Do you take your guns apart? Do you know what you're doing?


New member
It depends.

All my Sigs and H & Ks, and 22 pistols I do field strip and clean almost
I'm not so good with the darn 1911s, although I love the way they shoot.
I hate to take them down!!!!!! I hate it. It is partly due to an old finger
injury that cannot push that stupid front springs and bushings...
It's a love and hate with the 1911. I know, someone will write here that
it is the easiest. I also think that the manuals with the 1911 are so
stupid, they don't give you the real process and tools to do the job.
I brought all my 3 1911s to my smith to put back together. I don't care.
I pay him to do the job. He usually does not charge me for simple
I do not baby my pistols. These are simply tools. If I don't have the time
I just shoot them. If they get scratch, so what!!!! I usually trade them at
a lost almost all the time...


New member
Yes, I do take them down completely for cleaning from time to time and even modify them! I'm not a gunsmith, but am an experienced mechanic with some fabrication skills. I kept hearing that no one in my area did work on CZs because they're too difficult to work on and I didn't feel like sending it off, so I tore into my CZ75 SP01. I did a complete action job (including recutting the sear and hammer hooks), removed FPB and modified the FPBL to act as a spacer, changed out my sights to competition sights, and did all the fine tuning and tweaking on the rest of the pistol. I get amazed looks from people that I let test it out when they find out that a) I'm not a gunsmith and b) I did every bit of work myself. I just took my time, worked in small increments, and tested frequently...all while thinking to myself that if I mess something up, I'll just order a new part and start over. Now, I laugh when someone tells me how difficult CZs are to work on, because it was actually quite simple compared to some things that I work on!


New member
I take apart all of my guns before I take them to the range for the first time. I start by field stripping according to the manual and then if there is anything else that looks like it comes apart without the need for tools, like the FCG on a Ruger revolver, I take that down too. I have never had a problem reassembling a firearm.


Yes, I do on occasion take a handgun down to the bare bones and yes, I know what I am doing. Rifles as well, although, I had to hit the forums to find a gunsmith to straighten me out on a Winchester 100. It had whupped me bad.

XD 45

New member
Yes I do take my gun apart and i do know what im doing if i didn't then i would not have the handgun in the first place.

El Barto

New member
Yes, and for the most part.

I have successfully taken apart all of my guns and have successfully re-assembled them, including my new Ruger 22/45 (had to, a pin backed out, long story).

Some things are pretty easy such as the Mosin 91/30, and I was able to figure out my Ruger P-90, but I usually rely on the owner’s manual, schematics and descriptions on how-to that others were nice enough to post online.

I do not routinely disassemble a gun completely, just when I first get it to give it a once-over.


New member
Yes, and it gets figured out if not:p

I've taken them all apart, except for the Sigs. I have the special cup punch tools and the other required tools for them, but I've not done it to them yet. I'll detail strip them at 5K rounds though.

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