Depleted Uranium


New member
not much. we didn't drop depleted uranium we fired it from tanks and aircraft bullets. the after effects of this stuff is still unknown. there is a some evidents that it is more dangerous than was initially thought. All those baby pictures are not a result. I an only conclude their "statistics" are greatly distorted. After the first gulf war and with data available, the army put out proceedures for examining targets destroyed with depleted uranium rounds should not be entered without breathing protection ( dust filters) Birth defects? I don't think so. the levels were far to low for that. In fact the levels were so low that at first they didn't think any protection was required.


DU has been replaced with tungsten by the military in most, if not all, instances where armor piercing characteristics are needed.


New member
Do not trust the souce. I mean it is not only propaganda, but very poorly done. First of all it says how much have "WE" dropped, then go on to spell tons as TONNES. In America, we spell it "TONS." So by using "we" the producers try to imply that it is a fellow American taking an inward look at what our government does in our name, instead of the foreigner taking a critical look at America that it is.

That being said, I'm not saying the matierial is harmful or not harmful. Just that I don't put any stock into this video.


New member
DU has been replaced with tungsten by the military in most, if not all, instances where armor piercing characteristics are needed.

And what of its extensive use as armor itself? I think it has not been replaced there (like on Abrams tank as an example).


New member
Nasty stuff that should never have been used. It's not as if the Iraqi's ever had anything that old fashioned AP rounds couldn't handle.

Buzzflash is pretty reliable when it comes to political news but I don't think they are the best source for science news.

Just as with Gulf War syndrome we don't have reliable data yet as to the hazards of depleted uranium. That doesn't mean they aren't there or that they're better or worse than reported.

One thing we do know for sure is that waiting for the military to admit something might be wrong isn't a winning game.


New member
Most research puts DU as being any more lethal then any of the other materials used in firearms. But since there isn't much research into this subject it's effects are debatable.


And what of its extensive use as armor itself? I think it has not been replaced there (like on Abrams tank as an example).

I should have said that DU has been replaced by Tungsten as a projectile in most instances.


New member
The hazard associated with DU is not radioactivity but heavy metal poisoning (like mercury poisoning, cadmium poisoning or lead poisoning [the slow kind])
The dust that results from impacts is pretty bad for you, but considering how nasty and effective the projectiles are, we have been willing to deal with it so far. War is hell.

DU goes pyrophoric on impact so it works better than tungsten if you want to set off the other guy's ammunition. It's also a little heavier, and that is always good for projectile materials.

If we had something that worked as well as DU I'm sure we would drop it, but until something new comes along we will probably keep using it.


New member
If they are claiming that birth defects is that high from DU, then why would our soldiers use it when they are exposed to it as much as those people. You don`t here stories about cancer from DU here about our soldiers kids born from defects like that. And no, they were not wearing masks 24/7 to avoid breathing the dust. I`m not saying those pictures were not caused by DU, but if it is, then they are isolated cases. Not epidemics. I think this is all propaganda.


New member
Personally, I think they just like to keep people worrying, but for this part:
Birth defects?
Male sperm is regenerated. Conception would need to occur with that altered sperm. Females are a different story. They are born with all their eggs. Should a woman be exposed to sufficient levels (and we still don't know what the safe/unsafe barrier is or if there is one), offspring could be affected. Also; it's most often carried on a recessive gene, so it could be 40 years in the making.
That's the long & short of it.


New member
I doubt it's as dangerous as all the unexploded munitions, and those are accepted as the costs of war. Nobody in their right mind likes war, but no body in their right mind expects it to be without long-term costs.


New member
its not as bad as they say dont forget they mine the stuff next to iron and other naturaly occuring elements.

and the whole tonnage thing is crapola too you have to realize uranium is the most dense naturaly occuring element if you had equal volumes of lead and DU the DU will weigh near twice as much.


New member

A persons exposure to Gamma radiation is by far much more serious. DU is not pulverized to dust when it makes contact/pentration with a target. That is why we use it in ammunition. It penetrates nearly everything. It stays as a solid.
Gamma radiation comes from the sun as well as ultraviolet rays.
This is purely propaganda.


New member
Gamma radiation comes from the sun as well as ultraviolet rays.

The Earth is also surrounded by a large electromagnetic field that reflects the worse of the stuff back into space, otherwise the radiation would fry us the first time their is a solar flare that heads in our direction.

We know the claims in the report are overexaggerated but comments like this just sound dumb and not comparable in the way DU works.

The big problem is the government has refused to release any tests that have been done, or even admit what testing has exactly been done in the first place. It is not likely to be released anytime soon.


New member
When I was a child Herters tried to sell the Army on depleted U. fired in rifles, tests were very interesting. My first real experience with the D.U. was at Pendleton when they demonstrated the A10 30mm on some busted armor, 1/2 track, M60, etc. Anyway, I looked at the results when things were done and one of the drive gears had a hole through it edge to edge! The frontal armor on the 60 had holes through it of coarse(20mm will go through) but the cool part was the armor stretched in long pieces into the tank. Looked like taffy with a death wish!! The truth is breathing any heavy metal radioactive or not is very bad for you. What the hell we are trying to kill people (I'd rather they didn't kill us by stupidity, Agent orange for me,HA!) My old Chief said hey "It Ain't The Boy Scouts"! My old Gunny said "Shoot First, Shoot Last, Shoot The Survivors and don't as any questions! "Wind-age & Elevation", Doc.:cool: