Copper Fouling and KG12


New member
Best copper remover have ever tried. I don't smell any ammonia. Would not let this stuff touch any bare skin, and I wear gloves when using it (or even any heavy cleaning with hoppes).

Trust the people that manufacture this stuff? Ain't freaking likely.


New member
...I don't know of any other chemical that smells like ammonia...
Amines have an ammonia-like smell.

I use KG-12. It doesn't smell like ammonia to me, but I can see how a person might say it has a vaguely ammonia-like smell.


New member
I use KG-1 & KG-12 I belive they are water base product, when I trued up my rem. 700 308 & had a match grade barrel installed by Accurate Ordanance, they advised me to clean with KG-1 & KG-12 followed by Hoppes #9 dry patch followed by Kroil. Works great for me. I do belieave the label.


New member
Just got a new bottle of KG12 from KG Coatings, opened bottle and smelled it, seems to have ammonia odor but the boss down there says it does that after it gets oxygen or has been on shelf awhile...the bottom line here is that I know this stuff works, but I remain leary of leavin it in my barrels for extended periods of time, Bore Tech Eliminator that I purchase three years ago remains unchanged, no odor and removes copper..