Die Another Day


New member
Goofy, like most Bond films, and generally poor gun handling, but I liked it anyway.

Question: The revolver Bond had in Cuba was freaking goregous. I think it's an older Smith. Anybody know what model?

I liked the gussied-up G36 made to look like an OICW thingy. (FWIW, the OICW prototype's rifle part, with its freaking 10" barrel, is a shortened G36).

Also, what kind of gun did Halle Barry have? It was obviously a Beretta...84 maybe? 86? I'm not really familliar with the older Beretta pistols.


New member
I'm still laughing about the scene where Bond was "cleaning his gun." What was he doing, brushing its teeth? Polishing bullets??




New member
Looked to me like he was brushing off the extractor. I've done that myself, but I usually take the weapon apart first so as to get better access to the internals...

Blue Jays

New member
Good Afternoon All-

Pax, I got a good laugh out of the gun cleaning scene, too. Guess the directors in Hollyweird needed a gratuitous profile shot of a semi-automatic pistol. Who cleans like that, and why was it fully-assembled? :rolleyes:

Save your money and go see an intelligent movie like The Emporer's Club.

While I don't know Kevin Kline's attitude towards RKBA, his recent movie is fine entertainment that stomps the life out of Die Another Day.

The latest Bond flick was just a series of unrelated, unbelievable, sophomoric stunts. They also opted to include an airplane scene with sudden, catastrophic failure due to bullet-induced decompression. That, my friends, is limousine liberals in Hollyweird intentionally perpetuating a MYTH to combat our recent success of arming pilots. [/rant mode]


~ Blue Jays ~


New member
Save your money and go see an intelligent movie like The Emporer's Club.
Or go pick up a copy of Ronin on CD-ROM. All the elements of a Bond story -- the mixture of high-tech toys and clever technique -- plus the interplay of DeNiro and Leon, plus Katerina Witt, plus one of the most incredible non-CGI car chases (eat your heart out, Bullit!)... all in all a great time!


Jim March

New member
Saw it yesterday.

I have a habit of making up parody titles to the flicks while standing in line for tickets, and then asking for the movie by that name. So I walk up to the counter and say:

"One for Die Another Bondgirl at 6:30"...

Oh well, minor amusements.

Not too bad a flick.


New member
The latest Bond flick was just a series of unrelated, unbelievable, sophomoric stunts.

Oh, please. That describes just about every single Bond film ever made, Connery's included. That's why most of us like them so much.


New member
They also opted to include an airplane scene with sudden, catastrophic failure due to bullet-induced decompression.

LOL! Earlier in the movie I hear my GF scoff at a couple of the stunts that were obviously way over-the-top. When she saw the scene with the airplane window blown out she leans over and says, "I thought you told me that wouldn't happen?" I replied by saying that it all depends on the size of the hole; and that being a pretty large hole, you still need to remember that its just a movie. ;) I know there's hope for her, but sometimes I wonder. :)

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Yeah, it's all a liberal plot. Remind me again why they used exactly the same "decompression caused by a bullet hole" trick in Goldfinger? Guess they figured armed pilots might come around again in thirty years or so, and why put it off?

Ronin is great. No need to compare it to Bond; it's simply wonderful in and of itself.

I liked The Emperor's Club better when it was Dead Poets' Society. :p

Blue Jays

New member
Good Evening All-

The airplane blowing apart courtesy of Pierce Brosnan's little Walther PPK .380 (or whatever he is using these days) is utterly gratuitous. We would all be protesting if the BG purchased a bunch of weapons in "flyover country" due to the "Gun Show Loophole" or a similar lame storyline....is all I'm saying. Certain notions are inserted in movies, newspaper stories, and TV shows that are designed to shape popular opinion.

Well, I'm not a dyed-in-the-wool Bond fan, so perhaps I just don't "get it" like hardcore moviegoers. :confused:

Look, we're all sophisticated enough to realize that it is only a movie after all...I'm just asking for a little bit of (collective) intellectual respect from the moviemakers.

Don and GSB, this was the most painful James Bond movie in memory. Plot? I don't think so. You guys strike me as intelligent people, so if you enjoyed the movie, we can agree to disagree about its value.

I don't know what movies cost in other areas of the country, but for my $9.50 I want some high-quality unrelated, unbelievable, sophomoric stunts. ;)


~ Blue Jays ~


New member
I thought the plane blew up because Barry's character set the autopilot to drive the plane into the satellite's sunbeam.

Great flick.


It's just a movie, made to entertain the masses.
Which include the very large video gamers group, who like all that phony looking c**p

Hollywood is designed to make MONEY, not documentaries.

It is just like LOTRs, a bunch of make believe
horse puckey.



Moderator Emeritus

Oh, please. That describes just about every single Bond film ever made, Connery's included. That's why most of us like them so much.

Heh. Pinko Atlanta Journal-Constitution film reviewer Eleanor Ringel gave her only memorable review years back in the one-line blurb she did for View To A Kill: "Going to see a James Bond movie is like going to the zoo: either you're happy to see the giraffes again, or you're not." :D


It is just like LOTRs, a bunch of make believe
horse puckey.

Gee. You truly have the soul of a poet...


New member
I haven't seen it yet, but I will. I grew up reading all the Books by Ian Fleming, naturally had to see the movies. The cars the gadgets, the girls. Actually had some teachers that would throw in Bond trivia for those easy extra points on quizzes.

Q: What is the difference between a Bentley and a Rolls Royce?

A: One drives a Bentley; one is driven in a Rolls

laugh, but 5 pts is 5 pts


New member
I have to admit that I was bit disappointed with Die Another Day. I don't know, but it just seemed like it was TOO over the top. It was like they just took a bunch of stunt and gadget scenes and tacked them all together with minimal plot. And is it just me, or are the villians just reaching the point of ridiculousness. I mean come on here, the guy just left diamonds imbedded in his face?

One bright point I liked was John Cleese as the newly promoted Q walking through a storage room of old gadgets. It was great seeing the old ones again. Rosa Klebb's stiletto shoe and Bond's briefcase from the movie From Russia with Love really stood out.


New member
There were several other homages in the movie, such as Jinx coming out of the water was straight out of Dr. No.

Not the best Bond nor the best movie. But for pure entertainment, excellent.


New member
I will have to admit that most things on Bonds movies are a bit of a stretch, but as far as entertainment value the movies are good. why else would you go. I will have to admit that Brosnen(sp) did exhibit some of the better trigger control moves that I have seen in most if not all movies I have scene in years.

Futo Inu

New member
Don Gwinn - I sure thought the Emperors Club movie looked exactly like the DPS theme as well.

Wonder if the new Extreme Ops flick is any better than ITS apparent prototype, Cliffhanger? Looks pretty cool....

Just like I liked the Patriot better the first time I saw it, when it was called Braveheart. (still liked the Patriot, though :) and he did live this time)

And ditto Days of Thunder when it was called Top Gun, etc., ad nauseum.

I like all those cheesy Bond films myself. You guys remember the scene about 2 or 3 bond films back, when the giant circular saw attached to the helicopter sawed the building in half and came after Pierce Brosnan? That was definitely an "oh, please!" moment, but I still like it. :)