Custom Glock 19 finally done (Pics)


New member
Brit, sorry to hear about your friends finger and your other friend drowning, however I do not use the thumb in the trigger guard press check style, depending on the situation and where I can safely point the gun, I use my thumb and pointer finger of my off hand to grip the front cocking serrations, either from above or below the gun, nothing in front of the muzzle, and check it.

Wild Bill, It is not that I hate Glocks, or love them either. They are a tool for a job. I selected it for the job I intended it for, but often Glock threads induce rage in even the most leveled headed of people. You cannot shake a stick at all the aftermarket and holster / carry options more readily available for a Glock. They are a work horse I don't mind getting wet / keeping wet for long periods of time, not that my 1911's and Sigs and XYZ brand wouldn't be up for the task, I would much rather abuse a Glock.:rolleyes:


New member
If I'm making a list of things I wouldn't want people to think, assume or believe about me... I would hope that nobody ever makes the mistake of thinking I'm a "Glock Guy" because the idea makes my face curl up and brings on a headache. :eek:

I think Glocks are fantastic guns and I truly don't like them, while at the same time, I own one, I absolutely LOVE IT, and it's the only true carry gun I have ever owned and carried as a primary EDC and I've been carrying this same Glock since I got my license to do so in the fall of 2008.

If I have a genuine Glock dream... it comes in two parts:
1) that my MML-prefix Glock 29 continues to work forever... just as phenomenally well as it does now and has since '08 when I got it, 5400+ rounds now and counting

2) and that I never own another Glock to replace or in addition to this one, and I mean ZERO

But this thread is not about me
but the last few "these dang Glock threads..." kinds of posts just brought that out of me. :p

I hit 'reply' simply to say that I really dig the style of stippling you did to that, it's just really VERY good looking and maybe I've been under a rock... I've not seen stippling that looks like that. Extremely cool.

The under-cutting of the trigger guard was an absolute MUST-DO on my G29 and the difference was, for me, night and day. Your grip reduction looks fantastic and it really looks like it would offer the comfort and ergonomics that no stock Glock has ever left Smyra with, or ever will. The look down at the bottom of the grip near the magazine well also looks very attractive.

I truly loathe forward serrations and pretty much anything associated with them, in every possible direction. :eek: But you're right, we all go our own way and this one is your pistol, not mine.

But that stippling is SOLID!


New member
Thank you all for the positive comments.

As for the stippling, it was really nothing fancy, just a simple three line design that we tried to repeat the best we could, then took artistic interpretation ;)


New member
I only have gotten out once recently with it to shoot 100 rounds. The trigger is great compared to the stock one, and the sights I certainly like the best out of any other factory and aftermarket sights I have used. Gun shoots consistent.... however this shooter needs more practice with a double stack striker fire since I am so used to shooting a single stack STI 9mm 1911.... so I have been spoiled ;)