Did you go on a handgun-buying 'streak'?

It must have been glitches with some of my first: a WW2 Mauser Hsc with issues, and a '80 PPK/S, which needed a new mag and weaker Wolff spring.

Suddenly, the very stark contrast in reliability and ruggedness among eastern Euro types made a really strong impression.
With my first Makarov and CZ-82, these led to another pair of Maks.

The first Polish P-83 Wanad (also 9x18) is a very good value.
Part of the motivation is that a ban on these foreign '"military" guns could take place, though unlikely for a while.
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New member
Well, I have 6 Makarovs, a CZ82, a P-83 Wanad, a P64 Radom, and an FEG 918...so I guess you could say yes. I like 9x18 pistols, and REALLY like the Makarov. Once I get a nice PA63, my 9x18 collection will be complete enough for me to relax a bit. :D
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New member
Did you go on a handgun-buying 'streak'?
Yes it started 35 years ago and shows no sign of letting up:)


New member
+1 ^^^^^^

I suffer from the same "issues" . . . or, er, um . . "addiction".

There's one thing I have realized though as I got older . . . I enjoy all the guns I have . . . but at some point, you realize and ask yourself . . . "do I shoot one "well" or do I shoot them all "poorly"? As they used to say many, many years ago . . . "beware of the man who shoots just one gun".:eek:


New member
Kind of in one right now - 4 handguns since last Nov ( although some would say that's nothing, for me it is..... ) and currently thinking about a mouse or mousey gun for s**ts and giggles at the range, and possible BUG role. I'd like something that has at least a little bit of practical value other than fun times. Nearby LGS has the Taurus PLY 22 at $170..... very tempted. Also thinking about one of the NAA Minis. And amongst that buying streak, I've also gotten an M&P 15-22 - but that was a contest prize. Gaaaaaah - the addiction has gripped me hard lately.......


New member
I'm 51 years old, and never owned a handgun until a few years ago. Always bought rifles and shotguns. Had a martial arms binge for about five years where I bought 6 Garands, 3 M1 carbines, 1903 Springfield, 03-A3, and a couple .22 Remington 40-X's. Then a guy at work bought a Ruger Vaquero, and next thing you know, I'm thinking that I need a revolver! In short order, it went like this: Ruger .45 Colt/ACP convertible Bisley, Ruger SR1911, Ruger SR9c, S&W 686 SSR .357, S&W 637 Talo .38, and CZ75-B. Along with reloading dies for all of them, and a few new molds for casting my own bullets, since I have no money left for ammo! :rolleyes:
cobra81: until '07 (age 52), my only gun was a .22 rifle, and very seldom used it. Missed all of the really good milsurp gun/ammo deals, being totally oblivious.
But considering the extent to which foreign surplus guns are at risk of being banned (via import blocks) by our more irrational politicians, many seem like a very good value.
The politicians won't try to spend much time on blocking these until a tragic event is linked to a certain type. Then they will try to exploit it.

The first handgun was two years ago, a good WW2 Sauer 38H with the best compact ergonomics for slender hands.
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I am trying to quit. I Only bought one shot gun, two 22 rifles and three hand guns. That is it for this year. Yes indeed that is it!!


New member
Yeah, I seem to go on runs, I have a collection of hand guns that I want to keep and pass to kids. (mostly older S&W and Ruger revolvers) and then a number of common guns that I don't have to much problem trading or selling for something else.

This year I became a Beretta collector / buyer with a Pico, 84, PX4 subcompact and a PX4 full-size. Some of those can or will be traded off but I see the 84 as a keeper.


New member
I had to stop. I can't squeeze any more into my safes. My next purchase will be a bigger safe. Then the streak will continue.


New member
Ignition Override: I made a lot of trips to CMP in Port Clinton from about 2007-2012. I should have been there five years earlier, as the Garands were plentiful and cheap, with lots of them in very good condition. Even so, I got in on the tail end of the "good old days", and managed to acquire some very nice M1's and carbines before the pickings got slim. I remember racks full of "field grade" carbines for $419 that were actually Service Grade condition. I should have bought more, but my wallet was already hurting. :(
Oh, well. By the way, I can stop anytime I want. :D


Active member
If you are going to go on a handgun buying spree, I'd target European made, modern large capacity weapons like: CZ 75 and 75B (and other CZ's), Sphinx, German Sigs, Walthers, Austrian made Glocks, Tanfoglio, HK, FN, etc. These are the guns our generation and later generations will really want. Makarovs.....eh? Doubt it.


New member
I was on a handgun buying steak for a while, then a friend introduced me to the crack that is Trap Shooting. Now I'm saving my pennies for a trap gun. And a bigger safe. ;)


New member
Did you go on a handgun-buying streak?


In NJ you need a permit to purchase a handgun. The permit itself only costs $2 each and are good for 90 days. And you can only buy 1 per month. But we also have to submit a mental health background check authorization and $18 (I think the fee recently went up to $20-something) and wait about a month and a half. So after all that BS and $20 fee and waiting, I got 4 permits and went on a streak. (I was able to get the remaining permit extended for 90 days so I have a couple months to decide what to get next.)

So, every time I want a new gun, I may as well go on a binge and get 3 or 4. The funny thing is, it's just what the law here is trying to prevent.


New member
So, every time I want a new gun, I may as well go on a binge and get 3 or 4. The funny thing is, it's just what the law here is trying to prevent.

Lol, seems most gun control laws have unintended consequences. :)


Active member
Unfortunately, I'm a sucker for a gun-ban. Nothing makes me crave a gun more than the threat of a gun-ban. I have the "I want what I can't have" disease.:eek: