Conceal carry- smallest, lightest 9mm ..with capacity above 12?

Deaf Smith

New member
Conceal carry- smallest, lightest 9mm ..with capacity above 12?

Sure. Glock 26 with a +2 mag and one in the chamber.

13 rounds of +p+ 127 gr Winchester T series.

How do I know? I pack one.


Here it is with just a plain 10 shot mag. Note the grip reduction, Hennie sights, and, not shown, NY-1/3.5 connector trigger setup.


DT Guy

New member
Cheapshooter Wrote: I just base my carry choices on odds, and statistics. The odds are that I am very unlikely to ever have to use my gun in self defense. The statistics show that the vast majority of self defense shootings are comprised of an average of two shots at very close range. Of course those who want to carry nearly a whole box of ammo in their magazine argue that that is only an average, and some more recent data shows a higher round count. Especially with the acceptance and popularity of autoloaders. But that in itself skews the statistics. Are more rounds fired from high capacity pistols because they are needed? Or because they are there?
The highest capacity firearm of my CCW choices is 9+1. Others are 6+1, and 5.
My intentions are not to save the neighborhood, save the city, or save the world. Just to save me!

All that said, isn't more 'better' when it comes to ammo? And everyone has their own idea of what 'enough' is.

I personally have raised my minimum round count in the last two months; there are just too many 'wildings', 'flash mobs' and other incidents occurring that, if they DID occur in years past, were much, much less common. I'd always thought about an attacker, or attackers; now I'm concerned for being caught in a miniature riot, such as has happened in at least five malls in the last two weeks.



New member
My way of looking at things has changed over tha last few years.
Now,I believe "armed" is good.I would feelarmed and confident with a Colt SAA Sheriff's model in 45 Colt loaded with 5 rounds.I would feel armed and confident with my PA-63 James Bond gun in 9x18 Mak.And for a long time,I advocated a 5 shot .44 spl snubbie.

I also have been of the 1911 45 ACP school as my next step.It IS a great choice,and I certainly feel armed and confident with my Randall Commander clone.

However,my "cartoon" of my worst case scenario has changed.I'm 6'3" and 300 lbs.Rather wooly looking.I generally expect a maggot coward thug to pick an easier victim.I'm not as worried about being raped or mugged one on one or two.
I do not want to target any particular group,but from reports of who is coming across our southern border,and I do not mean the people of Mexico,and out of control group/mob situations in the news,my concern is multiple attackers of tough young men.

I actually had a carload of young men pull a car up beside me at 2AM as I was shopping at Walmart.I'm a night guy.They asked me if I was a RANGER.I said,No,I'm not even a Veteran.Then they told me I looked and walked like a RANGER,whatever that means.I assured them I am not,but told them I take it as a compliment.They drove away.I do not know what their response would have been had I said I was a RANGER,perhaps an attempted beheading!.But,lucky for those guys,I'm not a RANGER.It could have been very bad for them.
Or,who knows..they may have been wanting to say something nice to a RANGER at 2AM in a parking lot.

While my emotional choice is a big .45 fat slug,my brain has told me ,given identical shot placement,between 9 mm and 45,there will be either no difference in the disabling of my attacker,or a small percentage of difference.MAYBE my attacker will bleed out 10% faster with a 45.OK,but generally I get half again as many 9mm rds.So,three hits with a 9 may be better than two with a 45.And for sure,two 9 mm mises and one 9mm hit beats two 45 misses.

That is why I am going to buy a S+W M+P 9 c.My mind is made up.

And do not overlook your reload can be a 17 rd full size M+P mag with or without the grip adapter.
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New member
I am fond of the Glick 19. It isn't as small as some others, but I have never found the smaller guns all that easy to practically carry. If you have big paws like me, it can be difficult to quickly fish a tiny gun out of a pocket or IWB holster and effectively fire under stress. You may be more coordinated than me (most people probably are) and could get away with a slimmer/shorter model.


New member
Carry as much or as little as you want. It amuses me no end how folks feel the need to force their own justifications for their carry choices on others. Statistically the overwhelming majority of us will never need the firearm at all.