Could you kill a human and survive...?

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Staff In Memoriam
OKay... You see it your way...Do you carry a concealed weapon? have you ever carried concealed? Have you ever thought about the implications of doing so? or using the gun? the point i make is simple for any intelligent person to comprehend. if you do not make the mental planning needed you may find yourself in a quandary after you use your gun in self defense. i just read so many posts stating how ccw carriers don't know how they would cope after shooting someone etc... If you are sure you can deal with it fine... if you can't deal with it don't carry. If you just wanna argue PM me and we will argue all you are ready for.


Staff In Memoriam
At 39 i reckon i made it to adulthood... I am guessing... just guessing you refer to using Thumper and Bambi words? Well if you never faced a NON HUNTER you may not know that these terms are used when they address us hunters. Lawyers, as low life as they are are not threatening the life of anyone right now to get the contract signed.
So you consider every human equal to you? If this is so than how can you ever justify using lethal force? That is someone on the same ground as if he was your brother or father!
To me not all humans are on equal ground! We may have been created equal but some choose to lessen their status to thug, thief or faker and if they attempt to use violence against me they are goners! At least you left the rough region you grew up in to live in crime free Alaska...


New member
i just read so many posts stating how ccw carriers don't know how they would cope after shooting someone etc... If you are sure you can deal with it fine... if you can't deal with it don't carry.
You have glossed over an important factor in the equation. No one can know ahead of time how the use of deadly force will affect them. It is immaterial at this point. The important part is that we make the decision that we WILL use it. We will never like it, never relish any enjoyment out of it, never dehumanize the ones we expect to defend ourselves from.
We may have been created equal but some choose to lessen their status to thug, thief or faker and if they attempt to use violence against me they are goners! At least you left the rough region you grew up in to live in crime free Alaska.


Staff In Memoriam
This thread was not meant in any way to be considered a joke! Serious as a heart attack! Personally ( I mean ME) I said I have spent plenty of time pondering this possibility. Like I said I have no more respect for a criminal than I do for a harmless animal I hunt down. I really have more respect for the deer and rabbit. here is why... I would never knowingly take a less than instant kill shot on my quarry when hunting but would shoot off hand at the aggressor with no regard for his suffering. I will shoot multiple rounds for my protection but his pain and suffering is not my concern. I am after self preservation in a self defense situation. I am after a clean ethical kill when hunting. I am not without feelings and am quite sentimental often, but a dead punk just don't enter my mind as a reason to lose sleep. I have killed tens of thousands of animals that did nothing to me but were available to feed myself or others. Many went to feed my dogs or my son's snake. Meat is meat. But no aggressor is even deserving of that! Just a thorn in my side. If i accidentally had collateral damage it would tear at my soul.... i would then suffer severe mental anguish!


I would never knowingly take a less than instant kill shot on my quarry when hunting but would shoot off hand at the aggressor with no regard for his suffering. I will shoot multiple rounds for my protection but his pain and suffering is not my concern. I am after self preservation in a self defense situation. I am after a clean ethical kill when hunting. I am not without feelings and am quite sentimental often, but a dead punk just don't enter my mind as a reason to lose sleep. I have killed tens of thousands of animals that did nothing to me but were available to feed myself or others. Many went to feed my dogs or my son's snake. Meat is meat.

Mods, help...

WildmustbeafullmoonAlaska ™


New member
I really do hope that this thread is a joke. Because if its not, its pretty sick.

I agree, I know someone that was just like some people in this thread. He was so sure that if he ever had to shoot someone that it would mean nothing to him.

Well 2 years ago he shot a 15 year old boy that broke into his house to take his sons XBOX. He has not been the same since. After the police left, and the body was carried away, the man and his wife had to clean this kids brain off their furniture and walls. To this day he cries when he thinks about it. It is human nature to care.

Although he does know he did what was right, he defended himself against a perceived threat. He shot at an intruder in the middle of the night, this intruder could of been armed. He cries because he killed his friends son, someone the same age of his son.

