Desert Eagles


New member
My buddy's got the .50AE. He's a handloader and a benchrest shooter. He's managed to work himself up a load for his .50 that shoots nearly a 1-inch group at 100 yards off the bench. That's with the 6-inch barrel.
You don't see a glut of folks selling their Desert Eagles, the owners tend to like them...
Ain't that the truth. Been waiting for one to come around, but you hardly ever see an opportunity. And when you do see an opportunity, they're about the same price as a new one. That says something.



New member
"I don't begrudge anyone who owns one or wants to get one. I just have different priorities that's all."

Ahh, yes. A typical quote from one of the "unsaved":). Oxford's (and even Webster's) describes these folk as blasphemers, underachievers, and most heinously, as 'the unwashed' :p.


Post an ad in all the forums under WTB; someone out there will respond with an unbelievable deal. I got mine that way-- nickled DE Mk XIX 50AE w/ Leupold Gilmore Red Dot, 5 mags, 200 rounds, and case for $1200 last June. (He just had to make his first purchase under his new Class III license immediately, and was 'strapped'.) I had two or three others in the $7-750 range for blued Mk XIX 50's also.


New member
The DEPs came in .357mag, .41mag (later dropped during the MkVII reign), .44mag, .440 Corbon (basically a .50AE necked down to .44), and 50AE.

Weight and the gas operation help tame recoil.