Cz P-01?

Marko II

New member
My local dealer just ordered a dozen PO-1s today. As soon as these hit the shop I'll be sure to give a report. I've owned three PCRs, and all three had exceptionally good triggers. If the PO-1's trigger is even better, it's going to have to have one darn fine trigger. Sure hope it's true.

Take care. Marko

Eric Larsen

New member
The PO1 will have standard Cz 75 sights..the low mount style arent on the real PO1 gun...thought youd like to know.
Shoot well


New member
Don't want to get the CZ fans in a huff, but the accessory rails and curved trigger guard have to go. A PO1 without the ugly rails, who uses them anyway, and a smooth trigger guard would look much better. :p