Do you carry a small flashlight with you?


New member
Just wondering how many of you carry a small flaslight with you when you are out and about. I carry a mini mag lite but I am thinking of a Surefire mini flashlight. The light has come in handy on several times like when we were at in the middle of K-mart one night and the lights went out due to a thunderstorm. All of a sudden there were like ten people around me as I walked to the front of the store. They were glad I had a flashlight. The emergency lights were marginal at best. The use of a tactical light in a self defense situation in low light conditions or at night is an essential element to your survival. Thank you for your reply.
Steve :D


New member
I carry a Brinkmann Maxxfire on my person, and a PolyStinger in my pickup when off duty. When at work, I carry both on me, and the big, mean Streamlight attitude adjuster when need be.


Always. Constantly. I am occasionally without a gun, never without a flashlight. Frankly, given how much I actually use one versus the other, I'll be really mad if they pass laws outlawing flashlights.

I typically carry two, a small Photon or similar LED on my keys and a Surefire in my reactionary pocket. I own a gaggle/pod/herd of Surefires - they are one of the few things I actually recommend by brand. My main vehicle has a backup Surefire, and a backup-backup Maglight.

Streamlight and Inova are closely tied for second place in the flashlight race, and I am impressed by the value rendered by the Brinkman Maxfire, available at WalMart for around 20 beans.

One caution, like guns and knives, flashlights can become an obsession and a horrific money pit. Trying to explain to the Evil Empress why I need a $200 flashlight is pure folly.


New member
re flashlight

LOL I now what you mean. My wife doesn't understand why I NEED a surefire flashlight that is what like $60.00 for the (6P) . Just wait: she does'nt know that I will be NEEDING a Cold Steel Extra Large Voyager next month! She also told me that she is tired of finding my spare ammo tucked away in various parts of the house. What can I say it is an OBSESSION.
Steve :D



I don't own any "tactical" - to coin the cathy phraseology - flashlights other than the Dorcy brand. they seem to be similar to the Surefires, are bright, thumb control, and use the C123 lituim batteries.

I own two that I got at Costco (two lights, 4 batteries, nylon belt holsters) for around $30-40.

I'm happy with their brightness, size, etc. but the batteries (for all tact lights) seem to last only about an hour.... which is pitiful given their cost.

Any other experiences with Dorcy?


That's why ya have the Photon or LED, for general, lengthy use, saving the battery-gobbler for when you need to explode retinas. ;)

chris in va

New member
WalMart (sorry) carries these Luxeon LED flashlights for about $20 that are pretty damn bright you may want to look at. Nice thing about them is they use 3 AAA batteries instead of the weird lithium photo ones like on the Brinkmann. Kinda heavy though, not as light.


New member

I usually keep a small 1-AAA LED light (about 3" long, 1/2" aruond) in my pants pocket.
I've also got a Surefire Nitrolon that I keep in the glove box or, when at work, on my belt.

The Nitrolon is the "entry level" Surefire with the plastic housing, not aluminum. (Read as: "the one that doesn't cost $100" :eek: )

Both have a thumb button as well as constant on feature.


New member
I've carried an ASP saphire or mirage light for the past 6 years. Use it on average once a day I bet. Amazing how many people comment when a light is needed and there it is. Light weight, small, floats, nearly indestructable and gauranteed forever.


New member
My cell phone has a LED flashlight on it.
I also have an "Xtreme light" flashlight but I dont carry it.
It has a 1 watt LED and runs on 3 AAAs.
It is small and it is built of aluminum.
Very bright white light with adjustable beam.
It cost me $50.
After I got it I found a flashlight online that has a 3 watt LED.


New member
I carry a mini mag, however, and this is the GOOD NEWS was at Fry's Electronics the other day and they had the following:


It has 3 led bulbs, and is suppose to extend the battery life 4X, and the cost was $6.00....really bright and works great!


New member
Always. For practical AND tactical reasons.

I have been even more diligent about it since reading the 9-11 Commission Report. They noted that many more people may have gotten out of the towers, if only more of them had flashlights to help them negotiate confusing sections of the stairwells.

I carry a Maglite Soliataire (single AAA battery - tiny, but you never even notice it's in your pocket). I've got a belt clip coming for my M3 (holy halogen light, Batman!!) Brighter is better.


New member
I keep a Photon microlight hooked onto my swiss army knife at all times. Last weekend when I headed to a football game, where I couldn't take my knife, the light got moved to my key ring. I have one of the orange Photons (120+ hours per battery) and get almost as much light out of it as I do my mini-mag that's MUCH bigger.