CZ vs ????????

Eric Larsen

New member
Ive got a small and probably, irrellevant point...eerrr question. What are we comparing in these threads anyway? Rarely does it actually state the purpose of the 'vs" in the thread..

CZ PCR vs S&W 6906 vs Taurus PT911 as a CCW?

All three guns are alloy framed with steel slides and have the following features in common:
Compact size, hi cap 9mms s/autos
have low drag good sights
serrations on the straps and trigger guard
ext. mag releases
decocker style safeties with the Taurus having the better system allowing cond 1 carry also.
3 3/4" - 4" barrels for good velocity
Good if not great trad. d/a triggers on all of them
The PT is field stripped by a takedown lever while the others are the more common, remove the slide stop and clean the gun.

Dimensionally they are all close to the same size, yet they all feel much different in the hand and are all much different to shoot.

OEM capacity goes to the 6906 with its 12 rnd mag. The PT and PCR are both 10 rnd guns..but Compact Hi Caps and PT940 mags can both easily run into the 13-14 rnd arena.....Toss up.

Shooting them...
The PCR is "typical CZ" in the way it feels and shoots. It grip melts into your hands and sight acquisition feels very natural ....a good natural pointer. The trigger is better than most CZ's due to the lighter hammer weight...very consistant d/a pull and s/a breaks with just a hint of overtravel....very nice. The decocker is in a perfect location and works like a Sig...push down and the hammer is released and only comes up as fast as you let the lever back up. The hammers resting place is on a half cock notch, which does make for slightly better "hammer down, d/a trigger pull"...just slightly. The ext mag release is a great feature for those times when quick reloads are in order. Controls are very nicely placed for a natural feel in their usage and have the standard CZ stiffness in operation.

The 6906 looks a tad smaller than the others but in your hands..the grip is short and feels almost "chubby"..but after a minute it feels very good...except for those with extremely large hands..the length can be a problem. The trigger is very typical of 3rd gen S&W autos...light and just slightly gritty in d/a pull with s/a pull being very similar to the CZ...a good trigger. The decocker is higher than than the other two, being located on the slide. Its location seems un-natural at first but is better once used to it. The decocker on the 6906 drops the hammer as it "rolls the safety bar" up in the way of the firing pin also. This provides additional safety in decocking the gun. The controls on new guns are a tad gritty and smooth out with time...easing there use of operation. With an empty mag..this gun feels less top heavy than the other two as a side note.

The PT911 is a different animal in your hands. The first two guns offer curved backstraps to meet the natural curve of the hand..this guns grip is just straight. The length is just a tad longer than the 6906...but still relies on the mags finger extension for a full finger grip with large hands...6906 like.
A design consession that blends capacity with concealibility.
It takes some getting used to in your hands and the feel isnt like many other guns...but its not a bad thing, by any means.
The trigger is lighter than the CZ in d/a pull and length is the same...longer than the 6906 by a tad. Pull is clean and consistant in d/a and s/a is as flawless as the other two..light and smooth..breaking with a hint of overtravel. The safety/decocker on this gun wins hands down. The frame mounted lever can be pushed up with the hammer cocked for cond 1 carry, pulled down for a CZ/Sig style decocking action and also be put on safety with hammer down carry for those who want the option. The controls are "where my hands think they should be" much like the CZ and very smooth and light in operation.

Accuracy with all ammo would give the PCR a slight advantage, in my hands. There is no good reason for this. I'll note that it does feel the best and most natural in my hands to shoot, this allows most shooters to get very comfortable with the gun almost instantly.
Groups from all guns are easily within the "very accurate gun"
realm and better than needed for a CCW or Defensive gun.
All of them shot tighter groups with the smaller and faster 9mm JHP defensive interesting note. Typical groups were
under 2" , up to 15 yds away using a slow fire and offhand style.
*Note the PTs OEM front big dot sight is a great tool for quick sighting but actually was a drawback past 15 yds...covering the POA at times. Some may feel this is a worth while compromise in the CCW side of things.

The guns all ate every type and weight of ammo I could find.
Recoil was different when shooting the same loads from the different guns. The OEM rubber stocks on the PCR and PT seemed to transfer less recoil than the hard OEM plastics of the Smith. The PCR's more natural shape and slightly bigger grip took the most recoil away, allowing the best grouping for "double taps". Note...none of the guns recoil harshly with any ammo. +P and +P+ 9mm did recoil more in all guns but were never "recoil intensive" allowing quick follow up shots in all cases.

In comparison, all of the Compact 9mm's had their inherent strengths and differences. The PCR and PT are still new production guns while the 6906's are common in most stores and clean examples can be found at very reasonable prices.

Any of these guns will work equally well as a CCW. The biggest difference and ultimately the determining factors may end up being...what feels the best in your hands, cost and availibility.

Beyond those points they are all equally great guns.....Shoot well


"Cee Zed, Wasn't the Colt Z40 supposed to be DAO? I believe that's the major difference between the two....besides the markings."

Yes, that is correct. I should have put a smiley in that post! I thought that the question was a CZ vs. Colt question (rather than a CZ 40B vs. Z40 question).

I am going to make a rule for myself not to post in thread B while I am still miffed about something in thread A. (Hope that made sense.) This place can bring out my dark side...