Do you ever go to buy a certain handgun and buy something else?


New member
Yes I do :D To many guns and not enough money :confused:

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.


New member
I don't know if this counts but I went to local Walmart to buy light bulbs and came home with a Winchester 94... forgot about those bulbs.


Staff Alumnus
I want to buy a Beretta trap gun and walked out with a H&K USP Tactical and Smith & Wesson 60. Go figure..


New member
Here's a new slant: I went online to buy airline tickets, and ended up buying a FEG Hi-Power clone from



New member

Went shopping for a Walther .40S&W P-99 and ended up purchasing a stainless steel .45 Kimber Ultra Carry.

I'm still planning on getting the Walther...

NRA Life Member
Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners(MCRGO)


New member
LOL, walked in this Sunday to buy a nifty little Ruger 9mm carbine, walked out with a mil-spec Mossberg 590, ghost rings, 8 round capacity, sling mounts, and, best of all, a BAYONETTE LUG :D

He he I think if I saw someone nutty enough to actually have a bayonette fixed to his shotgun, I would run like hell no matter how well-armed I was :) :)

Kentucky Rifle

New member
I have no idea why this happened. I went to the gun shop with my mind made up. I was going to buy a new carry pistol and it was going to be a Glock 33. (.357 Sig) When I got to the gun shop, the 33 felt kind of top heavy in my hand. I bought a 27. (40. Cal.) It just felt better in my hand. Both pistols are the same size, but for some strange reason, the 27 felt better. Imagination, I guess. However, I DO like the little 27 very much!


Mendacity is the system we live in.


New member
Well this post deserves a big "duh!" :rolleyes:

Of course you go into a store with the intention of buying something only to purchase something else completely different. For no other reason but this reason only: SO THE NEXT TIME you can go back into the store to buy what you originally intended on buying the first time only to complete the cycle again. See how this works? :D

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"