Dangerous Jobs


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It's happened more than once. My wifes tells me not to go but I have to. The lady has the right to protect herself. That generally starts by having the locks changed. Unfortunately, in some cases we arrive on the scene of domestic violence calls before the police do. Those are the calls that worry me the most. Ever been given the death stare? Thankfully everything always works out. Needless to say, I know the local cops pretty well. They know I'm armed and don't give me a hard time because of it. We live in a wierd world. I see it everyday.


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wish I could

I work as a patient care tech. in a hospital and I really wish I could carry concealed there. Maybe someday the people and politicians in this country will start following the Constitution:eek: Untill then, I'm out of luck:barf:


New member
Working through college as a grocery store checker (Safeway). No guns allowed. Which is OK right now, as I'm too young to CC anyways.


When you're no longer too young to CCW, and you get a (pardon me, no disrespect intended) "real" job, do you plan to meekly obey rules that do not have your actual safety in mind, or carry a gun for your protection despite those rules? What's your plan for when you actually do face this dilemma?

I think that many people here consider the fact that a concealed firearm will not generally come to anyone's notice as long as they are conscientious about it and keep their mouth shut. Doing those two things enables a person to carry his personal defense gun even when his employer says no. (Remember it's generally not illegal to do so, because it's a company policy you're disobeying, not a law.)

Don't ever kid yourself that the company has that policy in order to keep anyone SAFE. :rolleyes:


Glock 31

New member

Wow my most successfull thread yet. Thanks for all the replies and keep them coming.

As for the argument between legal ccw and illegal ccw, I can't comment on other states, but in New Mexico, getting caught illegally carrying a concealed weapon is about the same as a traffic ticket. It's a petty misdemeanor. Now I don't have much reason to carry ccw in my daily routine except on certain deliveries. If I feel it's a dangerous neighborhood, before I get the pizza and get out of the car, I slip my Walther P22 loaded with stingers into my pants pocket. It's small enough and light enough to be unnoticeable. And hopefully will be enough to buy me time to get to my glove box where the good 'ol .40 caliber Glock is.

As for prior jobs, I've worked pizza most my life. Before and now after I served in the navy for four years. When I got back, I got into security at the local mall. But I left after a week because I found out it was not security no matter what the uniform says. If we witness a shoplifter, and he sees us and runs away, we are not allowed to pursue him through the mall because if someone gets hurt we are liable for it. And if there is a disturbance in a shop, we cannot go into the shop until the clerk invites us in. After that we have to stand there and let the clerk and the subject work out the problem. We can only intervene to stop physical violence. We got OC spray training from the corporate trainer and he gave us OC sprayers, but we had to give them up after he left cause the mall owner does'nt allow us to carry them. That is not security work, that is a watch group.

I left that job to work at Chief Securities Inc. who is much better as far as actual apprehension and deterent methods. We cover clients from power plants to Dams to Sonic Drive-ins and Safeways. Each client is different. No knives or weapons at safeway just cuffs. No guns at Sonic. The federal Dam site requires guns. And you can only carry what the company trains you in, but they do have training in anything you would want to carry. If you want to carry OC, you have to get sprayed. If you want to get cuffs, you have to go through hand to hand training (basic methods). It was fun. But I was fired from that job because I didn't have enough time to change between my security job and my hotel job so I had to wear the uniform to the hotel, which the owner didn't have a problem with either. I even tried to get the hotel owner to take a contract out with the security company. But someone from the security company saw me in uniform at another job, supposedly with a gun on when I didn't have company training for it, and I was fired after a week and a half at the security company. I only had the holster on at the hotel not the gun. And as far as I was concerned, I was still getting used to the schedule so I would have worked the uniform thing out eventually. Can't man a hotel desk in a wife beater tshirt. So now it's back to pizza and the hotel thing. I want to be a cop someday but can't seem to loose the weight to make the mile and a half run in under 13:10. Tough luck huh?:cool:


New member
Blackmind -
To be honest, I havn't totally thrashed out that issue. I will probably continue to keep company policy, just out of respect for property rights. After all, the right to private property is the right to exclude. But then again, nobody askes the LEOs or F&G officers to disarm before entering, and there's nothing in the regs about exceptions for them. And I have been completely disregarding the rules about 'weapons' (anything pointy or firearmish) in vehicles in the parking lot. So I will keep thinking on this one.


