CZ vs. Glock

Which 9mm is better for me?

  • CZ-75b

    Votes: 52 62.7%
  • Glock 17

    Votes: 31 37.3%

  • Total voters


New member
I recently posted this message but didn't get may responses, so I thought I might try again making it a poll this time. My original post said that I was interested in the Cz-75 and the Glock 17.
Here's the original post: "I live in Maryland. Next year, a handgun must have an internal lock in order to be sold here, so both of these guns will be gone. I know glock is suppose to have internal locks at some point, but my local shop says that glock is fed up with Maryland's gun laws and that they make enough sales elsewhere that they may just dump Maryland (he's angry about this because he's an authorized dealer and sells lots for them). I was planning on getting both of these fine weapons, but recent financial difficulties must limit my choice to one. So it's one or the other (until I move out of this Liberal fiasco). I have saved up enought to afford the Glock, and I know that the CZ is cheaper. I plan on using this particular gun as a regular shooting range gun and hopefully in some local idpa. Let me say here, I have shot both and both guns have positive features and shot well for me. My main concern is that the gun holds up well after alot of shooting (aka have a long service life) and that it's easy to get it fixed when and if it should fail. Both seem to sell themselves on these 2 points, but are there any opinions on which is actually better and which might better suit my needs? Thanks in advance. "


I will try to be unbiased, but I would seriously consider BOTH, given the Maryland situation. You will be able to sell the one you don't like for at LEAST what you paid for it. CZ also doesn't play games with the various states, so there will be none either.

If I lived in Maryland, I would consider maxing out my credit card, no joke. If you want to have some flexibility, some models will appreciate more than an introductory APR. That's for sure. I don't think it's too cool to gouge a new shooter, but someone will be very happy if you keep it fair.

If I had to choose, I would take a CZ because I like them more. I try not to pretend that my preference is a death ray with ultimate power. ;-) Glocks are more popular and have more resale value (they also cost more, as everyone has noticed). Unless you know an LEO willing to order them for you, hi-caps for the CZs are a LOT cheaper (like 3 for 1). I forget if hi-caps are already a total no-no in Maryland or about to become so. I have enough trouble keeping up with the draconian gun laws in my own state!


New member
I have to agree with Cee-Zed on this one. Magazines are a little less than half the price for the CZ 75 vs G17. Also of the two companies Glock will be more inclined to make a weapon MD compliant in the future so you might possibly be able to get the G17 later.

Eric Larsen

New member
My vote is for CZ also..not that Glock isnt a great weapon. Ive shot both and actually like the 17 very well. I just think the CZ is more of what I look for in a gun. The Glock is a great gun and really doesnt do anything wrong at all. I like the character the CZ brings to the table...lots of it, history..and all of those damn Clones :D Anyway..thats my take on it.
Shoot well


New member
An evil choice mandated by an evil entity!!! :mad:
However, I would get the G17. Glocks have a known level of reliability and are easy to repair and get parts. If standard capacity mags are banned by your totalitarian socialist government, then the point is moot!! Buy the Glock and eventually flee to freedom!!!


New member
I have had both in the last few months.....kept the Glock

I had a Pre-B CZ-75 that was a real shooter, but the recoil seemed heavier, and the sights just were not there for me. For punching paper I seemed to do ok, but drawing and firing was quite a bit slower for me with the CZ. IIRC from concealment I was close to 2 seconds drawing and firing with the CZ, I am well under 1.5 seconds with the Glock.

CZs are probably one of the best deals going right now in full size 9mms, and the prices are catching up fast. The Glock just does everything a little better for me.......Although the price is a little higher as well. You wont go wrong with either.


New member
Both the mak-90 and the Pre-B are over at Woodsmens

His store is out by Stadium 16, I think he has a price of $450 on it with one highcap and one 10rd mag. I know the history on that CZ.......The original purchaser is a good friend of mine who takes great care of his guns. I think the gun has around 250rds through it, and has all the original paperwork including test target and warranty least it did when I traded it in.

here is a link to a thread I did on that one with pictures..... I think you can probably grab that CZ with $400-425 cash, and the Mak for around $350ish. The guy that owns the shops name is Brent.....Tell him I sent you.


New member
Real tough one. I've never owned or shot a CZ but here at TFL they're considered one of the most underrated combat pistols around. Since its going to be a range gun, one of Glock's greatest strengths (being so lightweight), isn't really going to be a factor.

Both are hard as nails but I'd give the Glock a slight edge with its tenifer finish. But its not that big of a deal since its a range/competition gun and you'll take care of it anyways.

One thing you might consider is the CZ has a DA/SA or cock and lock SA mode. When you go shopping for your next gun you'll already be well accustomed to these types of triggers on other guns. But if you get the Glock, chances are your next pistol will have a different trigger system.

