Depleted Uranium


New member
Pure propaganda, probably put out by Al Qaeda. Depleted Uranium is DEPLETED. Read not radioactive. Inert. Heavy. Dangerous? hell yes if you are in a tank being shot at by an M1A2. Guys, ammunition is supposed to be dangerous. Vaporizes on impact? some metal is lost to heat and friction, but the thing goes all the way through and out the back side. It couldn't do that if too much mass was lost.

Looks like some more of the wrong information designed to injure the U.S. Badly done video using horrible shots of burned and otherwise damaged babies. Pure sensationalism. Don't give it any credence by paying attention to it.


New member
Some of those pics were of common birth defects. I saw some LOS, cleft pallat, Hydrocephalus... The list goes on. SOmeone cobbled together some disturbing pictures trying to scare people into thinking we the US use nuclear waste in our weapons. Their is still a certain amount of refing needed to make the ammuntion for one, and secondly, there is nt that much radioactive material in one shell.

Edit: "You, you, and you... Panic. The rest of you, come with me." - Marine sgt


New member
"Vaporizes on impact? some metal is lost to heat and friction, but the thing goes all the way through and out the back side. It couldn't do that if too much mass was lost."

DU is pyrophoric.
It is heated enough by the impact with armor to penetrate as a spray of flaming metal on the interior.
The fact that the material liquefies does not prevent it from penetrating.
The jet from a shaped charge is completely liquid.

It could act as a heavy metal poison (as already noted above), but is NOT a radiation hazard.
The symptoms of uranium heavy metal poisoning are pretty well defined, and 'Gulf War Syndrome' does not match them.
This is like the claims that it GWS was from the oil well fires, until the oil well fire fighters turned up without significant issues (after bathing in the crude setting charges).


New member
Going to chime in here too and call BS. DU is dangerous only as heavy metal poisoning, though its effects are not fully known. DU is LESS radioactive than Uranium Ore.