do i have a lot of guns compared to you guys?


New member
21 with one in the oven. planning on more, i need birth protection.

just wondering if theres anyone sicker than me out there. im sure there is.....


New member
You have me beat by a couple, but there are people around here that are in the three digit range. No such thing as too many guns. :)

Depends on who is calling it an arsenal, if it is the press then all you need is one gun and more than one box of ammunition.
you have a lot more guns than I have, but I recently "minimized" my collection and only kept the best ones or most useful ones, I believe in quality collections over quantity. One man can only use so many guns. I think 4 - 5 rifles and 4 - 5 handguns is enough to enjoy the hobby.


Standing Wolf - LMBO - I've done that before when using the search features of BBs, searching for something like, say, "ND" - so you have to enter "ND*" to get results. But you're exactly right - An aresenal is more than one, at least according to most news reports, etc.

2002: Hmmmm, some kind of phrophylactic at the entrance to the gun store that pops a shield up when you approach. You could wear an ankle band to activate it maybe. Problem is, the gun store doesn't want the rats off the crack, so they won't participate. You have more than me.


New member
2002 .... a goodly number ... indeed. My number exceeds that - rather a lot but then ... I am old .... probably three times your age! (perhaps!). Lot more time for sinning!! :D


New member
I have more than you and am constantly looking for more. You sound like you are like many of us here. You sir are a gunoholic. It is a disease in which you constantly crave more firearms, ammo, and accessories! There is no known cure for it so you might as well deal with it. :D


New member


Moderator Emeritus
Now that, kids, is a junk-on-the-bunk display to be envied! :cool:

(That's my major goal in life, BTW. When they finally cart me off, and lay my collection out on the front lawn for the big junk-on-the-bunk display, I want my fellow gun nuts to point at the TV and yell "See that, honey? Now that's an arsenal!" :D )

Gary H

New member
Wow, I would have been awfully tired setting that photo up, let alone working hard enough to feed the habit.

It doesn't look like you live in California, New York or Teddy K's state.