So I guess this Glock fan is pushing towards the CZ in your case. :eek:


Thanks. It's beddy-bye time. This Benadryl is kicking my butt!

I will check it out, and see what he feels like on a trade-in. I would probably part with my 75B Mil and FEG GKK for it. That and a little cash would give him a nice return.


New member
Get the CZ.

Great gun. My CZ 75B is extremely accurate and reliable, very well made, has good fit and finish and was very inexpensive. I love it.

I would like more, though I too am only going to be able to get one gun (maybe two if I'm lucky) between now and the end of the year and I'm trying to decide if something else may be better for now (See this thread to help me). However, given your options I'd definately go with the CZ (not only because it is currently my favorite auto).

I have been told by several dealers that the Glock is definately going to be made with the lock and will remain available in MD. Even if that was not so, the new law seems to allow used guns to be brought into the state without a built in lock. There are tons of used Glocks out there, including on auction sites and police trade-ins, so while you may have to go used to get what you want (that is if they didn't make them with the lock, and they will) there will be plenty available.


New member
Read my reply to your previous thread. I like the CZ over the Glock for the same reasons as I stated before. Chances are CZ will not spend the resources to comply with MD regs but Glcok will. Therefore you may not be able to buy a new CZ later but probably can a Glock (at much higher cost).

Let me add a new one for the CZ. Look at the frame rails which make the the slides of all CZ pistols run inside the frames instead of over. This makes for a tighter fit of frame to slide and improves accuracy. Look at the Sig P210 and see the same design.

I still think the Glock would make you as happy as the CZ. It's a great weapon. Rent both, spend some more time with each gun at the range and decide for yourself. Also, don't rule out a Beretta or Walther. Try all four.


New member
Why don't you just get the best of both worlds and get the Browning Highpower they will out point and out shoot both the CZ and Glock and will hold there value better cause they aren't making many anymore and you can get KRD 17 roung mags from CDNN (in Shot Gun News) for 19 dollars, and they are very reliable. Also the BHP is one of the best IDPA pistols out there. and there fit and finnish is better than the CZ and better looking than the Glock. Just another option.


New member
I have a CZ85 and a G34, both are great guns, don't know if I could chose. With the CZ you have the option of getting the Kadet conversion and having a excellent .22. Original capacity mags are cheaper for the CZ.


New member
Buy both before they're banned. The antis are circumventing the constitution with their "safety" requirement. :mad: If you absolutely cannot get both than choose the G34. If you're looking for range and home the G34 is a better option in my book. It comes with a better trigger pull and longer sight radius. Prebans are expensive for Glocks, but are prebans legal to purchase in Maryland anyway?


New member
For everyone asking if pre-ban mags are available in MD, yes and no. We can buy "high"-cap mags so long as they are 20 rounds or less. No problem with pistols but a major pain with rifles.

If you absolutely cannot get both than choose the G34. If you're looking for range and home the G34 is a better option in my book. It comes with a better trigger pull
You must be joking about those triggers:eek: . CZ has an admittedly long DA pull but for those who can reach it (most of us) it is one of the best DA pulls available (it is very smooth and consistent). The SA pull on a CZ is also very good, in fact I'd say great (especially if you get the 75SA or the 85 Combat, but really this is the case with any 75/85). The trigger isn't perfect but without spending about double on the gun you probably can't find a better trigger (and many guns costing double or more have triggers that won't stand up to CZ). The trigger on the Glock is springy and really does not feel good if you are used to ANYTHING else. Yes, you can get used to it, but almost no one loves the trigger on their Glock (many Glock owners don't even so much as like it, and for some of us, me included, the reason they don't own a Glock yet is the trigger). Many of us LOVE the triggers on our CZs.

I'd understand if you say you prefer the Glock. They are fine guns and many people love them. But to say that the trigger is better than on a CZ, well I don't buy it.


New member
Glock is much more likely to make a MD "approved" gun than CZ. I came from Kalifornia and they have an "approved" list. CZ has their 75B, 97B and a couple of others on the list. You can only get them in the polymer or blue finish. No Nickel. The 85B or Combat is not on the list. I called CZ and they told me directly that they were fed up with Kalifornia and would not submit any more guns to them for approval. MD is a much smaller market than the PRK so I wouldn't hold my breath that CZ is going to do anything different. You just won't be able to get one.


New member
Anyone know if the CZ-75bd's trigger is as good as the 75b's? I hear that the trigger mechanism is different and may not be as good/smooth. But overall the 75bd seems to be as good and accurate as the regular 75b. A local shop has a deal on one w/ 1 10 round and 1 15 round magazine.