Damn! Breaking...shooting in Memphis,TN


New member
More bad news. ATF has gotten involved. Just why the hell are the feds mucking around in a local homicide? Damn, I get a bad feeling about this.


New member
A friend just e-mailed me and said that she has invited a bunch of firemen (world-wide) tomy board http://pub8.ezboard.com/flibertarianscornerguns.showMessage?topicID=19.topic to discuss this. They are really upset and want to understand more about the way we view guns, the 2nd A. and the constitution in general. If any of you would like to dropin and help to gently educate these guys and gals, I would appreciate it.

(none have come in as of 3:20 PM EST)


New member
He was awaiting trial on a domestic violence charge. It was illegal for him to have a firearm. We already had an unenforced law in place that could have helped prevent this.

Rob Pincus

New member
Whoa-there, Jeff.... Let's be careful what we wish for.

I have to deal with that law every day. Do you really want LEOs searching every house and taking every gun from every residence of someone awaiting a DV charge ?

The Lautenberg law is bad enough in the aftermath of a conviction.. but to look for and take guns prior to that conviction would be 100% more intrusive.

In VA, anyone under an Emergency Protection Order (almost always issued when someone is charged with DV) cannot have "access" to firearms... we chose to instruct the person of that fact and leave it at that. (obviously, if a firearm was involved in the incident (threats, brandishing, etc...) , that is not the case).

If anyone wants to discuss this aspect of the shooting further, please start a new thread in LEGAL.



New member
I saw a web report on this shooting. The shooter used a conventional shotgun with birdshot. I think his shooting skills and effect of shots fired was very telling in how effective a shotgun would be. I hope future mental cases like this use pistols or carbines of some kind. If we kept score on this shooting the mental case won in every department including effect and hit rate. Hard to argue those results. I hope the anti gun types never figure out how effective a shotgun really is. They'd forget about the AK47.