Do you prefer any guns chambered in 9x18?


New member
East German Makarov!

Any other Makarov.

FEG - 918 was a great pocket gun for me for a while (A PPK basically made by FEG in 9x18, also made a 380 version)


New member
This is my Russian Makarov. It is one of my favorite handguns. I got it in the late 1980's for $149 NIB.



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I really want a pimped out CZ 82 or 83 nickel :cool:

Until then russian military makarov non import marked

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New member
Roman, i Have a FEG SMC (like your 918 only in .380) that is as nicely finished as any Walther. I imagine the .380 in that small light pistol is a little easier to shoot than the 9x18, mine is dead on at ten yards, functions reliabily and i got it on GB (new condition) for not too much money. All of the mak caliber pistols are robust and reliable, i'm glad i had the opportunity to colect them"


New member
But the 9x19 is a wimpy 0.25-mm smaller in diameter than the Commies' 9x18.
And a baseball is a lot smaller than a basket ball too. Which would you rather be hit by thrown at full speed? :eek::eek::eek:
(Thinking the big, slow, blob!!!:D)


New member
But the 9x19 is a wimpy 0.25-mm smaller in diameter than the Commies' 9x18.

And a baseball is a lot smaller than a basket ball too. Which would you rather be hit by thrown at full speed?

(Thinking the big, slow, blob!!!)

I think the non-PC subliminal reference to tobacco, a substance I used to be addicted to, triggered me and evoked my wise-butt response. But, since you ask, it depends.

If limited to FMJ and one-shot only, I'd opt to be hit with the 9 Luger over the 9 Makarov. Why? Both rounds are capable of fully ventilating me, but the Commie 9 makes a cylinder that has a cross-sectional area 5.7% larger. If we're talking JHPs and multiple shots, I'd choose to dodge the 9 Makarov, because a comparable sized 9 Luger likely has a greater capacity and the 9 Luger's edge in velocity and mass means more reliable expansion.

With premium JHPs I'd rather get hit with one fast little 9 Luger than one slow honking .45 Auto.

44 AMP

Do you prefer any guns chambered in 9x18?


Are any of them preferable (to you) in terms of features, reliability, carry size or anything else?

My answer is "no".

None of the features, or size do anything I don't already have well covered with other guns. Add in the "oddball" cartridge and there is less than no point to one, for me.

The case length isn't the deal breaker for me, it is the fact that they use an uncommon bullet size, that none of my other gun's components) will work for.

It is my understanding that the communists specifically designed the 9x18 so it would NOT interchange with any common western ammo.

The guns are neat, and do work, so if you have one, or 3, enjoy them. I'm not a Warsaw pact collector, nor do I buy former communist nation's guns just because they are cheap on the market now.

I already waste my time on too many other things, so Mak's and the 9x18mm are only on my list if someone gives me one. :D


New member
9x18 is a fine round chambered by some of the most accurate, rugged and reliable pistols ever made.
Maks, CZ-82's, p-64's, pa-63's...
You can't go wrong owning and carrying any of these com bloc weapons.
There have been dozens of used CZ-83s (in .380 Auto) over the last two weeks on GB. Most are "turn-ins" by Israeli Police and Corrections.
They seem less popular than the scarce CZ-82 because they are not in the original chambering, having less collector value.

It seems a bit ironic, as I've read nothing about any differences in quality, reliability or trigger smoothness. Is this actually the case?

The possibility that some might have been used to stop terrorists would add a Lot of appeal, from my perspective, and might be my next gun, to augment the 82.
That would be a second eastern Euro gun in my group not dependent on lower-cost imported ammo (i.e. 9x18), in case of future ATF tariffs/bans.


New member

The surplus 82s may be more popular than the surplus 83s, because the 82s are C&R-listed. Thus, if you have a C&R license you avoid a $30 transfer fee and, in my state, a 9% sales tax by having it mailed to your home.

Functionally, the 83s should be just as good as the 82s. Other than the chambering, the biggest difference is the 82 has polygonal rifling. Essentially all parts, except the barrels, are interchangeable. The triggers improve with use, so a well used 83 should have a nicely broken in trigger just like the surplus 82s do.
The C&R advantage never sticks in my memory.
Do many experienced shooters actually rank the 82's polygonal bore as the deciding issue?

My interest is mostly collecting and shooting, but only bought several of these over two months because of the long-term goals of many politicians:mad::
banning imported guns/ammo is easier than banning domestic products (and US jobs).

44AMP: If Walther PPKs or at least PPK/S types did not often have issues (my '80 "Made in W. G" needed a weaker Wolff Spring etc), and were priced much less, I would have gone after several of those instead.
And other than the P-64, these W. Pact. guns sampled are all pleasant to shoot.
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