CZ-75B vs Glock 19: Will I ever make my mind up?


New member
They aren't very comparable yet I still find myself getting hung up on which would be the better choice. The Glock has a massive following and is widely known for its rugged reliability. It's simple, versatile, and it just plain works. The CZ has quite the following of its own with nearly everyone I've heard from who has owned it saying nothing but great things, but there aren't near as popular as the Glock. That seems to be a double edged sword. Its always nice to have something unlike that not everyone else has but then again you don't have the same amount of community or help when want it. I dont get to shoot nearly as much as i would like so fondibility is a big issue. Something tells me that i would like the heaviness, complexity, and accuracy of the CZ but with videos like < That floating around it makes the decision that much harder.

such is life : )


New member
Allow me to assist your decision making,,,

Buy the CZ!

If "fondibility" is an issue,,,
I am assuming you mean fondling the gun,,,
The CZ-75B is definitely the handgun you want to purchase.

It has soul,,,
The Glock doesn't.

Okay, I'm joking here,,,
But my friend, that CZ is surely a wonderful handgun.

In the words of a penultimate Glock basher,,,
"If they weren't so lightweight, nobody would buy a Glock.",,,
Nobody can deny that, "It's simple, versatile, and it just plain works."

Handle them both for 5 minutes or so,,,
The CZ will start crooning to you like a Lorelei in a river.


Amin Parker

New member
Get the cz 75 or the cz 75 compact. You cannot go wrong with a cz.

You cannot buy a better 9mm pistol, even at twice the price. :)


what fits your hand better? That should be your determining factor.

Wildpersonallyneitherwouldbeinmytop10listbutitsyourhandnotmineAlaska ™©2002-2011


My opinion is that both will hold up fine and be reliable.

The CZ sure felt better in my hand, had a much better trigger in SA, (I personally would only get the CZ in single action only)

The CZ also had better sights.

The CZ also had a better magazine release.

It seems to me that Glock prices have been climbing lately - at least in my area.

If I were looking for a GP SD/HD & range fun pistol - I would take the CZ.


New member
Well, to better confuse you, I was debating between the sp01 and 75b - which they are pretty much the same, but I thought it said something like the trigger and manufacturing were better as also the p01 compact.

The 75b is around, but was frustrated with the lack of in stock of sp01 except for the 1000.00 tweaked shadow.

Anyway, I have now decided to go with an EAA Witness Elite Match. Around 550.00 or so and has excellent reviews. I know, I have an older Tanfoglio that is junk, but this one rated very good.

Good luck. Oh, and I do plan on getting a Glock also, but just not multiple CZ and CZ clones.


New member
What's the intended use?

For a carry gun, the Glock wins. Smaller, and lighter weight.

For anything else, the CZ wins. More comfortable and easier to shoot accurately.

The Glock 17 is actually more comparable to the CZ75. Even then, it is a lighter weight gun than the CZ, and the weight "gets heavier" throughout the day.


New member
@Smaug that is basically how i feel. I will not be carrying for a few more years so im more of a target shooter/plinker as of now. That is another thing the glock has going for it under the versatility file. As far as the 17 or most other glock models go im fairly uninterested at this point. maybe if i got a 19 later on down the line i would like a 26 to make a pair but as of now i would only be interested in the 19.

ice monkey

New member
Not long ago, I would have said CZ. But not long ago I also “fell into” a Glock. I never thought it would happen to me but … pass me the pitcher!

Both are great, and perhaps the CZ has more “personality,” but then that Glock’s “function and accessories” make it an awesome platform. The “fun stick” (33 rd clip) gives even a 26 the firepower of an assault weapon! The accessories can make it a “target” gun, which if you ask me gives it plenty of "personality."

I hate playing the "if I could only have one game" but …


If I am going to CC I am going to get something like a Kahr CM9 or a Rohrbaugh R9.

For HD, I am eventually going to get a better shotgun - I am leaning toward the Mossberg 930 SPX

I guess for a long time I had the handgun in that role, my H&K P7M8 was small enough to carry IWB, but I didn't do it very often. My state doesn't allow carry period. I had a few situations where I decided I wasn't going to leave without something...

One time was going with my dad to pickup one of his employees from jail - not as bad as it sounds... he was a truck driver who punctured a fuel tank while manuvering his truck. Dumped about 15 gallons of deisel in a basically empty lot. Didn't think much of it, but technically it was a "Hazardous Materials" spill and the driver didn't report it, a person reported it so he got arrested. My dad had to go to area 5 to get this poor guy and he asked me if I would go with him. I wasn't gonna drive there without being armed. So we went, got the driver and returned without incident.

And my H&K P7M8 was my only HD firearm for a while, but a 12ga is really a lot better, IMO

So now when I am thinking of getting a full sized pistol - it's really more for fun.

I think the CZ is a better shooter, so if you want some satisfying results at the range I would say go with the CZ.

Having said that, I am looking at getting a Glock 34, mainly because I can put a G17L barrel in it, or put a G17L aftermarket slide on top of it, or get a CCF stainless steel frame... The CCF frame has a nice picatinny underside...

