CZ P-01 came! PICS!!

Waited 2 1/2 weeks, well worth it, Impact Guns is a great store! I cleaned it and lubed it up with Balistol, and have been dry firing it to smooth out the trigger. CZ sure does make a great pistol for a great price, it has some rough finishing (where it doesn't matter), but everything that needs to work, works great! Saturday taking it out for 300 or so rounds, I'll report more later.

Subjective quick review...

VERY comfortable grip
Excellent pistol
What more needs said?

Came covered in sludge
What more can be said?





AdrianVall - It ran just under $600 out the door (with 6% tax), and yes, it's 9mm.

It is such an amazing gun, and it is still all stiff and rough from the factory... Once I shoot the rough out of it, it will be my everything... Not my first, not my last, but definitely my everything!

chris in va

New member
Love mine. Wish I had bought one back in 2003 when I decided on the 75bd instead. That rubber magazine pad makes all the difference.

Get a 15# hammer spring soon as you can. I didn't even bother shooting mine with the factory 19#.
Get a 15# hammer spring soon as you can
I pushed the envelope of my budget already, but it is on my to do list eventually, mostly so the wife can enjoy it also... Right now, she can shoot it, but she doesn't *like* to, both due to the weight and roughness. The on in Impact (for rent) has been shot a lot, she likes that one a lot more, and mine will be there soon, I like to shoot.


New member
You'll find the P-01 is very accurate and extremely reliable. One of my favorite pistols. Single action pull isn't the greatest at first, but smooths out the more you shoot it.


New member
You're going to love this gun. Mine has become my favorite, even over my Sigs.

They're imported, so it's no surprise they come coated with preservative. Take them down and clean/lube thoroughly as part of your "bonding" ritual, then go have some fun with it.


New member
Why do people act like the CZ's are crippled until you put a lighter hammer spring in their gun? You guys must have never shot a Beretta 92 or Ruger P95?
A factory new CZ feels like a custom trigger compared to those.
My 2 CZ75B's have gone from merely just very very good new to outstanding after a few hundred rounds.
My advice is to shoot the gun, you may find the CZ pretty damn good the way it is.
If you want a super light trigger pull for the range buy a SA and have it worked by a good gunsmith.
Sorry for the rant.


New member
I have a CZ75 P-07, which is the polymer version.
All the other descriptions apply. A sweet gun, very accurate, easy clean.
I find it a better tactical weapon than the all steel guns.


New member
Nice. I have the 75B, and 75D PCR, but want to get a P-01 also, and an all steel Compact, and an SP-01, and 97B........:rolleyes:

chris in va

New member
I'm not saying they are 'crippled' when new. The lighter hammer spring simply makes the hard DA trigger pull lighter without compromising reliability.

Ironically CZ is notorious for using weak springs for everything except the hammer.

wild cat mccane

New member
Not really a lot of praise in here. A lot of detraction with lots of happiness to it.

Examples include people praising CZ while also noting:
CZ uses bad springs.
Finish isn't even.
Takes time to wear in.


New member
I'm with you manta49,,,

My CZ-75B was fine right out of the box,,,
And only got better after a few hundred rounds.

Perhaps it might be marginally improved by lighter springs,,,
But I'm of the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." crowd.

Shoot it like you stole it myshoulderissore,,,
It'll just get better with age. ;)




New member
I bought mine from Matt Mink, and had him tune it for carry (very smooth 8lb DA and 4 lb SA).

Matt is on the CZ team with Angus Hobdell, and has his own custom shop, Automatic Accuracy.

I am very happy with mine.