To those that claim they will feel nothing, you are no more human than the person you are harming.
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New member
BerettaCougar said:
I agree, I know someone that was just like most people in this thread. He was so sure that if he ever had to shoot someone that it would mean nothing to him.

"Most people in this thread???"

Excuse me. I think most people in this thread have made it pretty damn clear that they would feel and/or suffer some serious aftermath if they ever had to take another human's life.



New member
Once upon a time I stabbed a guy a couple of times ( big Puma folding knife). He had attacked me and he had a knife. I tackled him and I only had one thought in my mind and that was to make him stop moving because as long as he was moving he was still going to stab or cut me or both. The one certainty I had through the whole incident was that I was already too late to stop him. As it turned out he didn’t manage to hurt me but I sent him to the hospital with two stab wounds. For the next few days I felt really rotten because I knew that I had done genuinely serious bodily harm to someone. That he was attacking me with a knife didn’t seem to make any difference, I still felt like crap. I think it is a natural human reaction, something that is built into us and in fact if it’s not there then I seriously suspect that there is something wrong with you.

What I learned from that is that it is something I am capable of doing. Yes I’m going to feel like crap, I’m not going to like doing it, I’m going to hate doing it, but I will still do it. I also learned that in that crucial moment I am able to suspend fears, doubt, anxiety, etc., and take care of business knowing that I will deal with the aftermath when it’s all over. Some times you have to do things you don’t want to do. So what new? Something else I’ve learned as I’ve grown older is that drinking doesn’t help, escaping doesn’t help or in fact work.

This is also one of the incidents in my life that made me realize that when it’s all said and done I really don’t want to shoot anybody. Of course this should not be confused with I “wont” shoot anybody. That would be a serious error in judgement.


New member
I stabbed a man who stuck a gun 3 inches from my face and said he was going to kill me, I got great joy from going home that night and seeing my family and friends, he lived, I'm glad but would do it again if I had to, cant say how I would feel about it over the years had he died. Unless you are a heartless bass **** I dont think you can kill another person and not be affected in some way..:confused:

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I try to stay out of these kinds of threads. I really, really do!

But it needs to be said....

Those of you that have never taken another life, anything you say is mere POSTURING.
TexasSeaRay said:
Fact is, nobody knows for certain how the taking of another human's life will affect them.
Anything else is mere posturing. :barf:


New member
I honestly don’t know what would happen. I’ve never been in a combat situation either military or civilian.

I’ve a pretty jaded outlook these days but I hope that I still have enough humanity left in me to feel bad about taking a life. If not, am I any better than the sociopath that causes me to shoot in defense? The thought of taking a life is repugnant no matter how necessary. I pray to God that I never have to find out.


New member
I will not stand back and be made a victim or watch others be made a victim at the hand of a selfish thoughtless human. I would not need to seek mental help or toss and turn with nightmares over my actions....

I see a contradiction - just a few lines prior to the above statement you indicated you'd avoid a fistfight (and presumably other "minor" conflicts) because you might lose income due to injury. Yet, you seem to think that shooting someone in self-defense or defense of another won't land you in police custody for 24-72 hours while they review the evidence? It will not only screw up your income, but many employers will terminate you (for CYA) as soon as they find out you could be indicted.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Posturing. Peacocking. Chest thumping.

Then there is the rush to post without reading what the adults have said here.

TFL has always attracted a "Billy Bad Ass" element. Every gun board does, I reckon. It just goes with the territory.

This thread has already gone askew. A serious discussion of the aftermath of taking a life in a shooting is secondary to the "discussion" of scenarios and what-ifs.

The truth is, as soon as I finally opened this topic and read the opening post, I got that old feeling. Some topics are just too predictable.

So, if you need this type of discussion, please go to www.I', where you can tell the world how tough you are. Don't do it here.

'Looks like it's time to tighten up the forum again.

Closed for braggadocio parading under the guise of intelligent discussion.
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