Discussion of weapons now considered to be violence


New member
Think of Oregon Student

These posts remind me of the student in Oregon, caught with concealed weapon. Had a small 2 shot derringer in a pocket & had a pocketknife with outer clip, clipped to pants pocket like many do. Some dingbat saw the clip, reported him for a knife. Police decided he'd broken no law, OR allows ccw holders to carry in public buildings. College officials suspended him til he gets a psych eval and writes some stupid essay about his actions. Point is, since when does evidence of a pocketknife carried by an adult get someone so paranoid? Hope the woman doesn't get in the wrong light and see her shadow.


New member
You don't have a 1st Amendment right to free speech here on TFL, you don't have one at work for Acme Widgits. These are private places, and you may only speak about what the owners tolerate. Sensible owners will tolerate anything that does not directly harm their business, but not everyone has that kind of good sense.

The largest problem that I have with this, is that the definition of workplace violence, "discussing or bringing weapons to work," is the official position of OSHA (this link is a power point on the OSHA website), an agency of the United States government. So Acme Widgets HAS to adopt the policy, or face problems with the government, or even risk being sued by an employee should anything happen. If the government is pressuring businesses to violate the first amendment, IMHO it is still unconstitutional.