Do you ever go to buy a certain handgun and buy something else?


New member
I walked in to buy a USP .40 SS and came out with a USP .45 instead. Go figure. :eek: Actually, I layed it away, but it's mine all the same. :p

I did the same thing last time. Went in for a Glock 32 and came out with a G19 instead.

Oh, the USP is a Var. 1 with "Hostile Environment" finish.

Do any of you guys (and gals) ever go in to buy that special pistol or revolver only to come out with something else?


New member
Yes went to buy a Kimber Compact and I saw a Kimber Pro Carry SLE in the case and picked that up instead! :) And that wasnt the first time it has happened glad to see I am not the only one..


New member
I frequently go to the gun shop in search of a rifle (I really do need at least ONE rifle), and every stinking time, come home with another handgun. Hence, I do not own a single rifle. I did it today. I went there thinking I would pick up a Winchester 30/30, got a Ruger Blackhawk instead.

A few weeks ago, I went there to pick up a mil-spec Springfield, came home with a Sig P229.

That's as far back as my memory goes; this story could go on and on ... and on.


New member
About 3 weeks ago, went to the gunshop to buy a Beretta Tomcat - came out with a Bugarian Makarov instead. :D :D


New member
Went out to but a Beretta 92F, ended up buying a 96D. Never regretted the decision, especially after the magazine ban too effect.

"Out here, due process is a bullet"


I actually went to the gun shop once with permit in hand (a requirment in MO) for a Desert Eagle and bought an S&W 745 instead.

Eric of IN

New member
Haven't walked out with a gun instead of the one I went for, but I have walked out with another gun in addition to the one I was shopping for.


New member
2 weeks ago I went in for a Glock 30 and walked out with a G26 with trijicons.......and the G30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My wife was mad :(
Now she shoots the G26 :)

Rusty S

New member
I've repeatedly tried to buy a Walther PP/PPK/PPKs. Would walk into the shop, fondle it, work the action, try the single action pull, and then try it DOUBLE action and get a herniated finger.

I'd then walk out empty handed with money in my pocket cause I wanted a "James Bond" gun, and nothing else. I still don't have one, but maybe one of the french PP's in 7.65 for under 275 used...

PS: come to think of it I rarely walk into a gunshop to buy a gun. I go in to get an accessory or ammo or information. It's like walking by a bunch of puppies in the pet store window and just having to bring THAT one home.

[This message has been edited by Rusty S (edited September 01, 2000).]

Mulio Rex

New member
Went in for A ruger Vaquero in .45LC, came out with a SBH in .44 magnum.
Went in walmart for a box of .44 shells came out with a Mini-14....and a gerber gator.

Big Guns again
No speakee well
But plain.


Yeah, well I walked into the store looking for a case of primers and walked out with a USED S&W Mod. 10. Hell, I headed to Safeway for a loaf of bread and came home with a Marlin 1894S (No, Safeway doesn't sell guns.)


New member
Went into the gun store with $ 700 in my hand to get a P220 and came away with the 92FS limited edition.

Don't regret the decision because I got the SIG later anyway.

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!


New member
I went to my local gunstore to buy a used Ruger 10/22 which I had been interested in for a long time. Instead I came out with a Colt Flattop Match Target.


PS: The 10/22 is still there calling my name.


New member
Went in to buy a Sig 245, picked it up, then picked up the Sig 220 next to it. Went home with the 220.

Then there is the time I went in to buy a Remington 700 and came home with a Sig Sauer 202 instead.

I won't even get into shotguns.

Geoff Ross