CZ75 SRS from CGW

Tucker 1371

New member
Ah crap I didn't see that on their site, I'll see if they can roll that into my order without having to pay extra shipping.


New member
Yea, call them right when they open and you might get lucky. Not sure their system allows them to modify orders easily. You can do what you did and find the right nail width, but honestly the pins are so cheap I think it's worth saving the slight hassle.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Independent George said:
CZs have a small, but very devoted following because they feel just right for a certain percentage of the population (including myself).

That "small, but very devoted following" seems to be growing pretty rapidly.

Just five or six years ago, CZ were basically unknown.... now they're increasingly popular with MANY folks in a devoted following. :) Including folks shooting competitively!

FNs and Steyrs seem to have taken their place as the guns with a small, but very devoted following. (I picked up a couple of FNS-40s, recently, in trade, and darned few people know what they are! Very nice guns.)

Tucker 1371

New member
Hey y'all, just wanted to keep y'all posted on the status of my gun. All the parts from CGW came in and after some frustration and more expletives than I'd like to admit, I got everything polished up and installed. The SRS and floating trigger pin are in, I polished the underside of the sear cage and the transfer bar. Man does this thing have a sweet trigger now! That said I think I may avoid taking this gun that far apart again, in all honesty it was probably a little above my skill level but I definitely learned a few things in the process. Thanks to everyone who posted in this thread and helped me along the way!