Did you know this about Springfield Armory?


New member
Is this common knowledge? This sure fooled me!
The Defense Department closed Springfield Armory in 1968.

In 1974, Springfield Armory...a new company was formed.

This company is not located near the former armory site and has no connection with the original national arsenal.

Springfield Inc.'s motto "The Oldest Name In American Firearms" while technically true, is misleading since the company has no connection whatsoever with the original Springfield Armory.

(Source: Wikipedia® as amended.)
I always thought Springfield Armory was one and the same as the venerable Springfield Armory. After all, some of its guns say, "Springfield Armory - Since 1794."

Isn't it fair for it to really say, since 1974?

Knowing this, does this change your view of Springfield Armory, Since 1794?


New member
Hm, I didn't know that, but I'm popping it into my mind for future use. Sounds a bit like a false advertising.


Springfield Inc.'s motto "The Oldest Name In American Firearms" while technically true, is misleading since the company has no connection whatsoever with the original Springfield Armory.
Not only that, most (if not all) of their firearms are not "American". The XD is made in Croatia and I believe that Imbel (of Brazil) is making most of their 1911 pistols.

If you can handle more disillusionment, the company currently called "Armalite" has no connection whatsoever with the original Armalite. They used to be Eagle Arms until they bought the rights to the name they're currently using.

Their motto is "A History of Innovation". Their current new product is a Turkish clone of a Czechoslavakian design--guess there's some history there but it's hard to see the innovation.

Trapper L

New member
Did you know that the Sprinfield Armory was started in Devine, Texas by a man named Elmer Balance. The name M1A is a proprietary name of his for his civilian M14 rifle. The Devine M1As are still far and away the best M1As ever made- all 2778 of 'em personally built by Elmer. I have been lucky enough to have a M1A that has been put together by him but after the sale to the current owners of Springfield. Mine has an Armscor receiver, all the other parts are full match military. It is a pleasure to shoot.

Number 6

As this information is well over THREE DECADES old, it hardly constitutes a blinding revelation, or even news.

And only a fool would think a real U.S. armory would be retailing its product to civilians. :rolleyes:

What is your point?


New member
Yeah isnt that funny? I think I learned that here at the TFL a while back or maby it was wikipedia. Either way I was a little surprised.


New member
If you can handle more disillusionment, the company currently called "Armalite" has no connection whatsoever with the original Armalite. They used to be Eagle Arms until they bought the rights to the name they're currently using.


I knew about Springfield, not about Armalite.


New member
The Springfield Armory of Springfield, Mass. was, I think, a governement operation. I was new to that area and there was an awful lot of weeping and gnashing when it was being looked at for closure. The closing hurt a lot of people who worked there. Some of them never got over it. The facility was high on the hill overlooking the city and the Connecticut River and was many large multistory buildings. Their fabrication was the old school method before the computer driven machines of today. I no longer live in the area but I think they still have a very interesting Springfield Armory Museum there and it is very worthwhile to see.


New member
Are ther ANY firearms manufactured in the US under the original company?

Well, you have Colt--for the most part; you might find some FN parts in their M16's/AR15's;


Stag Arms (looking at their AR's right now, and am impressed!)

Smith and Wesson



Savage (I have a 10FP-LE2A--tackdriver!!)


(I was about to say Browning, but I'm not too sure)...


New member
"Number 6" Your comment is so off-base it's funny. Maybe others aren't as smart as you are?

And only a fool would think a real U.S. armory would be retailing its product to civilians.

The U.S. Mint sells to civilians; billion of dollars worth of coins.
The U.S. Department of Interior sells excess land to civilians.
Many U.S. government agencies sell or auction surplus and used items.

Who said...retail to civilians? Gun dealers sell to civilians/consumers via manufacturers and wholesellers based on laws and regulations established by federal, state and local governments.

Springfield Armory and Springfield Armory are not the same; even though many consumers would not know the difference.


Not only that, most (if not all) of their firearms are not "American". The XD is made in Croatia and I believe that Imbel (of Brazil) is making most of their 1911 pistols.

Not quite, Imbel forges the frames, then ships them to Genesee for final finish and assembly with other parts.

Browning is owned by FN IIRC. Many of their weapons are actually manufactured by FN and Beretta.:)


New member
Who said...retail to civilians?

I think that's the key point. Whether or not the Armalite that sells to me is the original Armalite may not be the question. that the Armalite that sells to the government isn't the original is. While it certainly isn't news, the comment was off base.


New member
I wonder why there seems to be no confusion over Armscor's use of the Rock Island name?

Doesn't Stoeger own the rights to the name "Luger"?

Brand names - a never ending source of amusement.