do i have a lot of guns compared to you guys?


New member
jbar -
now thats a lot of guns, right around 120 if im counting right. how many safes do you have?
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Pappy John

New member
2002, you and I have the same number of guns, so obviously we're the sane ones here and everybody else is crazier than an outhouse rat. :D

Jbar, what in hail is that thing in the back.....some kind of Rooskie anti aircraft gun? :confused:


New member
I can never say how many I have because the number keeps changing. I called a buddy last night and told him I was sort of thinking about selling some guns just to free up some space and he asked which ones. I listed six I had in mind and he bought five of them. I gave up trying to keep track of what I have since they come and go so often.

I was in this old guy's house once and he had about a thousand guns. I'm just estimating because there was no way to actually count them all. He had no idea how many he had. They were stacked in corners of every room in the house. File cabinets were filled with pistols. Piles of guns on the floor. It was unreal. He only had one safe and that's where he kept the good stuff including a first year (1929) Colt .38 Super and cased Holland & Holland double rifle. Things like 1873 Winchesters didn't rate better treatment than to be thrown on a pile of guns on the bench in the work room. To walk through his house you had to step over guns, around guns, and even on guns. I think the old guy may have been God.


New member
The one in the back is a mock-up made out of an old tractor muffler, some scrap tubing & pipe and other odds & ends. I live way off the beaten path and there are always people driving all the way up my road past numerous Keep Out, No Trespassing, and Private Property signs, "just to see where it goes". I placed the "gun" right where they turn around when they see there's a house here. When I actually see somebody doing it, I grab an old ammo can and make a run for the gun... :eek: Usually they can make the mile and a half back to the pavement in just a few seconds. :D


I finally gave up on just safes awhile back and built a reinforced underground block & concrete vault with a motion sensor inside wired to an old fire engine siren, well hidden and pointed at a couple neighbor's houses a mile or so down the hill. If they manage to find the vault in the first place, they still have to blow a hole in it or jackhammer it, then they still have to get into the safes after that. Oh, and get by me too, I'm here most all the time. :) How many are in there is a mystery... ;) Lets just say that pic was taken awhile back.


New member
Jbar4Ranch.........I love it. :D

I live on a dead end street but it seems a lot of people can't read the sign that says "DEAD END" and then drive to the end and turn around in my driveway.................I need one of those. ;)


New member
Umm, would it be odd if without going and counting I have no idea how many guns I currently own?

I'm buying and selling guns often enough that I can't really remember offhand. Let me think here-
"regular" revolvers: 6
blackpowder revovlers: 2
autos: 4
shotgun: 1
.22 rifles: 2
semi-auto centerfire rifles: 2
centerfire bolt rifle: 1
lever rifles: 2

That's 20 if I didn't forget something. That's after selling one without replacing it with something else recently and not buying anything since Feb (a blackpowder revolver) because I haven't been working.

I guess you do own a lot of guns compared to me :p


New member
Sitting here at my desk I can remember 20, but I am sure I have left a few out.

Oops, just remembered the Kel-tecs - 2 more.


New member
Jbar ......... is that a monster potatoe cannon at rear!?

Keep at it .... you'll have a fine collection once you've finished!! :eek: :D :D


New member
If you have more than 1 gun (pistol, revolver, rifle, or shotgun) you have TOO MANY!! Package excess appropriately and immediately mail to ME before you suffer any further degradation of your reasoning process. :)


Moderator Emeritus
Of course, this picture is six-and-a-half or seven-and-a-half Smiths out of date... :eek:

I can quit any time I want. Honest!


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New member

Might I say, with the utmost of respect....DAYUUUUM, that's alot of shootin' irons!!!! You go, son.:)


New member
I only have 26, and my wife has 7. But considering I bought my first in January 2002, I don't think I am doing too bad. But I am slowing down now... :D