Cracked Kimber frame


New member
I bought a Kimber Ultra Carry II new in November. I probably have 1500-1800 rounds through it. I had it apart for cleaning tonight and noticed a crack in the frame right in front of where the slide stop lever hole is. After I saw the crack I googled it and it seems to not be an uncommon problem. Most sources I found stated that not replacing the recoil spring regularly was the cause. I believe my manual states to replace it every 1800 rounds. I had planned on ordering a new spring and replacing it before my next range trip. What the heck?! Guess I'll call Kimber tomorrow and see what they say. Not a happy camper.
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New member
I shoot a Colt Officer's as one of my "smaller" 1911s. Wilson Combat sells springs for it and recommends a replacement schedule of every approx. 300 rounds.
" the recoil spring should be replaced approximately every 300 rounds"

I currently use ISMI flat wire springs. Still replace at a low round count.

Little 1911s are far more sensitive to recoil spring "wear/fatigue" than the bigger brothers.

Let us know what Kimber has to say about your particular pistol. Good Luck!


New member

The crack at the junction of the spring cover and frame rails is common, and aside from cosmetic, not really an issue. It happens as the result of the thin cross-sections and sharp corners...which are stress risers. Basically, the tunnel vibrates and flexes with impact and leads to the cracks.

They're self-limiting and will only travel so far. I've got a pair of range beaters that cracked in that area on both sides over a hundred thousand rounds ago...per pistol. The function hasn't been compromised and the cracks haven't gotten longer.


New member
Stuff happens. Let us know what they say.

The 1999 catalog I have says they fired an alloy framed gun 20k times with "no measurable wear", so maybe they'll replace it since it's so new.



New member
This is the crack:

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I just got off the phone with somebody at Kimber. They said they were emailing me information on how to send it in and also a UPS label to print off.


New member

JB WELD:eek:


New member
Keep in mind the 1911 wasn't designed for an aluminum frame like the Ultra Carry II has. It definitely shouldn't have cracked at <2,000 rounds but you aren't going to have anything like the service life you would have from a steel frame 1911.

Shadi Khalil

New member

JB WELD:eek:

Take para's advice and document everything. My Kimber CS experience was a nightmare with no one at Kimber taking responsibility for failures and just a lot of buck passing.


New member
UPS picked up the package just a little while ago. The Kimber rep I spoke with this morning stated he'd never heard of their frames cracking. Maybe he's new? He just said to send it in and they'd take a look at it. With all the stories I've heard of alloy frames cracking I'm wondering if I shouldn't have purchased a model with a stainless frame. I bought this to carry AND shoot often and didn't intend for it to be something that I get familiar with and then shoot a couple mags through it once a month to keep myself fresh with it. I loved the appeal of the lightweight alloy frame for carry but now I'm not so sure.


New member
Given that the UC has a captive recoil spring, can you simply snag a Wolff replacement and install it on the captive guide rod, or do you need a whole new assembly for the replacement?

For those of you with 3-inch 1911's, how do you typically go about replacing recoil springs?


New member
Just an update... Kimber called me a couple days ago and said the frame is definitely cracked. They said they'll replace the frame and then do function checks on it. She said it'd take several weeks. They'll have to ship it to a FFL and I'll have to pay transfer fees since it will have a new serial number.


New member
They'll have to ship it to a FFL and I'll have to pay transfer fees since it will have a new serial number.

It may not be worth the effort to pursue this since Kimber may have their own policies that they're following, but a manufacturer can send a *replacement* firearm directly to you without involving an FFL. They just have to make sure that their records reflect that the received the old one and sent you the new one. A Form 4473 isn't required, either.


New member
It may not be worth the effort to pursue this since Kimber may have their own policies that they're following, but a manufacturer can send a *replacement* firearm directly to you without involving an FFL. They just have to make sure that their records reflect that the received the old one and sent you the new one. A Form 4473 isn't required, either.

+1 call Kimber back and ask them to send it directly to you or ask to reimbursed for the transfer.


New member
Let us know what they say when they get to take a look at it.

"Shoot 500 rounds through it and see if it's still cracked." :p

Sorry. Just kidding.

I hope they get it sorted out quickly for you. It's frustrating when something like that happens, even if it is just a cosmetic issue as 1911tuner said. Keep us posted. This was a good reminder for me to change my springs soon.



New member
I emailed Kimber asking for it to be shipped directly to me and provided links to the Brady Law on the ATF site that allows them to do so. I asked for compensation if Kimber policy doesn't allow that.

I'll be changing the recoil springs every 1,000 rounds instead of every 1,800 rounds per Kimber after this.


New member
Another great reason not to own a Kimber. I've had two of them and had nothing but trouble from them. I've shot some really nice one's which ran like a champ, but I've seen quite a few ****s too.

Threads like this make me love my "Combat Tupperware" even more. :D

"Shoot 500 rounds through it and see if it's still cracked."
