CZ 100 9mm, your thoughts please..

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I think that little window on the side where the slide release is allowed too much sand inside. Just a guess.

Who else here thought that was a decocker or something else other than a slide release?


New member
Dang it Victor!

Trust me fellas, being there to witness Victor's THRASHING of the CZ100 was MUCH BETTER than hearing about it. I mean he really ABUSED that thing. I thought he was doing it out of pure malicious evil hatred toward the gun, not for experimental purposes.

For crying out loud, he had about 2 inches of Arizona dirt and gravel on that thing, then stepped on it with one foot, and then did the Chubby Checker Twist on it for a couple of minutes! He was freaking aerobicizing on the poor thing, for goodness' sake! Did I mention that Vic is a HUNGRY MAN type of guy, not the foo-foo type to eat a sliver of Trout with a twist of lemon and 3 baby carrots, washed down with a club soda?!

I was standing there reloading a mag, going:eek:

I think he also understated the damage to the finish. It looked like some desperadoes tied the thing to the back of a thoroughbred and then stabbed Mr. Ed's nuts with a red-hot poker!
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New member
The biggest wonder of all is that some unwitting schmoe actually bought that POS off of Vic at a gunshow!

And yes, I know a POS when I see one! This pistol does not deserve to carry the CZ name!

Eric Larsen

New member
"IN THIS CORNER......:D I wont flame you anymore Mylhouse..but I think your generalizing....which I think is unfortunate.
I shoot a range gun that is pretty damn nice. Thus my thinking of buying one. The triggers are the biggest question...but when I shoot the 100...I dont even notice the trigger all. Great accuracy and quick to get back on target...nice follow up shots too. IMO, I think it could use some trigger work but still easily qualifies with the other CZ's Ive shot and owned. JUST MO.
Shoot well
And out of curiosity...what gun wouldnt fail under the "testing"
you guys put the gun thru? What other guns have passed?


New member

Wait a minute... it's NOT okay for me to call the CZ100 a POS, but you CAN imply that a HiPoint is a POS, thereby offending the sensibilities of other members such as TropicalZ? Hmmm...

Generalizing? I would admit to that if I hadn't fired the CZ100, but I have, along with just about every .40 out there including the P99, USP .40F and .40C, P229, Witness .40compensated, Sigma, Glock 22, 24, 27, and 35, CZ75B .40 , Ruger P94, Kahr K and P, Beretta 96, and the nicest of them all, a SVI Infinity Limited. The CZ100 was easily the worst of all of them. I might have even forgotten a pistol or two that I've fired chambered in .40.

Look, I'm not flaming you, I'm flaming the CZ100. Why you would take up for such a POS like I was insulting you and not the pistol, is beyond me.

Some would say that the heart of a good pistol is the trigger. That is, afterall, the link between you and the pistol sending a burning hot slug toward your target. The CZ100's trigger is the WORST I've ever encountered. And I'm not talking about it being DAO. The Keltec series even has a better trigger pull and that isn't saying much! As Vic mentioned, that slide stop is poorly designed and uncomfortable.

And what up with that abortion on the top of the pistol? What the heck is that?!

As far as Vic's patented torture test....I don't know of ANY gun that could survive that with 100% reliability!:rolleyes:

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Wait a sec - Since when is the Hi Point NOT a POS? ;) :p :D

Okay guys. Seriously...
I want you two to take some deep breaths, count to 10, and relax.
Go back to your corners.

No more butting heads.

I have no idea what that is at the top of the CZ-100 slide either.


New member
The thingy on top is so you can rack the slide one handed, you put that slot against your belt and shove. Or that is the idea.

I've never shot a CZ 100. So no opinion.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
That is what the rear sight for... unless you have Novak sights.
I'm not sure why Novaks are so popular. Sure they are fine sights... but are they really better than other sight systems? They look cool, but if you try to rack the slide one handed - you can't. That is a disadvantage in my book.


New member
Rack the slide one-handed?

Yeah, heard about it before; but, this has no real-world practical use. It should be filed-away under "Interesting gun trick". However, with my tendency to ride the slide lock on this gun, maybe it would be beneficial? :D Anyway yes, that's ostensibly what that little extra doo-hickey is for. I don't know why I forgot to mention it.

I believe it was Mike at CZ that told me the gun was designed in the hopes of a British police contract. Those rascals requested a long DAO trigger, and they got just what they wanted.:eek: Their interest never resulted in a purchase, AFAIK.

I think what my humble friend means to say is that it is a POS by comparison to/with the other fine firearms he listed. I've also shot most, if not all of them, and then some. I drive a small hatchback which many think of as a POS, and it is, by comparison to most modern autos on the road. However, it is no YUGO, and I don't think the CZ 100 is, in so far as pistols are concerned. ;)
Heck---its a POS compared to even the other CZ's and I'm not all that fond of those---contrary to the opinion of others that hold CZ's in such high regard-----I've never been impressed by any CZ----they just seem crude to me.

But the 100 doesn't even come close to the quality of the other CZ's. Don't let your love for all things CZ blind you to that fact.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
One handed slide operation.
I had to do that with my .45 during Operation Just Cause. I wasn't wounded or anything, I just had an M-60 in the other hand that ran dry. :D

Eric Larsen

New member
"Round 2 ding" ok, just kidding. Im done with the defensive typing.....LOL My comments about the Hi Point werent really a direct slam to you or the gun...just a cheap and failed attempt at Gun Sarcasm...:rolleyes:
Never mind about the 100.....I still hold my experience and viewpoint based on the gun Ive shot and liked it....but found something else :D

And you all had better be very careful......Im so offended, the one handed cocking device on the slide of the CZ100 was the main reason for buying it.....ITS THE COOLEST ! UH HUH, right! ;)
Shoot well