Do you Carry a handgun inside your house

Do you carry a handgun while inside your home

  • Yes, always

    Votes: 27 23.7%
  • Yes, sometimes

    Votes: 52 45.6%
  • No

    Votes: 35 30.7%

  • Total voters


New member
Do you carry a handgun while inside your house?

It makes a lot of sense for me to carry a comfortable concealed handgun while in my home: for answering the door, and (because I have concerns about home invasion) inside carry would allow any homeowner the fastest response to any attack while fighting toward your long gun.


New member
I voted sometimes, which for me means that if it's not on me it's on my end table next to my recliner. If I get up from the recliner it's in the holster.


New member
I could not honestly say always, . . . so the sometimes is the best answer for me. Right now, . . . my 1911 is about 10 feet to my left, stretching a tight holster in a plastic bag. It is normally never "too" far from me when I am home, . . . and often on me if I am home alone.

May God bless,


New member
I voted sometimes:
I am currently taking classes and trying to graduate asap. Like most colleges, weapons are not allowed on campus, so I cannot legally carry here. However, when I am not at college, I do carry at home.


New member
Unless I'm in bed, I generally have a pistol on me at home.
There have been numerous events of "home invasions" in
our part of the country, and I don't intend to be a victim of
one of those.

Besides, I've been carrying so long now that I just feel naked
without one.



New member
Out here in the woods a 911 call will be answered within maybe an hour by the sheriff's department. Sometimes is a good answer.


New member
Always. Used to live in a bad neighborhood. Home invasions, bad people all around. If I'm awake, I'm armed. I also live in a two story house, with the gun locker upstairs in the bedroom. If I need a firearm, I won't have time to run upstairs to get it. So, I keep a gun with me. When I shower, I keep the Glock on a rear shelf. Call me paranoid.
I also have around 260 lbs of dog running loose in the house.


New member

The entire reason I got a handgun in the first place was so I could wear it at home. Wearing it in public came a little later.



New member
Only on a couple of occasions. I looked out the back door once several years ago and saw cops with guns drawn walking around the house behind me. First thing I did was plop one of my handguns into my pocket. It turned out to be a false alarm, but that little .38 in my pocket was comforting.


New member
I don't but there is always one in close proximity to me. Being a solitary man, my normal at home attire is skivvies which don't lend themselves well to concealed carry.



I dont carry a gun in my house..... the body armor, triple rolls of barbed wire, alarms, trip wires, fortified positions, boobytraps and slatherign attack dogs are all I need.

Its so nice being free!



Carry a gun? I rarely wear clothes while at home.

If a gun nearby isn't good enough while inside my home, I'm moving. I'm not going to be a slave to my own preparedness.

Do you wear a hardhat at home? You know, meteorites.


New member
I voted "Yes, Sometimes" to cover those times when I'm asleep or taking a shower. Meaning, most of the time I do have one on my person. Home invasions are a very real threat around here, even though this really isn't a bad neighborhood. I got to thinking: I could just stash a few handguns in a few places around the house, but if I did that I'd be making the assumption that I would actually be near one when it was needed. I came to the conclusion that I had no reason to believe that I would be near one of the guns at that time. But -- if I had one on my person, I would be sure that it would be readily accessable at the appointed time. I wouldn't have to run to another room, or upstairs for the bedside revolver, or whatever. It is right "there".


New member
I also have around 260 lbs of dog running loose in the house
Is that one Leonberger or 50 weiner dogs or something in between? I keep Boxers myself and find they are intimidating to nearly everyone except Mrs. Meek and the cat. :D


I voted "Yes, always" but more honestly it's always unless I have female company or other circumstances that prevent practical carry.

But it's really almost always.

Franky, it's good practice to carry at home because I'm becoming more accustomed to it and it becomes more comfortable and natural.
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New member
Yes - always - as anywhere else I go. Home invasions are fast increasing here, at least, and by the time I could remember where I last put it, the invaders would be all over me (at my age of nearly 80 - my memory isn't what it once was - per my wife - even though I can tell her instantly that when I enlisted as an Aviation Cadet in 1943, my serial number was 17147374 :rolleyes: )

This, in spite of having these some 400+ pounds of watch dogs - watching.


Their idea of attack is "Drown'em in drool".

Besides, I'm personally very attached to my Colt's MKIV/Series 70 Government Model 45 ACP and am reluctant to ever be very far away from it.;)


Works for me.

:D :D