Contemplating buying an AR-15


New member
Well, the government does not want us to have guns. But, we have the constitution yes? The constitution is badly eroded now, has been for a long time.

It's not defeatist attitude either, it's reality. States by state we are being banned from owning AWs, politicians and voters are calling for more bans.

Hilary will most likely be the next President, Hilary will get to make several appointments to the Supreme Court.

But do not buy a rifle that you don't like, chances are you won't like it later....

I think everyone that has ever wanted an AR at any point in their life has several now in many configuration. The market is saturated and so are the consumers. I think it may take a while before it dries up. I think the demand will be low.


New member
The notion that "the government doesn't want you to have it" is pretty stupid at this point because the government is fully allowing you to have as many as you want.
...Until they don't. And that could happen any time.

ARs have never been cheaper, and they aren't going any lower.
If you have even the slightest interest in owning one, now is the time, and you will never lose significant money on it.

Yesterday's PSA offer was a complete lower for $159 (free shipping) and a complete 16" upper (including BCG) for about $300. Add $20 for the FFL transfer of the lower, and we are well under $500 for a complete, functional carbine. They have also been advertising mags for $6.99 each. (Yeah, I bought five of them...should have made it ten...they work on 5.56 and .300 BO)

I bought my first in '82 after getting off of active duty. Went through a few, but I've had the same one since '84, and that was the only one I owned until a year ago.

--Then I bought a .300 BO upper and...from there on it's been all downhill. Needed a lower for that.
--Then figured out that .300 BO works best suppressed, so a 10" upper. And a tax stamp...and a lower for that.
--And then I saw a 16" 7.62x39 complete upper...and needed a lower for that.

I think PSA has me on their speed-dial. :) Their "Daily Deals" are going to send me to the poorhouse.

Yesterday I did a review on their 7.62x39 upper (which I just shot for the first time yesterday) and said that they really need to do a "Daily Deal" on 7.62x39 ammo.

Guess what is on their "Daily Deal" today? Yep....

Nice to know they are listening. Excuse me while I go stimulate the economy...some more :) We'll start with 1000 rounds, and go from there.
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New member
...Until they don't. And that could happen any time.

Exactly my thoughts.

I went black for the first time in my life. I figure I better do it while I could and just to spite the liberal ahole, that too. I think it will be a lot easier to change my mind and dump an AR than to acquire one after any future ban or future panic. Waiting until a bill is proposed is always a mistake, a panic will suck up all the inventory. Plus choice are limited in a panic. Imagine looking for or building a 458 socom in the final days of panic buying?

What are the odds of a ban? if you live in any blue state, I believe it could happen anytime, as quoted. Seems like CA is pretty much a ban situation now. Even some cities have their own bans in place, dont they?

At the federal level it is looking like Trump vs. Clinton and the polls give that race to Clinton. Not saying I know anymore than the next guy, but Hillary is clearly possible if not odds on. Congress is now republican, but over 8 years that probably swing back and forth. With Clinton goes the balance on the supreme court right down the toilet. That is potentially all three branches of govt lining up against the 2nd amendment.

Now, the high profile massacre shootings continue with no end in sight. All considered, my decision was to get mine, while the getting was good. And yes it does fell good to poke my figurative digit in the liberal bureaucrat eyeball.

map deleted. sorry for the big image.
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New member
I bought my AR because I find them to be a lot of fun to shoot and plenty accurate for my needs.

While I'm not into all of that post apocalyptic zombieSHTF stuff, I'm sure it would work in that situation too.

Buy one because you want one. Not because someone told you that you can't have one.


New member
Carne Frio said:
You might want to read this link prior to buying:
I just skimmed that link, and I noticed some incorrect (or at least incomplete) information:

SS barrels [...] are VERY durable
They're not very durable at all. That's the trade-off; you get better accuracy but less durability.

Chrome lined chamber and bore
Chrome lining is great for durability, but nitriding is even better. Though I suppose nitride wasn't used that extensively to line bores when this was written.

the 5.56 round will not feed reliably in the tighter .223 REM chamber
I've never heard of this before. The 5.56 fired in a .223 chamber can produce pressures that are too high, but I've never heard of it not feeding properly.

1/7 twist
You only need a 1:7 twist if you need to stabilize tracers out to 500 meters. Otherwise, a 1:8 will still stabilize any bullet that will fit in the magazine and will also be better with lighter bullets than the 1:7.

Colt uses non-standard size Fire Control Group pins. This makes it impossible to switch trigger groups from a Colt to an LMT/RRA/CMMG/or anyone else. Colt is the ONLY manufacturer doing this.
This was true when this was written, but it's no longer the case. Since 2009, all Colt pins have been normal size.

There may be other inaccuracies, but this is just what I noticed from a quick glance.


New member
Fourbore, can you please resize your map? It's too large and is causing all sorts of display issues in my browser (and probably most other people's browsers too).

To resize, just put [ resize=(then a number between 0 and 1000) ] in front of the image address, then [ /resize ] after it.

(You don't actually put the spaces before and after the brackets, I just did that so it would show up in my post.)


New member
The 1:7 thing kinda always cracked me up.
Like Theohazard said it is for bullets that: I can't shoot. I can't afford. Or I can't find.

In the height of the AR panic, I was at a store, Academy I think, and there was one gleaming AR on the rack. A fellow that I won't give a physical description of (but you know), asked to see it, he looked a bit excited and enthusiastic to see it. He looked it all over, I was sure he was gonna purchase it. (Great price too)
This guy continued to drool on it. Then, he asked the clerk what the twist was, the clerk replied that it was 1:8. Oh, this guys whole mood changed. It was like the rifle turned into a giant pile of dog vomit in his hands. He handed it back over the counter like it was infested with small pox.
I'm sure he went straight to the bathroom to wash his hands.
...Until they don't. And that could happen any time.

Not really. And if they do no want you to have guns and it could make them illegal at any time, then they could just as easily make everything retroactive. So the notion of buying something because the government doesn't want you to have it is just plain stupid if it is a gun you don't want. The government really doesn't care if you own an AR15 or not right now while it is legal to do so.


New member
Fourbore: You didn't need to delete the map, it made a really good point. All you had to do is resize it like I explained in post #28.


New member
What you repeatedly call stupid Double Naught I think could be a wise financial investment, regardless if you want the firearm or not.


New member
On the issue of wearing out a barrel, I have a Colt SP1 that was used as a machine gun host for a RDIAS at Machine Gun Vegas. When I bought the RDIAS, the owner threw in the SP1 host. According to the owner, the SP1 has literally millions of rounds through it. I took out the RDIAS and put it in a new host. Legally, since I removed the RDIAS, I was then required to take the M16 parts out of the SP1; so I swapped out the M16 parts for AR parts.

I was curious and took the SP1 to the range. The only thing different on the gun was the AR fire control parts.

The gun shot fine and was as accurate as any new AR. It was old and beaten down, but not out.

That's why I love Colt. My favorite brand.

Random Predator, Major Dutch Schaefer uses a slab sided Colt SP1, not an M16.