Die Another Day


New member
Don and GSB, this was the most painful James Bond movie in memory.

Ahem. Moonraker. A View to a Kill. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (I will concede that for some reason, this one has a small cadre of adherents. I will never understand it. As you imply, it's a matter of taste).


New member
"Too over the top" ?

As opposed to a man named Jaws?

Painting a woman in 24K gold?

Ninja commandos?

It's supposed to be entertainment. When I pay $9.00 - I expect to be entertained. James Bond movies are intended to be wild action films, does anyone really expect an endearing drama?


New member
The latest Bond flick was just a series of unrelated, unbelievable, sophomoric stunts.

Well duh!! That's why I went to see it. :)

They did try a little with the gun handling scenes, full Sabrinas aside. The virtual reality gunfight had a decent speed reload, although in that scenario a tactical reload might have been the better choice. Why give up spare ammo?

The blade work was pretty good.

Lots of references to previous bond films if you watched closely. For example, when Q gave him the new watch he mentioned it was the 20th one he had destroyed (20th movie), then there was Cleb's shoe, the jet pack, the old briefcase, etc.

Was I imagining it, or was the blonde in the fencing club Madonna?