Do you get involved...

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New member
I could not view the video, . . . so I assume it is the one where the bg was trying to carjack the 91 year old's vehicle.

Far as I'm concerned, . . . anyone who did not intervene is almost as guilty as the bg who beat the old man.

I really thought it was large of the old man to offer constructive advice to the bg, . . . thinking that my advice, were I the old man, . . . well, . . . it wouldn't have been quite as constructive:D

May God bless,

PTR 91

New member
This is what society has become, people just standing around and watching a 91 year old man being beat up. If I saw that I would beat the attacker into a coma with my bare hands. If this where to happen my town, the attacker would have been shot to death or mobbed by the towns people.


New member
I would get involved to the extent of calling 911 (before anything else) and then yelling at the BG to stop. The reality is that (in AZ) if I believe that the guy is going to be beaten to death, I can use deadly force. However, in that setting getting involved could be a real detriment to your well being. You don't know how many of the bystanders are accomplices or sympathetic to the BG (and worse armed!). If you get involved, what are the odds in terms of the number of opponents? If you get involved but don't produce your weapon, you risk getting your a$$ beat and having it taken from you (possibly used against you and the old man). I dont' have a problem risking my life to help my fellow man (I have a commendation to prove it), but I am not a fool willing to lay down my life in a futile display of bravado. If I am to intervene, I want it to be in the most effective manner possible. Taking photos with your phone, writing down the bg's description, paying attention to who in the crowd knows him, all of those are helpful ways to get involved.

How the BG and crowd reacted to my yelling that I called the police would determine my next actions. But, I can't see a good outcome to this whether I am armed or not.


New member
I'm not sure how you performed an armbar on a guy that was standing up while you were doing the same.

Call it dubious if you want.

I think its about the easiest way to do it. I'm behind, and to his knife hand side, he's looking away, with his knife arm out to the side. He's basically not moving. I grabed his wrist with my right hand, put my left hand on the back of his elbow. It's basically the same as one of the more common come-alongs at this point right? Then I pulled with my right hand, pushed with my left, stepped forward and brought him down.


Do you get involved


You do of course want to look before you leap, but once you've looked, don't just stand there watching.

Just a thought that crossed my mind, I remember seeing a news report a few years ago on either ABC's Prime Time or 20/20 (it may have even been NBC's Dateline) where the reporter covers various incidents which occured against victims while people just stood by and watched offering no help when help was clearly available. The one I remember most from this report is where a woman was being chased on a bridge on foot where cars were tied up in traffic one night. She was running between cars as a man chased her. Somebody managed to videotape the attack, but nobody came to her rescue. If I remember right, she was killed.

I don't know why this is. 40 years ago, if a man was publicly cursing and carrying on with profanity in a public place like a restaurant real men (plural) (and I don't mean "macho" men) would have told him to shut his dirty mouth or suffer the consequences to say nothing of someone hassling a lady or beating on an old man.

Now we sit by in passivity as though the violation or taking of another human being was just a spontanious form of entertainment or curious event.

Why? I guess it's because we live in such a self-absorbed and spoon-fed media entertained culture. Everything is graphically given to us over TV and movies in explicit detail that we are numb to it when we see it in real life.

And/or we live in such a passive effeminate culture.

My .02 cents worth.

BTW, that old man in the video will probably never fully recover from those blows. It's VERY difficult for old people to heal from wounds and bruises, also they get them A LOT easier than when they were younger (my late grandmother and her late brother who were in their 80s used to get small bruises and bleeding under the skin all the time from just bumping into doorknobs or from some other kind of simple bump or scratch. It would take forever for it to go away if at all)


New member
Coming up on something like that would definately make my blood boil :mad: .I would be more than happy and help out that old guy,After I got done openin a large can of whoopass on that ****,I would probably help the old dude out and let him get a few licks in just for ****s and grins...


New member
"If you get involved but don't produce your weapon, you risk getting your a$$ beat and having it taken from you (possibly used against you and the old man). I don't' have a problem risking my life to help my fellow man (I have a commendation to prove it), but I am not a fool willing to lay down my life in a futile display of bravado." Lurper

I agree that there is a thin line between bravery and stupidity. Call it bravado if it makes you feel better. The truth is that a man that must always carry a firearm in order to have courage is nothing but a coward. Assuming that we all carry a gun 24/7 makes me think that you are a typical white male that grew up in a middle class family, who never got into a fight a day in his life. That BG couldn't even knock out a 91 year old man a yet you are scared to death take a punch in the face from the BG. The others that are with the BG are smaller than the 5 foot 9 inch assailant they would run like the bitches they are. The fight wouldn't have been futile, except maybe for you. Makes me think that you are more of a coward than a man that would beat on such an elderly man. I only wish you were face to face with me now. I would say it to your face! You would do nothing because you are a sissy. That commendation must have been for helping an old lady across an ultra dangerous street. You are a WUSSY LURPER!!! :mad: :barf:

The only reason to carry a gun is to even the odds with the other wusses that carry guns out there.

Some things are worth fighting for. If this get's me kicked from this forum, so be it.

Frankie Seeds.

PTR 91

New member
Slugthrower are you a little guy or a big guy, again it realy doesn't matter in a fight. I agree with you that things can be better handled with fists. Anyone that can just sit there and watch that happen to an old man is wronged in the head.


New member
PTR I am 5 foot 9 185lbs. Meaner than hell to boot. I am kind and gentle for the most part. But when you take advantage of the elderly or young, the devil will come out in me. I Apologize for the rant.


New member
I am 57 & very bad autharitis. I still would have to get involved w/ something like that when I knew what was taking place. I could not close my eyes or look in a mirror.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
I fully understand that emotions can run high in a case like this, but this could have been debated without resorting to attacking each other.

Closed, for that very reason.
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