disposal of bad out of spec rounds

Willie Lowman

New member
I cleaned my reloading room out last month.

Under the table and behind some things I found a box marked NFG with a lot of bad .223 ammo. This stuff is several years old and its a mix of wrong OAL, improper case resize, bullet / powder combinations that didn't work well...

So even though I wouldn't try to use it, it is still live ammo. I have no interest in pulling the bullets. Most were loaded with cheapo depot FMJ bullets anyhow.

So the question at hand, what to do with these rounds?


New member
If you know the bullets(or hell, Just weigh them) id pull the bullets, toss all the powder in a jug, and find out how to dispose of that. And either scrap the brass or reuse it


New member
I have no interest in pulling the bullets.

A few years back, I inherited some old ammo that I had no use for. Local law enforcement was glad to dispose of it for me. You might give them a call.


Make a hole in the middle of no where, corner of lost & where the heck are we, and bury.
If you are worried about environmental concerns, it's going to be work...
Several different calibers means a lot of time pulling bullets to separate components, even with a collet puller.

I'm NOT recommending this...
I saw Koreans punch holes in the sides of the brass with a pointed rod, soak them in water before throwing them in a smelting pot. No explosions as the smelter heated up and cooked the water off. (Korean 'De-mill' in the '70s)
Hole punched and soaked, they *might* be safe in the trash, I just don't know.
As suggested, if you don't want to bother with pulling them, the local police or fire department will usually dispose of it for you. Call them and ask where to drop them off. Personally, I have enough bullet pullers, I would probably save the drive by pulling the bullets then scattering the powder on the lawn as fertilizer (it works for that). The bullets and brass and primers can then be salvaged if you want to or tossed if you don't.


New member
If you don't want to disassemble the ammo, the simplest way to get rid of them is your local PD (or if you see an officer on the street give it to him)...

I have a box labeled "To Deal With Later" where I drop my faux pas and some time when I have nothing to do I'll take a few out and disassemble them. "There's only one way to eat an elephant, that's one bite at a time". I may just pull 10 or so or if I'm bored more, but I don't need to do all the OOPS! ammo at once...:p


New member
Go to your local range....clearly label the box full of ammo ...as old junk, out of spec...( and say Free )...and someone will pull bullets, reuse brass or maybe the bullets...

Some ranges will dispose of it for you as well...( or police or Fire in your area )...


New member
Our club has a box for suck rounds, you place them in there and someone from the club disposes of them. I don't know where they take them but I know they will be safely disposed of. If you don't belong to a club or have a shooting range in your area then the police is probably your best bet.


New member
i wouldn't involve the police just because. I mean, why invite the man into your life...;)

Perhaps the local firing range can take this stuff for you?


New member
In my small town, "The Man" is/are respected members of the community. They have no need to pry into the citizens lives nor collect data on us. I know of one who even reloads ...


New member
A few years back, I inherited some old ammo that I had no use for. Local law enforcement was glad to dispose of it for me. You might give them a call.

Followed by I would just throw them in the garbage. Where I am in the Cleveland, Ohio suburbs my city is happy to take toxic waste at the city garage.

Columbus has a toxic/dangerous materials handling contract with someone, too. Take them your batteries and various chemicals and they do approved disposal of it. It's just that I have to drive from the suburbs into the middle of the city to do that. Probably lose over an hour, not to mention wasting gasoline getting there when I can just go to a firehouse not two minutes and two turns away from my house, or take seven or eight minutes to go to the local police station.

The local police have some shooting competition trophies in their display case. I'm not worried about them in the least. Even have a Columbus police officer down the street who teaches rifle marksmanship as a form of youth ministry. No concern there, either.


New member
My perspective is from living behind enemy lines In a liberal sinkhole. Unfortunately when it comes to guns and ammo you can't count on the man being on your side.


New member
My perspective is from living behind enemy lines In a liberal sinkhole
I live in Dane Co, WI. Doesn't get much more one-sided than it does here. That being said I've haven't run across any officers/deputies who 'have it out' for me. Seems, for the most part, the police officers are quite neutral, at least in their policing. YMMV of course but it's my belief that most Police officers chose his/her profession from a desire to serve and not (usually) a desire to control.


New member
If it were not actually unsafe, I'd just shoot it off for fun. Otherwise the safest thing to do IMO is bite the bullet (ha ha), pull the projectiles, dump the powder in the garden just before the next rain or snow, and then run the cases through a rifle and fire off the primers.


New member
I wouldn't hesitate to take it to a police station.
local Sheriff here is pro 2nd amendment and encourages people to get their hand gun permit. The state police here are also pro 2nd amendment. A close friend of mine in Pa is a retired cop and shooter reloader and hunter. He is also pro 2nd amendment.