It's customizing and building different variations that is appealing to me.

I'll probably also end up getting a trigger kit for it if the used one I look at this weekend doesn't already have one (I'll have to try the trigger first).

I am also looking at the Ninja Glock which looks pretty amazing:


New member
My choice is the Glock.

I have always wanted a CZ, I thought they were great looking and have always heard nothing but good things about them. I have a Glock right now though.

One day I finally ran into a bunch of CZ's on sale at a gun store, they had them all out to handle. SO I handled all of them. I must say after having them in my hand, I was not as impressed. They are well built, but I dont like the sights, I remember them being very small, and painted on. I realized I didnt care for the grip as much as I thought I would, maybe it was the angle, felt like it was straight up and down like an H&K. The slide seemed like it was hard to get a hold of, because of it's shorter vertical size than other pistols like a 1911 or Glock. And last, I didnt care for the trigger, I seem to remember it having a little bit of a gritty creep just before the break in single action, I just didnt like it. Anyway, I still want to like the CZ 75b but now that I've held them a few times, I dont think I would buy one. I might like it more if I were to shoot it. And if I owned one, I would love it... guns are like children to me, I love them all unconditionally:D

If I were to buy another 9mm anytime soon, it would be a Generation 3 Glock 19. I dont trust the Gen 4's. Glock changed them just for the American market so people can change the backstraps. I think the Gen 3 is the epitome of Glock perfection. Yeah I know, just shoot hotter rounds out of your Gen 4. Well, I want my glock to shoot anything, so I’ll take a Gen 3

I would love to own a Beretta 92fs though. I would buy the Beretta over the CZ, just because I like the way it operates and feels over the CZ. They aren’t much different. Both have small sights, and a vertically shorter slide. And similar grip angles, but I like the shape of the grip better on the Beretta as well as the trigger for some reason. I might even like the controls a bit more on the Beretta than on the CZ.
I’m looking at a picture of the CZ right now, and I sure like it. It’s a real nice gun and I’d love to get to know it. If I did take some time with it, I’m sure I would warm up to it pretty fast. But still, I’d chose the Glock 19 over any of them. The Glock 19 is the one Do everything wonder 9mm IMO :D Kinda funny I don’t even own one! :eek:

I'm sure you'll be happy with which ever one you chose :)

Oh, by the way. As far as accuracy. I dont think you will ever find one to be any more accurate than the other, at least not enough that you will notice without bolting them down in a Ransom Rest and test firing for groups. You may find than YOU personally shoot one of them better than the other. But if they were both clamped down to a bench and fired for groups, they would both probably get between 1.5 and 2.5 inch groups at 25 yards, depending on the ammo. Hope this helps :)
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New member
@Pico - They are damn close but the CZ is 35$ cheaper according to buds.

@l98ster - Thanks for the input

@mellow_c - Definitely thanks for the input, I will have to feel them both for sure.


New member
I own a 75B SA. I couldn't find a better 9mm for my purposes. I wanted a tough, accurate gun at a reasonable price with a large ammo capacity that felt good in my hand, was not a prima donna about what type of ammo it liked, and cycled reliably with everything I that I fed it. The CZ fit those criteria perfectly. And, to boot, the gun is simplicity in itself to take down and maintain, and to reassemble. What's not to like?

Well, there is something potentially not to like, and your intended use of the gun will determine whether it is a significant drawback. The 75B is a heavy gun, weighing nearly as much as some 1911s. It is not my idea of a concealed carry gun, given its weight and dimensions. I'd probably look elsewhere if I wanted a gun for concealed carry, almost certainly focusing on the "compact" polycarbonate framed nines. CZ does make a compact model, the RAMI, in polycarbonate and it makes some full size polycarbonate framed guns as well. My advice to you is that if you really love the CZ but can't stand its weight, check out some of their polycarbonate models before buying someone else's brand.


New member
not really at this point. like i said i wont be concealed carrying for at least a few years so as of now my guns are meant to be fondled and shot normally. That is something that the glock has going for it. i can shoot it normally now and use it for ccw later on down the road.

Sgt Pepper

New member
A used CZ75 was my first handgun. A used Glock 17 was my second. Somewhere thereafter, I traded the CZ, probably to acquire another pistol. Since then, I've gone on to own various Sigs, Hks, Berettas, Brownings, 1911s, XDs, other Glocks, Kahrs, all kinds of revolvers and so forth.

I can say that, while I generally liked my CZ, I really do not see myself getting another one. Although, it is a very classic pistol, the DA trigger reach was too great for me and the sights were mediocre. The good thing is that the CZ was capable of cocked and locked carry, which is how I carried it around the ranch, although due to its heft (and it is a heavy piece), you MUST have a good holster and belt. Otherwise, it is just more burden than fun. A Glock is a lot more enjoyable to carry due to weight reduction. If you really like CZ and want something that is a range toy/fondler, you may want to consider getting the single action model and skip the DA/SA. That is what I would do.