Cor-Bon: A Personal Rant


New member

Leave Peter and Cor-Bon alone. They are part of the solution....

....and friends to all shooters.

They DO NOT suck.

(Yes, THAT Peter Pi.)


New member
If Makarov owners had supported Cor Bon and bought ammo from them instead of cheapo surplus, I am sure Cor Bon would have continued to make it.

I do, or did buy Cor-bon!!!!!! I can't buy all of it! I have 100 rounds on hand right now. That's my point. Now I will have to trust my life to cheap Russian ammo. Buy hey, there's always Hornady!!! :)
P.S. Peter, my request still stands.


New member
It's a privilege to be able to talk to someone so respected as Mr. Pi. I would like to learn how to use his Glasers in a semiauto, and will contact Corbon directly about it. I use his awesome 115gr+P 9mm round in my G19. L


New member
Mr. Pi,

Have the specs been set for the new PowRBall .38spl and .357 Mag loads been set yet? I am very pleased that you will be offering these bullets in .38spl!!

Have you considered loading them into 7.62*25mm and .30 carbine ammo to make some of the older guns much more effective for defense?


Since the PowRball bullets are going to be made in house the sky is the limit. We are looking into 30 Carb, 25acp, and 32acp in addition to 9mm, 38/357, 40S&W, 10mm Auto, 45acp, 400 Cor-Bon, 44/44mag, and 45 Colt. So stay tuned, it's going to get exciting.

Peter Pi


New member
.30 carb and .25 acp would be very very interesting.

Two different loads in .30 carb would be ideal. Maybe a 110-115grn for duty use and a 75-85 grn for home defense? I always thought that an M1 carb with good ammo would be the perfect home defense long-arm.

I would also really love to see a standard velocity load in .38 spl for the airwieghts/ti guns and something scary in .44 spl for my Bulldog <G>.

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Hey, I like that idea!

Finally some really good .25 and .32ACP ammo. That will sell, for sure!! Thanks Peter. When might we expect to see this? Also, I'm ready for some .40 S&W right away for my Glock 27.



New member
CorBon 9mm+P

Here at the local weekend matches, the .45ACP guys snicker when my friend pulls out his GLOCK 26 to challenge them in a tombstone metal plate match. The CorBon 9mm+Ps take down the plates as reliably as the .45 hardball. 'Nuff Said!!!


New member

denfoote you are right, hornady is your other option for 9x18 mak ammo. It is what I carry in my mak. It performs well in my mak.

I know corbon is terrific ammo. Heck even my shooting buddies swear by it, I just never got on the corbon band wagon.....yet. Perhaps when i get the long awaited 38 ul from Tarus.

I was tempted and willing to use Corbon with the Makarov, but the Hornandy was in stock. The Corbon was not.

Cheap Russian ammo is for plinking, but I carry the more expensive american made ammo.

I do use the glaser 38+p in my speed loader for the ruger security six.

Perhaps Corbon will offer a makarov round in the future. Lets hope.


New member
Hey poperszky,

I hate to nitpick, but there is no Sportsman's Warehouse in Layton. There is one in in Riverdale (8-10 miles north of Layton), but not Layton.



New member
I like cor-bon and will cointinue to use it! If they can't make money selling the Mak stuff then why do it! We are afetr all not socialists.


Staff Alumnus
A quality, expanding .30 round! YES!

When I tested my .30 awhile back (110gr SP), it went through about 24" of water, through an aluminum door, and I stopped feeling for it after about 18" of loose soil...

It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he's got, and all he's ever gonna have.

Yeah, well...they had it coming.

all have it coming, kid.