Curvature of the earth?

ssn vet

New member
We see in straight lines

I'm not expert, but I'm guessing that refraction of light by water vapor in the atmosphere negates this statement.

Even Leonardo DaVinci compensated for the refraction of light.


New member
Cheese and rice.

Now I ask you, if you were on the surface of the moon, would you not see in a straight line?

Why yes, yes we would. In the absence of an atmosphere we wouldn't have any atmospheric interference.

But that is only half of the problem.

When we "see" something our brain is really interpreting data from our eyes. Ever notice that the moon looks larger when it is near the horizon? It's not just an optical illusion having to do with the properties of the atmosphere but also how our brains interpret the data. The horizon is "closer" in our minds eye than the apex of the night (or day) sky.

Why do I even bother trying to give a simple explanation when everyone wants a flipping dissertation?

There is an exception to every rule, including this one.



New member
Major Dave:

You Sir, were clearly a proper adjutant to the King of Battle. My sincere thanks for your service.

Corporal Helms (honorably discharged)


New member
ok, now youv'e got me wondering what my 1/2 MOA Remmie will group on the moon. Could you please enlighten me? (Just kidding). Gas prices too high to make the trip anyway.


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Mark Center Sector and "Fire For Effect"

I am, very repectfully, your obd't serv't,
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