Disarming the police.... (merged)


According to the DOJ/FBI there were 675,734 law enforcement officer (sworn) working for 14,254 different agencies across the U.S.

Between 1987 and now, 43 have been killed by 'friendly fire'. If they were all killed in one year, that would equal out to about 0.006% of all LEO's.

It is an average of 2.38 officers per year killed by 'friendly fire'...out of 675,734. That equals out to 0.0003522%.

Two words:

Statistically insignificant.


This is simply another smokescreen for disarmament.


David Klinger, a professor of criminology at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, formerly worked as a Los Angeles police officer and said he usually carried a gun off duty. If police officers are properly trained, officers should have the option of carrying a gun for their own protection, he said.

Hmm, what about citizens, properly trained. Carry, for their protection. If I have to jump through hoops to get a CCW to carry, so should LEO's for off duty carry.

What people need to realize is that police officers who are forced to be unarmed off duty is this: Not only is his/her life at risk, but so are the lives of any family members or friends who is with the officer.

What people need to realize is that citizens who are forced to be unarmed is this: Not only is his/her life at risk, but so are the lives of any family members or friends who is with the citizen.


New member
According to the DOJ/FBI there were 675,734 law enforcement officer (sworn) working for 14,254 different agencies across the U.S.

Between 1987 and now, 43 have been killed by 'friendly fire'. If they were all killed in one year, that would equal out to about 0.006% of all LEO's.

It is an average of 2.38 officers per year killed by 'friendly fire'...out of 675,734. That equals out to 0.0003522%.

Two words:

Statistically insignificant

wow mrex21. I cant believe that you put so little value on human life.

if that is how many off duty/undercover cops t hey kill a year, how many other armed civilians do they just rush into and kill because they have a gun?

do you consider that also statisticaly insignificant now?

they should leave the choice up to the officer if he wants to carry or not. but I also believe that they need to scale up their training also.


New member
I thought I said this already on this post, somebody remove my comment?
Anyway I will say it again, does not the recently signed Federal LE carry law make all these opinions by agencies a moot point? They can say what they want about off duty and out of state carry but Federal law now trumps them in reguards to LE anyway....


wow mrex21. I cant believe that you put so little value on human life.

if that is how many off duty/undercover cops t hey kill a year, how many other armed civilians do they just rush into and kill because they have a gun?

do you consider that also statisticaly insignificant now?

they should leave the choice up to the officer if he wants to carry or not. but I also believe that they need to scale up their training also.

noone, what the hell are you talking about?:confused:


New member
mrex21: uh your comment here
Statistically insignificant.

you consider those people insignifigant? because from reading your post that is what I took away from it.
these people were protecting and serving, killed doing their job off-duty and you call them statistically insignifigant.
please if im reading it wrong correct me. and sorry if I did read it wrong. but a life is a life. it wouldnt matter if it were only one.