Do people criticize you?/ Should I worry?


New member
I dont think the T-1000 is going to come and i need to have an underground storage somewhere in the desert full of guns.

What? I thought that was required to be on this board...... Well now I am going to have to drive back out there and get my 12 glocks, 10 shotguns, and 8 AR-15's that I buried.


New member
Some people are just weirded out by guns.

Yes, in my circle of friends, it's no big deal. They all know that I'm a recreational shooter, and we can talk about them just fine. With people I don't know all that well, I tend to clam up. A few are curious, most are anti's. It's sort of like religion and going to church in that regard, I guess.
I've bought a revolver before just because a friend picked up a $5 holster at a yard sale and gave it to me.
I bought a S&W 642 because I bought a pair of aftermarket grips for my S&W 637 at the same time I ordered some for my Taurus 731 and they accidently sent me two for the j frame instead of one for the j frame and one for the Taurus. It was just easier to buy a new gun than to try and return the grips. :)

As far as worrying if you are buying too the last 14 months I have purchased 31 handguns and 6 long guns. Oh well, being able to retire is overrated anyway. :eek:

Double J

New member
Just keep them guessing. The alternative to survival is NOT surviving. And when in doubt, load another magazine. :D


New member
I learned long ago that it is not wise to tell too many people what guns you have. If someone asks what I shoot or what kind of guns I have, I'll just give them a generic answer of "oh ive got a shotgun for dove hunting and few .22's"

Scott Conklin

New member
That really does bug me. "Don't tell because someone will think you're a nut/steal your stuff/tell the government/insert fear here".

I don't hide the old cars or M trucks. My books cover two walls of my library. I enjoy and take pride in both and what anyone else thinks, or the off chance someone might try and rob me, isn't going to make me keep them secret or avoid discussions. Basic security precautions, sure. Silence? Can't abide it.

Same with the guns. Those three things are pretty much most of what I do and a big part of who I am and none of them are anything to be ashamed of, nor can I live in fear of what someone might do or might think.

If it bugs them, tough. If they want to steal it, well, that's a chance you take if you have stuff, no matter what you do.


I learned long ago that it is not wise to tell too many people what guns you have. If someone asks what I shoot or what kind of guns I have, I'll just give them a generic answer of "oh ive got a shotgun for dove hunting and few .22's"

Can you share in what specific way did you learn that sharing too much causes you trouble? I don't tell everyone, but I tell good friends and moderately good friends alike, that there are a "few".

Daniel BOON

New member

I have a gun problem too, I call it my wife. with that said, I seldom mention guns in a casual conversation, especially with neighbors. I live in Vegas....if you have enuff money, you can buy anything, including stolen guns; so I just go about my buisness, and talk guns with gun people at the range or gun shows. :cool:


New member
Where I use to live (and am heading back to in another month) you didn't mention guns in any conversation unless you had the rest of the afternoon free, a tank of gas, and enough loaded to make the trip to the range worth the short drive. Great neighborhood--all gun nuts to one degree or another, to the extent we have our annual Christmas day shoot. When the kids are done scattering wrapping confetti all over their respective livingrooms, we all meet at the range and don't show our faces back home till dinner time. Can't wait to get back there.


New member
Just keep them guessing. The alternative to survival is NOT surviving. And when in doubt, load another magazine.

Yep - my sister-in-law never passes up a chance to comment on my Appelgate-Fairburn folder knife being a very offensive weapon which civilized people (much less retired surgeons) should be allowed to have - despite the fact I've assured her it's just a pocket knife.;)

Last week end at a family gathering, I was sholing pics of the dogs and my wife's new Honda Pilot and the SIL saw the pics of my Series 70 Colts. She was explaining to me in great detail how those were offensive weapons when she came up on the pic of the High Grade Winchester 95 30-06 - she was speechless (blessing) and finally did admit it was a work of art.




As far as worrying if you are buying too the last 14 months I have purchased 31 handguns and 6 long guns. Oh well, being able to retire is overrated anyway.

It's not like you took a cruise with that money. If you bought right most if not all can be returned to you, even if you paid full retail most well come back if you so desire. Guns are fun and unlike many hobbies or pleasures we spend our money on we can recoup some back. I know not all we reload or shoot plenty, all the goodies to go with this or that, spend on hunting trips but it is still better than most in the return dept.

What else can you buy used at a OK price use the heck out of and get your money back when you want a different one?


New member
Just keep them guessing. The alternative to survival is NOT surviving. And when in doubt, load another magazine.

Yep - my sister-in-law never passes up a chance to comment on my Appelgate-Fairbairn folder knife being a very offensive weapon which civilized people (much less retired surgeons) should be allowed to have - despite the fact I've assured her it's just a pocket knife.;)

Last week end at a family gathering, I was showing pics of the dogs and my wife's new Honda Pilot and the she saw the pics of my Series 70 Colts. She was explaining to me in great detail how those were offensive weapons to our civilzation (she's a PHD in education - I'm an MD) when she came up on the pic of the High Grade Winchester 95 30-06 - she was speechless (blessing) and finally did admit it was a work of art.





I doubt I made a convert but, obviously, she did take a hard look at her anti-gun attitude - probably short term.:rolleyes:


New member
I think of guns as a capital investment...
I justify buying a new gun by telling myself, well I could always sell it and get back most of what I put into it....not that I would really want to

People that go on huge vacations or out to fancy resturants all the time can't justify the same way... :p

Willy T

New member
Funny story kinda on topic,
Guy I worked with on the North Slope always kept soldier of fortune type mags in the truck. He showed me pictures of his cabin in North Pole stuffed full of all kind of assault weapons. I one day asked him what he needed all that stuff for. He said when the sh-t hits the fan in this country and the paper currency is no longer accepted all hell was going to break loose. Investments to him. I said what about gold? He said...I got guns, you have gold, I have your gold. Last I heard ATF was looking at him pretty intently for building silencers.


New member
Odd question.

People criticise me all the time. Why should you worry about people criticizing me?

The only possible danger I see is air-headed do-gooders reporting you to whoever for 'having guns'. It depends on where you live, I suppose. This is America, you at least have the right to spend what money the government leaves you as you desire.


) Don't tell anyone what you buy. It's none of their business.

Nobody knows what is in that safe but me. I like it that way.

They know I like guns and occasionally I get ask if I want one, ya get some deals that way but thats all they need to know is that I like em

69 Impala

New member
I work as a newscast director and when NFL football player Tank Williams was arrested with "unregistered firearms" in Illinois, I was sitting in the control room watching the story, the reporter was talking about the different weapons (AR-15, S&W revolver, etc.) and I was saying, "I have one of those." "Had one of those." "And one of those." "Have a Smith & Wesson revolver." etc. and a producer asked if I was a "gun nut." I said, "No, I just collect things made of metal and wood."