Complete Beginner when it comes to rifles

Evan Thomas

New member
If you have around $800 to spend, or maybe a bit more, that should get you into used-Anschutz territory.

But if you're just starting out and want a nice bolt-action .22, a CZ will likely make you just as happy, for a good bit less money. I love my 452... the trigger needed a little work, but other than that, it was a joy to shoot right from the get-go. Bolt-actions are good when you're learning, because you have to take a bit of time with each shot, and not just bang away.

And if you're going to be doing most of your shooting at a 25-yd. indoor range, you'll almost certainly be limited to .22 or other pistol calibers. That's how it is in my neck of the woods, anyway.

And for some of us, accuracy is never boring. I've had that dang CZ for a few years now, and it's still more accurate than I am...


New member
Get a .22lr for sure. A Ruger 10/22 would be a good start. Lots of ammo, good practice, range time, and you'll do great.


New member
I would definitely suggest a .22 LR, especially for 25 yards.

I love my Henry .22 lever action. It is versatile in the ammo I can use for it. Any velocity long rifle or shorts. Fairly light rifle. Well within your price range. Holds 17 long rifle rounds or 21 shorts. The action is smooth, the gun is accurate. If you enjoy iron sights, I can reliably hit a 1/4"-1/2" target with my Henry .22 at 30 yards with iron sights no problem. Although currently I have a red dot on it, mine is grooved so that an optic can be put on it.

Mine has given me around 12 years of dependable regular use. So many thousands of rounds.

If you prefer a semi automatic, Ruger 10/22 all the way.

A bolt action with a scope will bore you to death at 25 yards. Not saying don't get one, but you need a better range to enjoy it.


New member
If you want to get into rifles my advice is to start with a 22LR and take an Appleseed class. The only problem is that ammo is little more than a fond memory right now - but my advice stands.

As for what 22 to buy a 10/22 is a wonderful if only moderately accurate semiautomatic plinker that you can customize to your hearts content and even turn into a very accurate target rifle with a bit of work and money. There are more aftermarket parts for the 10/22 than any other 22.

CZ's 452/453/455 are very accurate bolt action 22s and a great place to start.

Anschutz is the Ferrari of of 22s but their lower priced ($800-1300) models have well known issues and their support is in my experience far-far-far less than acceptable for a premium priced rifle.