects this position paper was written by somebody in Jeff Sessions' office.

I don't think he'll go back on it.
Jim March said:
There's none of the nuance you'd find from somebody big into the SAF or the radicalism of the GOA or state-level orgs like VCDL.
Jim, I'm puzzled. This sounds to me like a negative view of the SAF. I thought they were the good guys, right along with (and sometimes out in front of) the NRA. What do you know that I should know?


New member
Lets remember one thing "NRA Life Membership" is for the rest of your life, starting when the check is cashed. It ain't retroactive, folks.:(


New member
The one thing we do know for certain is that Clinton is virulently anti-gun, and Sanders will toe the party line or be crushed.

Jim March

New member
Jim, I'm puzzled. This sounds to me like a negative view of the SAF. I thought they were the good guys, right along with (and sometimes out in front of) the NRA. What do you know that I should know?

Not what I meant at all!

Trump's position is very simple. If he was SAF-influenced there'd be more good stuff in there, possibly including a nod to equal protection (such as the CCW discrimination such as he gained from in NYC).

What I'm trying to say is, his position reads to me a bit "dumbed down" or "mass audience". There's nothing here to suggest he really, seriously knows his RKBA issues. He's just reading the most basic position of the NRA off.

I have the highest respect for SAF.


New member
Which neatly returns us to the original question.
Was it a personal choice, or a political expediency?
The timing will tell the tale which is why I think it's a good question to ask.


Active member
I really would like to know when DT joined the NRA - I recall hearing that it was recent; but I can't find anything out on the net on this. At least he seems to know the key people involved with the NRA; has mentioned them by name apparently in some interviews. But, if anyone can find out the year he joined - I think that will be interesting.

Also, I wonder if he's contributed to the NRA-ILA?


New member
Is this something the NRA would answer if asked or is it considered private information that will have to come from Trump himself?


Active member
I've never Seen the NRA give out any information about members from its records. That's the way it should be.


New member
Bloomberg's bodyguards carry weapons too.

I too would like to know when he became a member, and any record of support on this issue form the past. I'm always a little more convinced by people who have a history of supporting the 2A before running for office.