defensive shotgun selection


New member
will purchase soon . models considering are ...

remington 870 express or police models
mossberg 590 tactical , or 590A.

give me the differences in these models and any strong/weak points of the choices.

have owned and fired the remington and liked it well . am leaning toward the mossberg ones , like the top safety and metal trigger guard and the metal safeties .
the remington police issue ones are hard to find in used and very good condition .

have got my eye on a mossy blackwater edition for $475 brand new and it has a light with it . would this be a good price and is is about the same as a 590 model ?

comments on build quality , pricing and any other info appreciated .

thanks silo


New member
The unique top safety not-withstanding, I'd recommend a Remington 870 over ANY Mossy - anytime, anyday, anyplace, and at any price difference.

I've owned several different specimens of each, and can honestly state that I've never met a Model 870 I didn't like.


Lee Lapin

New member
Get the one that feels best to you. The differences are relatively minor, and the 870 and 590 are the best of the widely available US made pumpguns. Buy a plain jane riot version of either, not some fancy name branded "special edition" version, and spend the extra $$$ on ammo and training.


New member
Don't forget to check out Maverick Model 88s which retail right around $200, with extended magazine versions available as well


New member
I like the 870 better, but the 590 is the best of the Mossberg offerings and it wouldn't be a bad chioce . Wouldn't recommend a 500 or the even cheaper Maverick.


Just get the plain Jane riot gun. I went with the 870 short barrel for HD. When I got interested in shooting clauys I bought a used long barrel and shot clays with it for a year. Now that I have an o/u, it is back in its short barrel configuration for HD, but if I take my son shooting he uses it for clays. I got it at after a rebate for about $300. I don't hunt, but may give it a whirl. If i do, it's back to the 28" vent rib barrel.


New member
I'll vote for the 870. I shot a 3 gun yesterday with mine. A plain jane Express with a 22" vent rib Rem choke barrel and a mag tube extension. I went through the match without a hiccup. Every other gun in my rotation except a Benelli M2 and a tricked out open class 1100, choked and puked at least once.


New member
I like the 870 but prefer the mossberg 590. Like others have said you dont really need one labeled as "special". I own the 590A1 and from what I understand the only diference is that the A1 has a thicker barrel which was designed for milirary/LE who were boarding large ships (the thicker barrel could withstand being dinged against the side of the ship)


New member
I have the 590a1, great shotgun no complaints. I like where the safety is on the mossy's, very natural movement with the thumb. but if you want a pistol grip go 870 because with the pistol grip the thumb safety it just awkward.

You wont go wrong with either, thats for sure.


New member
• Mossberg® has a ten 10 year warranty; Remington has a one (1) year warranty.
• Mossberg® has an ambidextrous safety; Remington® does not.
• Mossberg® comes with sling & swivels; Remington® does not.
• Mossberg comes with multiple (3) choke tubes, Remington only one (1).
• Mossberg® is the shotgun the US Military uses.
• Mossberg® is ¼-½lb lighter.
• Mossberg® is less expensive by $25-$40.


New member
. Wouldn't recommend a 500 or the even cheaper Maverick.

Could you explain this?Maybe im missing something here..Every pump gun I ever owned functioned all the time every time..My old wingmaster was a lil smoother an prettier..My current beat up 835 is ready to rock and roll anytime/all the time..

Strafer Gott

New member
False economy

If you go with a pump, get one with dual action bars as absolute minimum.
Go shoot some trap with it. Shoot it until it smoothes out. Knock a little paint off the moving/bearing surfaces. Don't think the gun will carry the day by itself. Low end products like cheap shotguns are okay if you prove them out.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Duke, no personal experience with the 930, but there's little bad stuff on them in cyberspace.

To the OP....

ANY of the shotguns mentioned in this thread will do a more than adequate job IF they are well known to the user.

Learn to run the gun. Use it until it's a body part, not a tool.

Take your pick of shotguns, then....


New member
I am a big fan of the Remington 870 express, for a defense gun. This shotgun will last forever and is reasonably priced.


New member
870's are nicer guns. Mossberg's are in my opinion more of a tactical firearm. I have had several 870's I still have two mossbergs. 500 persuader 20" 7+1 and 590a1 Blackwater edition. (ghost rings, tri-rail forearm, speed feed stock.) all great fine guns. Make you're pick and let us know


New member
I've had both makes - currently have the 870. I agree u shld go with what "feels" best -- maybe a local range has the models for rent? IMHO