CZ 75 vs Glock 17

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Amin Parker

New member
Thats right folks, this is happening.

I am the OP and will lay some rules to keep things clean.

1) its only open to those who have experienced both pistols.
2) no fighting.
3) if you do not know what a cz 75 is, find one and shoot it BEFORE you post on this one.
4) there will be no talk of a cousins uncles, great grandmothers pistols nor irrelevant articles. Report on what YOU have witnessed yourself.
5) this thread covers all generations of Glock 17s including the 17L and all versions of the full size CZ 75 9mms, this includes the sp01 shadow etc.

Have fun boys and girls.


New member
Easy. CZ every time.
1. It has a proper hammer.
2. I'll take even a crunchy CZ trigger over the trigger of a striker fired gun.
3. The ever popular: "It fit's my hand better."
I could go on.
I don't hate Glocks, I just haven't found them to be "Perfection."
FWIW, I own a 75BD.


New member
CZ is one of the best platforms for playing range games and target shooting. There are much better platforms for a combat, SD gun

A G-17 is one of the best fighting handguns ever developed, but not as good for extreme accuracy or target work.

Amin Parker

New member
After spending many years shooting both these guns my vote is that the cz 75 is a better pistol than a glock 17. The reasons are:

1) i have never seen a cz 75 crack a slide, barrel nor frame
2) it eats all ammunition. There is no ammo too dirty or primer too hard.
3) it is more accurate than a glock 17 from a rest.
4) it points more naturally than a glock 17 for me.
5) has a manual safety which i consider important ymmv.
6) is more durable than a glock 17, i have seen glocks crack.
7) recoil is noticeably less with a 75 than a 17
8) allows a cocked and locked carry feature.

It is for the above reasons why i think the cz 75 is a better choice. It is based on my experiences.


New member
They are both fantastic, but if I have to pick one or the other, then I pick the CZ SP-01.

My only gripes about Glocks come from the non full size pistols, and center around the mags pinching the crap out of my meat hooks and the trigger guard rubbing my knuckle raw. For whatever reason the full size glocks don't do that to me nearly as bad and I seem to shoot them well. In fact I haven't shot a glock that wasn't accurate.

To me, the CZ 75 and it's variants are just superb. I bought mine for $15 dollars less than I paid for my glock 32 and I got an all steel gun with rail, night sights and 18 round mags. Plus, the CZ's look better and feel better, but most importantly, to me, they allow me the highest and deepest grip of any pistol I've shot. Better grip = better accuracy for me.


New member
After spending many years shooting both these guns my vote is that the cz 75 is a better pistol than a glock 17. The reasons are:

1) i have never seen a cz 75 crack a slide, barrel nor frame
2) it eats all ammunition. There is no ammo too dirty or primer too hard.
3) it is more accurate than a glock 17 from a rest.
4) it points more naturally than a glock 17 for me.
5) has a manual safety which i consider important ymmv.
6) is more durable than a glock 17, i have seen glocks crack.
7) recoil is noticeably less with a 75 than a 17
8) allows a cocked and locked carry feature.

Honestly who cares. They are both quality combat 9mm handguns. One is not objectively better than the other. 99.999999999999999% of the time either one will serve their owner/user well if they have chosen it for the right subjective reasons.

You have a clear bias and demonstrate in your post. Everything in bold is a subjective + which really only apply to you. Everything above in italics is a limited observation which cannot be considered universal.

So what do we end up with? Amin Parker likes the CZ better than the Glock 17 because he likes the CZ better. Circular reasoning at its best.

I have owned and/or shot both extensively do not own/or shoot either much anymore.

PS OPs do not get to set the ground rules for threads and did I mention I think polls/dicussions like this are pointless because the reasons we choose one gun over another is purely subjective. LOL

Amin Parker

New member

I mention that "ymmv".

I do enjoy the cz more, i made that very clear. I thank you for your contribution as you have obviously found a better pistol to launch 9mm rounds from.

The rules are there to keep things civil. I cannot enforce them as you point out.

I made myself clear by asking those who have experienced both pistols to contribute, i stated my opinion and await theirs. I am sure i will learn something from fellow members.
no contest.
cz 75b every single stinkin time.
while glocks are reliable to fire, they are not nearly as reliable to hit a small target.
a glock can hold a 3.5" grouping if you are a good shooter.
a cz 75b can hold a 1" grouping if you are a half-way competent shooter without the shakes.
the glock feels awkward in your hand and not an intuitive sight picture
as soon as you pick up the 75, you fall in love with the grip and the sight picture falls right into place.
the glock trigger is long, sloppy, and stagey (different weights at different points in the long pull)
the cz trigger (omega) is short and smooth after a couple mags
the glock sights are wide, so seeing a small target is difficult
cz sights are narrow, but prominent, so you can still find them quickly but also see what you are shooting at

please go hold a cz 75b, then look at my range report.
after you buy one (and you WILL buy one), make sure to order the CZ FACTORY RUBBER GRIPS. these grips make a fantastic gun into a dream.


Hog Hunter

New member
I have a G17 and a good buddy of mine has a cz75. I like the G17 better cause thats just what I ive been shootin for a while. The triggers are totally differant on both guns, they feel very differant to me. I like the cz75 and can shoot pretty good with it after a few shot of getting use to the trigger but I prefer the Glock just cause thatsw what im use to.

Put rounds through both and see withc one you like better. That really the deciding factor, wich feels best to you.


New member
Amin I hear you.

For me my 9mms of choice go in the following order:

Sig P228
CZ P01
Sig P225
Sig P226

I still have a few others in the stable but they do not get shot as much.

