Conceal carry- smallest, lightest 9mm ..with capacity above 12?

One of the reasons I like my glock is I can carry a flush mag in the holster and a longer mag to reload. Pierce grip extensions work well and put it up to 12 9mm. I can easily carry a reload with as much as 33 rounds.

I am sure there are smaller options though.
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New member
Another vote for the M&P 9c, carried one for years. The 9c seems more in-between compact and subcompact size-wise than true compact. I don't think you're going to find a subcompact w/12rd capacity or a smaller compact (I could be wrong and would be interested in hearing about anything else that's smaller w/12rds).


New member
Well the Kel-Tec P-11 is small enough for pocket carry (bigger pocket) loaded a bit over a pound and carries 10+1 9 m/m nato. Heavy trigger, think mine is around 9 pounds, controllable but not a gun you will probably want to take for a plinking session.


New member
If 10+1 in a Glock 26 doesn't get the job done, 2 more rounds aren't going to help.
In fact if smallest, lightest is really important, 7+1 in something like a Ruger LC9, or 7+1 in a Springfield XDs is sufficient firepower unless you are a LEO, or an honor student in the Mall Ninja Academy.


New member
I would say, for what you are asking its is probably the M&P 9c.

But with the mag in, its really not that much smaller than the Glock 19 (CZ P07, or Walther, etc) in the dimension that matters most for concealment IMO, height.

I'll take the slightly taller gun with 15 in the mag. YMMV

Kosmo K

New member
Another vote for M&P 9c. With a mecgar plus 2 adapter it's no longer than the pinky extension mag, but now you have 14 rounds.;)


New member
I think the only one with a 12-rd. capacity is the M&P9c. The XD subcompact has 13 rounds, so you can check that out, too, but the other comparable guns like the G26 and etc. generally have 10.


New member
To those of you questioning the OP's mag capacity parameter:
1) Most BG's will flee if you have a gun, whether or not you have to shoot it, in which case capacity is moot.
2) If the BG is determined and aggressive, 6-8 shots may not be enough to stop the attack as all handguns are poor "stoppers" regardless of caliber or bullet used (now subtract the number of stress-induced misses from that 6-8 shots).
3) If there are multiple determined and aggressive BG's, how many shots to stop the attack, minus your stress-induced misses?

My minimum acceptable mag capacity is 12, my std is 15 plus I always carry at least 1 15rd reload. My best friend is retired LE and has never heard of a cop complaining about having too much ammo after a gunfight.
I'll back the OP saying 12 is not a lot to carry. I chose G26 b/c it has that capacity. It doesn't fit my hand nearly so well as some of the single stacks, but I want that capacity. Having the much greater reload option is also good.
I really like the CT series from Kahr, but I haven't bought any because i wouldn't choose to carry them over the G26 b/c of capacity.


New member
I just base my carry choices on odds, and statistics. The odds are that I am very unlikely to ever have to use my gun in self defense. The statistics show that the vast majority of self defense shootings are comprised of an average of two shots at very close range. Of course those who want to carry nearly a whole box of ammo in their magazine argue that that is only an average, and some more recent data shows a higher round count. Especially with the acceptance and popularity of autoloaders. But that in itself skews the statistics. Are more rounds fired from high capacity pistols because they are needed? Or because they are there?
The highest capacity firearm of my CCW choices is 9+1. Others are 6+1, and 5.
My intentions are not to save the neighborhood, save the city, or save the world. Just to save me!