Criminal armed with a taser

+1k ammo

New member
Yes if you are by yourself, an avenue of escape has more options. Running away from a threat in an alley or car etc. I could escape from some things.

However, when others are involved - wife -who is NOT as fast as me or in extreme cases if my family was involved. I can't even get my 3 year old into the car in less than 20 min. with all bribes attached let alone tell them to quickly dash around a corner the right way to avoid something. Not going to happen.

If anything threatened my family I don't care what state I am in, I would protect them to the fullest and with my wife's blessing. I'll hatch it out in the courts.

Never was in the situation, but once I was turning around in a dead end with wife, friend and baby and this crazy started to pin us in with his car and who knows what was he thinking - probably rob us? Well i put into reverse and started to ram his car with everyone screaming etc. I didn't care - he was not going to pin me . I would have rammed him all the way back to the river. Anyway, he backed off and i left and called police but they didn't find him.

Point is, in extreme case if family is there and threatened, there is no other choice.

Now, if I had had a gun at that time I'm not sure how affective it would have been to a crazy in a car, but I would have felt better though.


New member
Taking that example further, my wife is 9 months pregnant, and is not running anywhere. Nor am I going to allow anybody to tase her or harm her in any way.

Since the baby is due soon, my 70something parents are visiting. Mom, with a bad knee, is not running. Dad, with other issues, is another person whom I am unwilling to see tased.

At the moment, I do not have a realistic retreat option, unless everybody is in a vehicle.


New member
most tasers ive seen are shaped somewhat like guns anyway and if its getting dark, and somebody pulls something out, and points it in my direction in a threatening manner why is it my responsibility to first determine what it is hes pulling out from under his shirt/jacket/waistband and pointing at me? What guarantees ill have that much time? "He had a weapon that i believed at the time to be a firearm", but i live in Texas so i dont know about your state.


Another point...

As a armed professional(armed security/EP specialist/PSC) I can honestly tell you, use of force or more specifically deadly force will be required if a subject(s) attack you or become hostile with "non lethal" weapons(or fists for that matter).
If they assault you, you have a valid reason to use force saying(honestly), I had my loaded firearm & I was in fear for my life or safety if they got ahold of it.

I, for one, would not press charges on a armed citizen or armed professional(licensed, certified, trained, etc) who said this in a grand jury or inquest.
FWIW: I was hand picked by my county's State's Atty to serve on the special 6 month homicide grand jury(2005/2006). I didn't have any self defense shootings or stand your ground cases but Id be fair & understanding of a armed citizen's actions in a critical incident.
Real life is NOT like NCIS, Law & Order or CSI.
