Do you carry a small flashlight with you?


New member
Why would you carry a gun in a nice neighborhood?

Just because something isnt likely to happen doesnt mean it wont. The scenarios where a light during the day would be useful are endless.

Caught out in a SHTF situtation, cant get home before dark.......accosted and locked in a dark breaks down in a tunnel.......need to clear a dark building.....blah blah blah



I got one of those hanging off my keys. Comes in handy some times.

Charles S

New member
Why would you carry a flashlight during the day?

To see in the dark. What you never go inside a building during the day? How about trying to look at the bottom of your engine in the garage, ect. I find I use my light in the day often.



New member
I have been carrying a Mini-Mag AA light in a holster on my belt for 17 years, the original was a birthday present, best one I ever got. You'd be suprised how often you use it.


New member
Pretty much can't live without the Surefire A2. Red LED for reading maps at night and enough oomph for lighting up street signs in those streetlight-less 'burbs.


I carry a mini mag with the expensive (27.) conversion for about the last year now and its great. It puts out a nice white light which doesn't dim and go yellow when the batteries get weak.

I use mine constantly during the day. I wear contacts for driving and then to work it's hard to read fine print without removing the contacts so a little added light on the subject allows me to read the info I need (part #'s & such)

It's a single LED bulb and is so far indestructable. Where I used to change (break) bulbs every week to ten days, I haven't replaced this bulb yet, even after having dropped it repeatedly on concrete. It's paid for itself in bulbs alone. The batteries (IIRC) last 8X as long as normal. I'm very satisfied with it.

Geoff Timm

New member
I've been carrying a Browning 2 cell penlight, I usually leave the bore light extension home. Before I lost it, I had a 2 cell Maglight, but it was really too big for the pocket. I started carrying that back in the 1980's, lost it in 2003 at a Sear Dental Center. I was stuck in the cafeteria of the Federal Bldg in Cleveland, OH when the power failed. I turned it into a candle, finished my lunch, put the lens back on and walked through the dark to the only emergency light near the exit.

It worked for many years. The best pocket light I've ever seen was a "Double Solitare" I think it was a custom job putting a longer tube on a Maglight Solitare, two AAAs and an appropriate bulb.

I'm looking for an LED with similar characteristics. Small diameter, clip two batteries.

Who would appreciate recommendations. :)


New member
Buy your wife a Surefire 6P for her purse. After she uses it a couple of times she will understand why you spend dollars for batteries and lights for the house/shotgun.I'm lucky mine doesn't complain (too much). ;)


New member
Most days I carry my SureFire G2 in the super-duper tactical OD Green


Sometimes when I need to save a few ounces I go with Inova X5



New member
I have a Surefire 6P in the nightstand
a Brinkman Maxfire in the car
and when I am out at night a Surefire E2E (but only at night)


Absolutely I do.

Clipped to my neck knife's sheath is a Photon Microlight (white); on my left hip is an Inova T2 LED "tactical" 2 watt flashlight. In my knapsack is at least one more small (keychain sized or slightly bigger) LED light just in case.

I started out carrying a Mag Solitaire years and years ago. As soon as I became aware of LED pocket flashlights, I went crazy and started looking for the "perfect" one. (hint: there are lots of near-perfect ones, so the search can make you crazy)

I thought I had found the right one in the Inova X1, which I carried for some months because I LOVE the bluish-white perfect circle of light that it throws. It's enough light to do many things by, but the additional power of the T2 and T3 are worth the extra size. And the T lights have a better momentary-on switch on the tailcap than the X ones do.

I believe in always having on me the means to start a fire, illuminate my way, cut material, and when possible, shoot an attacker.


N.H. Yankee

New member
Always have my minmag and leatherman, I also keep at least one 3D in my vehicles. One never knows when he may come into a dark mens romm and need his light for, never mind, yeah I carry one lol.