For me the Glock is fine. It does what it is suppose to which is put 9mm rounds on target at combat ranges out to 25 yards. Really I consider combat range inside 15. It does so with a mechanical soulness manner which I does not move me. That it my #1 subjective issue with all Glocks. They simply do not move me. I can shoot them most of my Glock time has been on a 17 and 19.

As for the CZ 75B I find its DA trigger reach too long for me. It never sits right in my hand. It does not point naturally for me. I do not like its cocked and locked setup compared to say the BHP or 1911. I also do not care for the camming on the hammer and trigger. I have never handled one which did not display this trait. I also think the trigger is overly complicated and hard to work on compared to the Glock. It is overly large and heavy for my intended purposes. I have on several occasions tried to love it but in the end they never stay long.

These are all subjective reasons for not choosen either anymore. It does not mean that if I were in a pinch and had to use either I would feel slighted. If I had to choose one of the two it would be the Glock 17 for simplicity.
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New member
Have shot both many, many times. Both are truly awesome guns.

I OWN a CZ75B however. Fit, finish, and ergonomics are better IMHO.


New member
I have both, G17 sees way more range time. I don't like the trigger reset on the CZ- it just doesn't feel right to me. I like the way the G17 resets, it seems more crisp (YMMV). The G17 also seems to have a tougher finish. I don't like the finish on the CZ.


New member
I've shot both several times.

To clarify, I'm not basing my opinion on reliability as both guns are VERY good in that regards.

I prefer feel of the cz-75. It's a very natural pointing weapon for me, so target acquirement and shot placement is much easier than with the g17.

I'd just go to the range, and see which one you shoot better and go from there. Reliability is great in both guns, so it really just comes down to what you're more comfortable with.


New member
For carry, I'd go with the Glock 17. They're good guns, and just so much lighter than CZ-75s.

For anything other than carry, I'd go with the CZ-75. More comfortable grip, more natural to aim, and more accurate.

They're both very reliable, but at the end of a day carrying a CZ-75, I bet my back would be hurting from all that extra weight on one side.


New member
Another vote for a CZ-75 variant. Doesn't have to be a 75B, there are many that are excellent like, the SP-01, P-01, PCR, Compact, and SA.

The jury is still out for me on the P-07, but all indications point to that being a winner also.


New member
I owned a CZ75 for a while, and it never came close to replacing the Browning HiPower for me.
The Glock 17, on the other hand...It is closer than any other nine has ever come to replacing the HiPower as my favorite nine. The CZ was never even in the running.

Don Glock

i own both.

my CZ75's has been completely reliable through tens of thousands of rounds.

my glocks were reliable after i changed out of spec extractors lol

CZ's are easier to shoot well, more controllable while rapid firing due to the weight of course, nothing feels better in your hand :)

glocks are cheap, easy to work on, and reliable.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. I own and shoot both. Though I recently purchased a CZ75B 9mm, I sold it; my preference remains for the Pre-B pistols. I own 4 of those, which were purchased decades ago. Three of them are regularly used. Other than recoil springs, all are still on their original parts. I like the option of either carrying hammer down for a DA first-shot or cocked-and-locked as per my Hi Powers or 1911 pattern pistols.

I also own and shoot Glocks quite a lot. I have seen minor parts breakage in these during my years as a police firearm instructor (usually trigger-return springs), but saw a LOT more Glocks on various firing lines than than CZ's. I have seen one NIB Glock 19 slide that developed a circular crack on the breech face on its first outting using factory standard-pressure ammunition. Having said that, I regularly still see some first generation Glock 17's being shot by their owners even today! Other than recoil springs, and one striker spring, they're on their original parts.


This is the only major failure I've observed with any Glock pistol during 11 years as police firearm instructor. I did not take the picture, but I know the police photographer who did and the owner of the pistol worked under my command. Glock replaced the slide as soon as they were made aware of it. My Glocks continue to work just fine as have the vast majority of them I've observed.

For me, the CZ's are more comfortable, and while admittedly subjective, quite a few other shooters apparently feel the same way.

Internally, the CZ is more complex than the Glock. This is important to some, no so much to others, and some might not care at all. I prefer the Glock in this respect to the CZ, but admit to never "having" to detail-strip either. I did with the Glock simply because I so easily could. "Important to me" does not necessarily translate to "Important to you"; each of us individually can probably best make that decision.

I am not sure if the CZ or Glock is more mechanically accurate, but find the former easier to shoot precisely. I attribute this to a couple of things; the CZ is heavier and easier (for me) to hold steady while applying trigger-pressure. It also has a lighter single-action trigger-pull than my Glocks do. That said, I have certainly seen some very nice shooting done with the Glock 17 (and other Glock models) as well.

If I could only have one of the two, it would be because I legally no longer had an option to own more. For that reason, I'd probably opt for the Glock simply because I have an ample supply of spare parts and the things are easy to detail-strip for parts replacement. On the other hand, were conditions such that I could only (legally) have either the G17 or the CZ75, I probably wouldn't be shooting or using the latter as heavily as in years past. (Make no mistake, I emphatically am not suggesting that the CZ75 is "fragile". It's been my observation that so long as recoil springs are alright, the things shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot; get the idea.

Again, a subjective viewpoint to be sure, but just as I find the CZ more comfortable than the Glock, I also find its lines "interesting" (for lack of a better term) and "elegant" in a dangerous sort of way...just like my favorite, the FN/Browning Hi Power.

If interested, more observations are here: Look at the Glock 17.htm

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Amin Parker

New member
Mr Camp,

As one of the worlds foremost authorities on 9mm pistols, i am humbled by your presence. Your experiences and opinions on both pistols is most welcome.

Of course, none of the above pistols can match a C or T series.
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