CZ dementia


New member
I just cant make my mind up here. Order a CZ97 in .45 or a CZ75 in .40 with the thought that someone makes a .357 sig barrel? I think I would have more fun with the .40-.357 combo but am not aware of any source of .357 barrels for a 75. If I cant get a .357 barrel I think I would just go with the 97 and go with the .45 over a .40. Any thoughts, opinions or flames?


New member
I like the CZ-75 in .40/.357SIG idea and I'm somewhat surprised CZ hasn't come out with their own .357SIG pistol and conversion.

glock glockler

New member
I just bought a CZ 97 (.45) and the arousel factor is very high. It is built absolutely solid and I have heard nothing but raves about it but haven't shot it myself, look forward to doing so soon though. It is a wee bit big and heavy for a CCW so hopefully that's not your intended use for it.


New member
no plans for CCW with it, just a pack in the woods and shoot at the range fun gun. It still amazes me that CZ does not have the .357 sig as a factory option.


New member
I remember someone here or at glocktalk complaining about how their CZ75 in .40 was inaccurate. I think it was in one of those threads that dealt with the "inherent inaccuracy" of the .40 _&_ round. A .357 SIG should be highly accurate but you have to reload or actively keep track of moderately priced ammo as it comes and goes here and there.


New member
I haven't tried it all, but the 40 factory ammo I have tried was not accurate at all in my Glock. I have to reload to get the accuracy. I won't even bother with factory in my CZ75B SA except for the initial function test with it. After that it will only see reloads.

Perhaps some of the other folks could recommend some highly accurate .40 cal factory ammo to you.


New member
Here we go again with the .40 cal :rolleyes: . It's explodes, it's in inaccurate, blah, blah, and I heard this from someone that told me from someone that got it from some other person, etc. (you get the idea)

I don’t own a CZ 75B in .40 cal. nor do I own a CZ97 in .45, but I do own a CZ 40B and a CZ 75B in 9mm.

The CZ 40 is rock solid. It was base on the Colt Z40. For $289 new, it was one of the best deals I made in a long time.

I have shot many handguns in .40 and none of them exploded on me. I do not know where people came up with the idea that the .40 is “inherent inaccuracy”.

This is from my personal experience.


New member
I don't think anyone was going down that road. My complaint about .40 is that the factory ammo is lame. That is true for most factory ammo. The .40 can be very accurate.

As for CZs in .40, the 75B SA is my third in .40 caliber. The other two are real tackdrivers. Hopefully the 75B SA will be as well.


New member
I have never seen or shot a CZ97...but I own a CZ75 in .40 and I like it very much, my compliant about the .40 is the price that I pay for a box of ammo around here $13.50 plus tax, while the .45 is about $9 for Federal or Remington.
I say go for the 97, you can get great deals in ammo, and the gun is superb I understand.


New member
I love my CZ-97B. It is seriously overbuilt, and quite accurate as well.....

Here she is :)



New member
The only complaint I have about the CZ97 is that no one manufactures grips for them and I hate the factory grips.

As Ajax Custom Grips explained to me there are only around 5000 of the 97s out there so until they get around 50,000 pistols in circulation no one will look at making accessories for them like grips, etc.


New member
Couple of FWIW comments. The CZ 75B in .40 that I own is more accurate than my 9mm version of the same gun. It's a joy to shoot and handles the .40 "snap" better than any other .40 I've ever shot. Plus, it hasn't exploded at all. :) And neither has my CZ 40B.

When I feel like some serious shooting, it's the CZ 97B. Absolutely the most accurate of my CZs...and I currently own 8 of them. In fact, it's probably my most accurate pistol of all time.



New member
The 97B is on my want-to-buy list! High up there too.
I have never shot one but drool every time I pick one up.
I have a 75B SA, a CZ-83, CZ-52 & CZ-50. All the guns are keepers in my mind.


I bought a CZ 97B this month based upon the great results that I have had with the CZ75, 75 Compact and 85. I have put over 500 rounds through it so far and it has been totally dependable with 5 different types of ammo. I agree with Sickpuppy that it would be even better with grips that don't bite a much as the checkered wood one do. The trigger is typical CZ and the sights required a brass punch to adjust. If you can afford it, get both, with CZ you can't go wrong.

Peter M. Eick

New member
I agree with the prior comments on the 97b. I had mine out this week and sure love it for just banging away. It does not kick much for 230 hardball loads and is quite accurate.

I do not mind the grips, no problem there. My only gripe is the polish. It is so smooth and nicely done that I hate to use it much. Also it is sure hard to get a good grab on with sweaty hands.

At times I think I should parkerize it!

Oh yeah, up to 2700 rnds or so with no failures to fire or feed since I figured out it does not like loads beyond 1.272 COL!

Rainbow Six

New member
I really don't see why it comes as such a big surprise that CZ doesn't make a .357SIG version of it's guns. .357SIG is probably, with VERY few exceptions, largely an American caliber and it really hasn't took off here like I figured it would. Also, even though the U.S. demand for CZ pistols appears to be on the rise I doubt seriously that the American market consists of enough of CZ-UB's business to make a pistol specificaly for us, yet.

I think I saw a post on about some barrell manufacturer that does make a .357SIG barrell for the 75B. Can't remember who it was though.


New member
I have considered having a phosphate finish as well. Mine is in polymer so I plan on having that removed and the gun refinished in something else. Right now I'm torn between blue, phosphate, or chrome.

Joe Klug

New member

Whatever you decide you will no doubt get a good pistol.

I can, however, personally recommend the CZ97B. The one I have is an absolute joy to shoot. It is also my most accurate pistol, period. If it fits your hand I'd be willing to bet you will enjoy it.

Like others here, I would like to replace the grips with rubber panels but I can wait till someone makes them. That's the only thing I have a desire to change.

I never have warmed up to the .40 just because I personally think it's an answer in search of a problem. That and I really don't don't need another caliber to stock up on.:)

Best of luck in your decision.


Walt Sherrill

New member

You may want to wait a little while on removing that polymer finish.

I thought it was a crappy finish as first, but I've come to realize that its really durable, and a lot less trouble to maintain than nearly anything else available. The only care it needs is to be wiped down, once in a while!

(I have a CZ-85 Combat, in nickel, and while it look really nice and seems durable, I'm not sure its worth the extra cost.)