New member
Currently a college student working as a coffee merchandiser around the island. Too young to have a gun (4 more months), but Hawaii is no-CCW state anyway.

I once carried my old PPK CO2 air gun in my pants back pocket when visiting my friend at the University dorms. There was a very drunk football player waving around a knife. Even though I didnt bust out my toy, I felt relieved to at least have SOMETHING to defend myself with if he got violent.

Now, I don't carry anything, be it a knife, kubotan, etc. Being that I'm usually on my motorcycle at nighttime, I simply just pop the clutch and twist the throttle if there's trouble about :D


New member
I'm curious as to what you thought an airgun would do to a pissed off football player? The only thing I see happening in that circumstance is you angering him further. Like you said, its a toy.


yeah I use to deliver for Dominoes years ago as well..

Kept an SKS in the trunk.. ever had a bayonet through your pizza?


New member
I repossess cars i used to ccw but found that open carry is a lot better when taking someones car, most want to have some type of bad attitude you ain't taking my car :mad: but as soon as they see the gun on my hip its here are the keys and its not your fault i fell on hard times have a nice day. :)

Neal in GA

New member
Mine's not dangerous most of the time. I work in accounts (ie collections) at one of the bigger rent-to-own furniture/appliance/electronics companies. It's against company policy to carry, but they say nothing about weapons in your car. I do have to go door knocking on severely delinquent accounts a few times a week, and this is often at night in very low income areas. I slip my little Beretta 21 in my pocket when doing that. I'd rather lose my job than my life, so it's a no-brainer for me.


New member
Im but a simple bartender...

Im but a simple bartender in a major hotel/casino. On an average night I deal with hookers, pimps, drug dealers, an assortment of other felons, not to mention the occasional vacationing gang member. While Im not allowed to carry at work Ive seen way too many violent crimes not to be armed elsewhere. Too many times Ive been out with loved ones and seen really bad people watching me wondering where they know me from or assuming Im like them because I serve them drinks. It can be very scary.



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My wondeful job...

I am a senior corrections officer in the State of New Jersey. I get to deal with the State's finest members of society. Lucky me. Dont carry on the job unless I have some outside detail or trip, but right now I am running a housing unit primarily housing the Blood gang members. Lucky me. 132 of NJ's most reckless gangangers.



New member
I'm an Ohio corretions officer in a medium security prison. Officers carry no weapons of any kind. Sgts and Lt's and Capt's carry pepper because they are worth protecting. Our un-armed self defence training is one day a year, the most of the remainder of the training is on PC crap. We carry a weapon on outside posts and transports. Our firearms training is like wise a joke and seems to get easier every year. Hit the target, not the center chest, but anywhere on the target. If you fail you get to reshoot. A joke!!!
This is what happens when liberal's take over the correctional system, The social workers say they are all vicims of social injustice. The Mental health people treat them like all patients. Custody people are made subordinate to other disiplins. Our current Deputy Warden of Operations has no prior Custody experiance. I could go on and on......


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Welcome to Corrections

GarryC: Yup... sounds like NJ's system for doing things. We get key and a radio if we are housing (which I am), General Assignment guys get cuffs, a key, and a radio. Sgt's/Lt's get keys, radio, cuffs, and OC Spray. Hopefully the SGT exam goes well next spring and I will be out of the Officer ranks. Stay safe!



New member
Career Firefighter/EMT with a local department. SOGs specifically disallow any type of firearm on the premisis... period. I'm not even suppose to have anything on me off-duty if I visit the house for something. :rolleyes:

We're intelligent enough and responsible enough to save people's lives everyday, but we're just not responsible enough or intelligent enough to protect our own lives at the same time... Go figure.


New member
I have been a repossessor for 15 years. I now own the company I started with. We service mostly large national finance companies. Over the last 5 years most of these large finance companies have included language in their contracts prohibiting carrying firearms while conducting their business. I have a written policy disallowing my field agents from carrying firearms though I am sure some probably do. In addition carrying a gun unconcealed violates "fair debt collection act" which is a federal problem. My state only allows for cc for licensed private detectives, which I am. I still have my cc though I seldom do carry. I was arrested by the chief of police of a small town 5 years ago for carrying in "his town". The charge was dropped, the chief was fired and the town ended up giving me a 5 figure apology after I filed a civil rights suit against the chief.:)