Defense blames cop's guns in Diallo shooting

Rob Pincus

New member
I'm treading very lightly here, fellas, believe me... but:

It is true that Glocks are not like most DA/SA weapons. But, if you shoot them properly, only the first shot requires a long trigger pull, the subsequent shots are quicker.

It is also well within reason to suggest emptying a Glock in 4 seconds.

The FMJ rounds were dept issue and still are. Obviously, if they had been carrying hollowpoints the article woud've condemned HPs as evil instruments of flesh rending torture......

The reason I point these things out is not to argue technical issues, and certainly not to defend the people attacking my fellow officers. I make these points simply to remind everyone that we have real issues to discuss in relation to the anti's and the people who want to further tie the hands of LEOs.... quibbling over a lack of technical expertise and use of media buzz words should be wayyyy behind us.


New member
"Rapid-fire pistols"???

Maybe NYPD issues Glock 18s and Beretta 93Rs. Now THAT would be scary!

"Ray guns don't vaporize Zorbonians, Zorbonians vaporize Zorbonians" The Far Side

Tank Girl

New member
Hummm.... Reminds me of a show I was watching last night. It was called 'Cobra' and was an older really lame show, but it had one scene in it that made a lot of sense to me.
'Cobra' (a cop) had just shot the BG who had already killed a person and was holding up a grocery store threatining to kill the rest of the patrons.
Reporters swamped him, questioning him about the leathal force he had used. 'Was it to much?' 'Was there a way to end the situation without killing the BG?' 'You know the BG had rights too.' and the like.
Cobra just went over to the body of a young man the BG had killed ant told the reporters to tell that to the young mans family.

Freedom by its self is just a word. To have freedom we must protect our rights to be free.


New member
"It was the fault of the gun". I must say that that has a somewhat familiar ring to it, or am I overly suspicious.

Even more interesting, is the "fact"?? that even the junkiest Saturday Night Special, whatever they might be, in the hands of the police, comes to be "a ritious arm". Could it possibly be, that in the hands of some cops, even a quality firearm becomes a "dangerous piece of junk"?

I guess that, as usual, the "quality" of any tool is at least partially dependent on the "quality" of the hand that holds it.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Check out the site again.
The guns that were emptied were a DAO
SW and a DAO Sig. There was another Sig
and Glock that fired less. The first two
had 11 lb pulls. Thus, the hair trigger
argument is out the window.

So is the evil Glock argument.