CZ 100 9mm, your thoughts please..

Eric Larsen

New member
You all know my fetish for all things CZ. Ive stumbled upon a very nice LNIB 9mm 100. I shoot a range gun once in a while that is basically the same gun. What are your thoughts...I of course have my own, but never pass on the chance to seek the forums advice...heres your chance. The price is VERY good and is very tempting......
If (when :D ) I get it, this will leave a very good deal on a 6906 with nights for someone, 310$ for a very clean used S&W...meprolight trudots and a hi cap...not bad.
Shoot well


New member
Looked one over today-----dry fired it once---horrible trigger---make that HORRIBLE TRIGGER---handed it back to the salesman----that was enough of that.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Ergonomically -- how it fits your hand and points -- its what some of the GLOCKS try to be, but don't make it.

As indicated, however, the trigger isn't very good. I'm told, however, that it does improve with firing.

I may get one, one of these days -- but I'll get a CZ-75B SA first.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I checked out a CZ 100 today.

I walked into Totally Awesome Guns. They had a couple in there. I asked to see one. I liked the CZ-100... looked awesome, and felt great in the hand. It's a lot smaller and lighter than you would think.

And then I pulled the trigger.
Oh my Gawd! It's the trigger of my NIGHTMARES! You know that one nightmare you have when your in a fight and your pulling the trigger and all the sudden it's shooting those little plastic disks? THIS IS THAT TRIGGER!
It gives me the shivers just thinking about it! I had to put the gun down right then and there to keep for dropping it.
I couldn't have been more revolted than if a hundred Earwigs came pouring out of every hole in it.

Nightmarish. :barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
I hate it when I get discombobulated.I hate getting sick too.Take 2 aspirin and shoot a 97B.If not better...then you really are feeling bad dude!!!:)

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I really hated to say that... but that trigger really was something horrible.

It is said that some triggers are better than others and that even the worst triggers will improve with use... I could deal with that. I guess. If the trigger was somewhat better to begin with.

What is the CZ -110? What is that?


New member
I told you!

....and I speak from experience....I had the outrageous MISfortune of shooting VictorLouis' CZ100 before he TRAMPLED IT (literally!). Maybe he'll come in and tell the had to be there to believe it!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
No... can't wait....
You have to fill us in on that story.
What is up with the "trampled" cz-100?

Oh, the 40 is just fine.


New member
CZ 100 9mm

My 9mm CZ-100 has a trigger similar to a water gun-smooth and light. The only ammo that I have a misfire is a Fiochi, its known to have a hard primer. Its fits well in my hand. It has a second-strike capability. It holds 13+1 ammo (in our country). You can also use the magazine of CZ-75 for greater capacity (15+1).

Walt Sherrill

New member
And, of course -- what else would you expect -- the CZ110 is not available for import to the US. (Doesn't meet some safety specifications...)

Eric Larsen

New member
Goerge and all,
Ive shot the guns. Totally Awesome guns has one thats a rental.
Rent it if youd like. The triggers some of the new guns are like the one you played with but the range gun isnt bad.
For those who are just slamming it..the 100's trigger is a true DAO. Its "slide action" doesnt "cock or semi cock" the striker like a Glock or Kahr...the trigger works the striker completely. I admit the triggers arent like a Kahr...but I dont mind it. Dry firing a gun doesnt always translate into exactly how they shoot....ya know?
As far as its a bad you had a bad experience. You should buy Hi Point or something youd like.....
Shoot well
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George Hill

Staff Alumnus
LOL, Hi Point...
I noticed at "Totally Awesome Guns" in the case with the nice handguns, were a row of several Hi Points.
I can understand selling some cheaper guns for the folks that can't afford the nice snazzy ones... But come on... Hi Points?


New member
Funny, I thought I had some previous material posted about it here, but I couldn't dig up anything on the search. Perhaps it was lost during a hack-job..

I had the .40 caliber version. I like a lot of what the gun has to offer. Like Walt said, it's got an excellent ergonomic feel, with great natural pointability. It's lighter than a G23, despite its all-steel magazine which was extremely difficult to top-off with rounds 9 and 10. Oh well, a typical CZ mag-loader is included with it.:) The porting goes a long way toward taming the .40 in a small, lightweight gun. Feeding and function was 100%, IIRC, and I must have put close to a 1,000rds. throught it.

Now, the trigger is probably thee bone of contention. First of all, it is looooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnng. I can't think of a fair comparison, but George probably came close to describing it.:D I was prepared to try and smooth it up, but I couldn't get any assistance with detailed disassembly. Mike at CZ said the factory armorer's manual was all in Czech, and they wouldn't transcribe anything in English for me because of liability reasons. I did not inquire about having Mike do the action work, though I suppose it's possible.

The slide lock is a simple folded piece of sheet metal, and my hand hand an annoying tendency to ride it, no matter how hard I concentrated on my grip. Again, not being able to gut it, I couldn't 'fix' it to suit me.

Somewhere along the line, I decided to do an impromptu reliability test.(Who knows why...) I placed it in the desert southwest sand and covered it over. I picked it up and fired it through one mag w/o incident. Then, I stepped on it, ground it into the sand, and covered it over a second time. The trigger came to a halt about 3-4 rounds into the next magazine. I hosed it out and cleaned it up nicely. The frame looked like it had been scrubbed lightly with a brash brush, but there wasn't any drastic cosmetic damage.

You can probably find out all you need to know here: