Cor-Bon: A Personal Rant


New member
We've dropped 9Mak ammo all together. We could hardly give it away due to all the surplus ammo being imported. Darn shame too.
Terry Murbach/Tech Support

I received this e-mail as a response to an inquiry about Cor-Bon's new line of EFMJ ammo. Needless to say, they have just lost a customer!!! :mad: At least for me, the boycott is on!!!! Makarov owners of the world, UNITE!!!!!

Apple a Day

New member
Sooooooo, what you're saying is:

You're pretty perturbed. :eek:
I have been pretty happy with the Barnaul ammo (ball and JHP). Anybody to phonebook tests or maybe dispatched a goat with some of that stuff and can report? With all of the imported Makarov ammo I would love to see someone do a comparative test.
Hang in there, Denfoote!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Sounds like a logical move to me.
Why should thay make 9Mak when 99.99% of Mak shooters shoot Surplus? With all that super cheap ammo flooding the gunshows and shops - You can't make a good business plan to make your own.

Cor-Bon is good stuff.

Daniel Watters

New member
If CorBon dropped 9x18mm ammo due to a lack of sales, exactly what is the point of a boycott by Makarov owners? It strikes me as a moot and hollow threat. For all intents and purposes, Makarov owners have already boycotted CorBon in terms of their 9x18mm offerings.

[Edited by Daniel Watters on 05-30-2001 at 12:08 AM]


New member
I use Cor-Bon in my Mak for defense. Glad to know they're not making it anymore, I will use it sparingly & try to get some more before it runs out.
Sounds a business decision Denfoote, not like they pulled an S&W!!


New member
Sounds like Makarov owners shot themselves in the foot this time.

You can't expect a company to produce a product that doesnt sell.

If Makarov owners had supported Cor Bon and bought ammo from them instead of cheapo surplus, I am sure Cor Bon would have continued to make it.
9mm Mak

Dear Mr Dennis Foote,

Your email has been forwarded to me since it has caused quite the uproar at the factory and on the internet today.

Let me start by setting the record straight. The 9mm Mak is a fine cartridge and we have sold hundred of thousands of rounds. Unfortunately Sierra who makes the 95gr Hollow Point bullet for us is discontinuing the projectile due to lack of sales. The decision was made at Sierra, not at Cor-Bon. We still sell a lot of Mak ammo and regret having to discontinue it. We have a fair inventory left to sell if you would like to buy a lifetime supply. We are exploring the possibility of offering the PowRball in the future, but right now it is going to 45, 40, 9mm, and 357/38.


Peter R. Pi
Dakota Ammo/Cor-Bon/Glaser


New member
Just don't stop making it for 9X19 and .38, I would hate to have to learn to shoot another defensive ammo! Maybe I better go down and stock up right now <GRIN>.

Love your product, turns my little .38 snubbie into one mean piece.



Staff Alumnus
Thanks, Mr. Pi. I appreciate the consistent quality and value your company provides.

I also especially appreciate your extending the OAL of your .32 to function well in my P-32.

If you believe the market might support it, perhaps you might consider loading your 165-grain .45 JHP in .45 Colt. I believe this would be well suited to the recent lightweight .45 Colts, especially the short-bl versions.

Best Regards,

John Shirley

[Thanks, KR!]

[Edited by Spectre on 05-29-2001 at 10:28 PM]


New member
I carry the corbon 185 +P's in my G30 and really like them.. They are very consistent and accurate.. I will continue to buy them and trust my life to them..

Kentucky Rifle

New member

Did you mean to say "extending" the OAL length of the .32ACP. In my P-32, the trouble was that the CB's were too short. I was going to pick up some .32ACP Cor-Bon ammo tomorrow.
I shoot a lot of CB hollow points from my Glock 27. (And haven't had one single malfunction.) However, I like the 135gr. I've used Cor-Bon since I received a free trial box of .40 caliber, 135gr. I figure anybody who has the confidence to send me a free trial box just HAS to make good stuff. And, it is! I also like the fact that the velocity is printed right on the side of the box.

Kentucky Rifle


New member
It's always nice to see fast customer service by a company. Says a lot about how important their customers are.

Now how abouts some HOT .41 mag for HD? Or .38 Super?



New member
I love Cor-Bon ammo.
My pistols shoot very accurate with it.
I just wish I was rich enough to shoot it exclusively.

Hey Peter Pi, how about a discount for a native South Dakota boy from Sioux Falls???


New member
Just curious..or maybe paranoia setting in..I saw this signature as well as the user name for Corbon..

Peter R. Pi
Dakota Ammo/Cor-Bon/Glaser

I know this may be a crazy question, but do the moderators/staff verify that this is actually Mr. Pi that we are adressing our questions to?

I would hate it if it were just some user who had that name.
I know....they reply may be something like "we wouldn't allow that name to be used unless authetic"...but still I had to ask.

Good Shooing


New member
Mr. Pi why don't you load up with the gold dot bullet for the 9x18 round. This bullet should hold together very well at higher velocities. I would prefer a heavier bullet in 9x18 in the 110 weight range in JHP's with your high velocities. I use your 9x18 round in my Mak now and like it very much too bad Sierra is dropping the bullet head. Don't desert us Mak users. I like penetration to at least 10 to 12 inches and with a heavier bullet in JHP I think you can get it.


New member
I just got back from Sportsman's Warehouse in Layton, UT. They were out of Corbon in .38!!! I had to settle for Hydro-shock, everyone boycott them for being out of Corbon!


Mal H

Redlg155 - It is indeed Mr. Pi. He has been a member of TFL for quite a while and has always responded to threads here when necessary.


New member

That sets my mind at ease. :D

I hope that Corbon does eventually find another supplier for Mak Bullets. I have used Cor Bon for some time now and have been completely satisfied. I would love to feed my new Mak with the same brand of ammo I feed my other weapons.

Good shooting


New member
In case Peter Pi is still here: I just learned from your post that you make Glaser. Not many people can afford to qualify even a single magazine with it...the usual 250 rounds, or so. Has any method been devised to prove that it will be reliable in a particular semiauto and magazine...maybe some statistical way of doing this, without having to shoot $500 worth of it? I've thought about this off and on, but never saw a way to do it. Thanks. L