Concealed carry badges in the wild?


New member
Have you all seen the ads for those things in gun magazines? It says, " This badge might save your life! " :eek:

......Right :D

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Have you all seen the ads for those things in gun magazines? It says, " This badge might save your life! "

I have seen them too but they never list any ammunition for it or even what caliber to buy, so confusing.


New member
Maybe someone else from can help me with the details but some guy there was telling about how he got arrested for impersonating a cop. If I remember correctly, he was at a party and a off duty cop seen his CCW badge and went over to talk to him and things went bad. Sorry I can't remember the details, it's been a few years.

Anyway, I'd have to agree with everyone else who says they're a bad idea.

srt 10 jimbo

New member
Only way that badge is gonna save your life is if It's pined to your chest and It's made out of some super hard metel that will deflect a bullet.:)


New member
He drove a Miata.
Dont hate the Miata man. With the proper heart transplant, they can be quite a nice car ;)

Concerning CCW badges, if you really want to carry around a badge, just become an auxiliary police officer. Full time cops might laugh at you, but at least it would be legit...


New member
Concerning CCW badges, if you really want to carry around a badge, just become an auxiliary police officer. Full time cops might laugh at you, but at least it would be legit...

its one of the best ways to become a full time cop


New member
I had a Miata, years ago...

... and while I never got around to the "heart transplant," I had started setting up for it with bigger brakes and sway bars. Always worries me when people start with the engine.

Thing is, I lived in an area with few straightaways, and a lot of curves. Even with the basic engine, it's hard to beat a Miata on curvy roads. Don't knock them til you've run one through the twisties.

The CCW badges, OTOH, don't have any merits whatever. They don't carry any legal weight, IE they don't help you; they advertise that you are carrying, which could be a violation of CCW laws in your state; and they set you up to have the authorities accuse you of impersonating an officer, whether you actually do or not.

So, Miata isn't bad, CCW badge isn't good.



Glenn E. Meyer

New member
A friend of mine in mid-life crisis went to test drive a Miata. Then, they had to get help to haul his old body out of the it. Too low.

Badges are silly. They have died the slow death of early CHL days as have fanny packs (ducking). I wore one once and felt like an idiot.


New member
Shopping Mall Ninjas! Unfortunately a couple have taken control of our shooting range installing all their "more complete rules".

They briefed everyone wearing their brown uniforms complete with all the course patches they have completed and insinuating that they knew better than the rest of us. I thought at first they were boy scouts.

I would not be the least surprised to see them wearing these badges.

I have now joined a different club.


New member
The Mall Ninja is easily distinguished by an abundance of “tactical” gear, such as fatigues, a thigh holster (with, of course, a Glock), combat boots, bandolier and other accouterments that you’d usually only see on a SWAT operative.

Shrine of the Mall Ninja


New member
Thigh holsters vs ccw badges

At least thigh holsters may have a point.

Try wearing a belt hoster under an IBA. Doesn't work well. It can be done, but not easily. Thigh holster or a vest mounted crossdraw are easier.

If training prior to a deployment, thigh holster draws would be valid training.

However, if not wearing heavy armor, thigh holsters don't have many pluses that I can think of.

Whereas ccw badges have no pluses, and a bunch of potential minuses.


New member
chicks did REAL badges

most chicks worth knowing don't go for fake, be it badges, hair, or pec implants...

some chicks worth knowing might not like being called chicks, though... then again, many of them do (sense of humor being one of the things that make those chicks worth knowing)...


New member
What about chicks with implants who are driving Miatas?
I keep my CCW badge right next to my homebrewer badge, amateur plumber badge, know-how-to-fill-a-dishwasher badge, etc.